Well you locked the forum then. I would be happy and sad, or both, but it takes too much effort to be either.... so i'll just be the usual emotionless moron I usually am. I would say it is the end of an era - but I think we all know that it would be a complete lie. And lying makes you go to hell. I guess this will be my last contrubition to this site,(if you fucking cunts even bother to post this) and it would be nice to say i've enjoyed looking at this site and communicating with you sick bastards over the years, but once again, it would be a complete lie. Thanks for ending my knightmare, you fuckwits.
I realize it's several months later - but you still get to contribute! See!? Woo!
Look for the baiting book...comming maybe sometime to a place somewhere in your area!. - Dirk
Look for the baiting book...comming maybe sometime to a place somewhere in your area!. - Dirk
a question
Why did Bush win? Also, how many jokes can one make about Bush and pubic hair?
Bush won the election (again) because the majority of Americans are brainwashed, gullible fucking idiots. Remember, America hosts the world's highest rate of consumption, the most obese population, and the highest percent of population in prison. Yet, most Americans are either unaware of this - or simply don't give a fuck. Just as long as none of their favorite primetime TV shows are interrupted by a news flash, very few Americans give a fuck about anything going on outside of their own states, their own country and world notwithstanding. ...I do think India probably has more pedophiles per capita, though. . - Bastardmessiah
You should only make Bush-pubic hair jokes if you want to lose your spokesmanship deals with crappy companies. If this doesn't make any sense, Whoopi Goldberg lost her deal with some company a while ago saying something about somebody at a place with a thing. I'll never forget it.. - Kaen
This site is great and also amazing. Im wondering why you dont get any new logs in here anymore. Did you just get bored with it?
Absolutely - we became so desensitized to it all after years of baiting that it reached the point where we couldn't even tell if it was funny or not. That and we hate you.. - Dirk
to you you guys at baiting.org, any advice for someone who wants to start baiting?
Yes - don't.. - Dirk
Yes - don't. (Dirk copied me). - Kaen
i fucking love this site and i want all you boys to sign my boobies
Done.. - Dirk
phpBB : Critical Error
Error doing DB query userdata row fetch
Mimic me all you want - you'll never be Sexbot.. - Kaen
I really love this site alot. In fact I would go so far as to say it is my favourite site on the whole wide interweb. So can you maybe update it a little more, fuckheads?
1) I can't believe you called the internet the "interweb." 2) Absolutely not, the only reason the site is still around is because people still look at it.. - Dirk