Working Our Way Up the White House Enemies List
I'd like to call you something, but it ain't crazy
by: Kyodi Tae
Posted: 01/10/00         Score: 1.3         Votes: 243
This isn't a sex log, but this guy(girl?) was a complete idiot who wouldn't get the hint.
Call Me Crazy 69: Are you really 12
Kyodi Tae: Of course. But no one will have sexy chat with me.
Call Me Crazy 69: do you have a picture of yourself to prove it
Kyodi Tae: Yes.
Call Me Crazy 69: then let me see it
Kyodi Tae:
Call Me Crazy 69: you need help
Kyodi Tae: Why do you say that?
Call Me Crazy 69: you just do
Kyodi Tae: How is it I need help when it's you people who sit in chat rooms and get yourselves off with the musings and sexual chat of people just as pathetic as you instead of getting real people to have sex with you? I'll bet good Korean money you don't have a picture of yourself on-line.
Call Me Crazy 69: your wrong
Call Me Crazy 69: I have my own web page
Call Me Crazy 69: and everything
Kyodi Tae: Wow - one of those porno pages where you need a credit card to prove your age?
Call Me Crazy 69: nope, wrong again
Kyodi Tae: Ok, is it
Call Me Crazy 69: hmmm. lets see. Nope, your wrong again
Kyodi Tae: Damn. Well, I give up - what is it?
Call Me Crazy 69:
Kyodi Tae: Wow - weerdos. You can't spell either. I'm in a different country and I know how to spell in English better than you can.
Call Me Crazy 69: lol, you are a funny little person. Its spelt that way on purpose
Kyodi Tae: Spelt? It's "spelled", but non-spellers, such as yourself, wouldn't know that.
Kyodi Tae: Or did you "spelt" it that way on purpose again
Call Me Crazy 69: lol, you make me laugh
Kyodi Tae: You make me retch and gag, but there's tradeoffs everywhere in life, I guess.
Call Me Crazy 69: ha haha, no one has made me laugh like you
Kyodi Tae: No one has ever made me as physically sick as you.
Kyodi Tae: Once again, the tradeoffs I spoke of before.
Call Me Crazy 69: Funny, if i make you so sick then why do you keep talking to me. LOL. Silly Girl
Kyodi Tae: I don't seem to have a choice, since you keep IM'ing me.
Call Me Crazy 69: LOl
Kyodi Tae: Like verbal rape or something, but I can't have you arrested.
Kyodi Tae: Damn legal system here sucks anyway.
Call Me Crazy 69: LOL, everytime i reply to you i close the box
Kyodi Tae: Ok, good - now don't reply to this one, please.
Call Me Crazy 69: Ha ha
Call Me Crazy 69:
Call Me Crazy 69: lol
Call Me Crazy 69: Dumb girl
Kyodi Tae: DAMN YOU! That's three replies and I told you NONE. Do you understand, or do I need to speak in Retardese or something?
Call Me Crazy 69: LOL
Call Me Crazy 69: yeah, speak in retardese
Kyodi Tae: OoooKkkk...hheeerree iiisss wwhhaatt yyoouu dddoo...ssttoopp ffuuccking ttyypppiinnngg ttoo mmee.
Call Me Crazy 69: ok
Call Me Crazy 69: oops
Call Me Crazy 69: i
Call Me Crazy 69: fail
Call Me Crazy 69: LOL
Kyodi Tae: You're fucking crazy! Now stop fucking IM'ing me before I ... well, I don't know, but I WILL! I swear!
Call Me Crazy 69: IM crazy?
Call Me Crazy 69: Duh
Call Me Crazy 69: how did you figurethat out
Kyodi Tae: Well, you keep talking to a 12yr old Korean girl like an idiot when it's completely clear you want to cybersex my brains out.
Call Me Crazy 69: I dont think your 12
Call Me Crazy 69: i think your a liar
Kyodi Tae: I think you're a fucking idiot - we're back to the tradeoff bit again.
Kyodi Tae: How many times do I have to go over this with you?
Call Me Crazy 69: lol
Kyodi Tae: Good, you stop forever, please.
Call Me Crazy 69: um....
Call Me Crazy 69: let me think....
Call Me Crazy 69: NO

Call Me Crazy 69: LOL
Kyodi Tae: DAMN YOU! That means DON'T reply. Fucking idiots.
Kyodi Tae: Aren't there institutions for people like you?
Call Me Crazy 69: Your not a fuckin idiot
Call Me Crazy 69: dont be so hard on yoursef
Kyodi Tae: You're right - I'm not. YOU are. Call Me Crazy 69 is an idiot.
Call Me Crazy 69: LOL
Call Me Crazy 69: funny funny
Kyodi Tae: What's so damn funny about me mocking you for the fucking idiot you are?
Call Me Crazy 69: Cuz your a chink
Kyodi Tae: A chink?! No, Chinese are chinks. Koreans are gooks. God, you're so stupid you can't even get your racial slurs right? What are you, some dumbass fucking spic or nigger or something?
Call Me Crazy 69: hmmmm.
Call Me Crazy 69: LOL
Kyodi Tae: If you're going to insult me, put some fucking thought behind it, PLEASE!
Call Me Crazy 69: your not worth my thought
Kyodi Tae: That's what my daddy said. Now, I'm sad.
Call Me Crazy 69: lol
Kyodi Tae: What are you laughing about? My daddy's dead.
Kyodi Tae: That's not funny.
Call Me Crazy 69: Yeah, whatever
Kyodi Tae: Unless you are a necrophiliac, just adding to your ever-growing profile of mental illness.
Call Me Crazy 69: you have a big vocabulary and fast typing for a 12 year old
Kyodi Tae: I'm a fucking genius in my class. My mommy says I'm the smartest 12yr old girl in the country.
Call Me Crazy 69: obviously not smart enough to get laid sence your here looking for a cyber
Call Me Crazy 69: ha ha ha ha
Call Me Crazy 69: LOL
Call Me Crazy 69: LOL
Kyodi Tae: Nah, your dad is fucking my 12yr old tight little ass right now, as a matter of fact.
Call Me Crazy 69: he is upstairs sleeping, but ok
Kyodi Tae: Nah, that's a dummy. He's really behind me fucking me like a wild stallion.
Call Me Crazy 69: Ha ha ha
Call Me Crazy 69: You should do stand up
Call Me Crazy 69: you are funny
Kyodi Tae: Thanks. You should sit down and kill yourself. You are stupid.
Call Me Crazy 69: LOL
Kyodi Tae: Stop fucking IM'ing me. I've got like three other pedophiles trying to fuck me right now - I'm a little busy, including your dad.
Call Me Crazy 69: AHhh
Call Me Crazy 69: I seee
Call Me Crazy 69: But this is to fun
Kyodi Tae: Only for idiots.
Call Me Crazy 69: um....ok
Kyodi Tae: Geez, what an intellectually advanced response. You must have graduated middle school already.
Call Me Crazy 69: How did you know???? You really are smart
Kyodi Tae: Yeah, mommy says I'm the smartest.
Call Me Crazy 69: is she dead 2
Kyodi Tae: Nope. She's alive, and calling you all sorts of names in Korean.
Call Me Crazy 69: As, pop her eyeball out and skull fuck her
Kyodi Tae: But she's only got one eye!
Call Me Crazy 69: easier fo rme
Kyodi Tae: Daddy already had that idea. Geez, get some original ideas. My daddy was way smarter than you. And original.
Call Me Crazy 69: good for your rotting daddy
Kyodi Tae: You went from funny to just plain fucking mean. Of course, what else can you expect from a test tube baby gone horribly wrong. What was the worst: the way people run away from you in fear or the way your parents keep skipping town without telling you?
Call Me Crazy 69: The funny thing to me is how much time and effort you wast writing long responses to me when all i do is say somhing short like LOL or ha ha ha,
Kyodi Tae: Well, I feel better about making intelligent comments rather than LOL or hahaha, which simply show how intellectually de-volved you actually are.
Call Me Crazy 69: LOL
Kyodi Tae: Well, you're no fun anymore.
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