We put the "Phil" in Pedophilia.
Pet Chat Morons 3
by: Kyodi Tae
Posted: 03/17/00         Score: 2.5         Votes: 216
This is some guy I think was trying to get Blu KottonKandy to cyber with him, so he thought he'd be a man and try to stop me from ragging on her. Bad choice, asshole. Log three of three of the Pet Chat saga.
AFSilverstar: hey what the hell is up with u
AFSilverstar: why are u ragging on Kotton Kandy
Kyodi Tae: *ROFLMAO* What is this, like circle of friends or something?
AFSilverstar: yup
AFSilverstar: why the hell u raggin on her
AFSilverstar: what she do
Kyodi Tae: Cuz she's a dumb illiterate whore, so's her boyfriend, and if you're her friend, I'd wager testicles over pussy that you're an ignorant spear-chucking porch monkey, too.
AFSilverstar: oh nice comeback thats a burn for me
AFSilverstar: well u actually gotz a reason for ragging on her
Kyodi Tae: Well, let's see - you don't capitalize, you spell "you" as "u" (denoting laziness), and you don't punctuate. You're probably gay, poor, and your mommy is typing for you.
Kyodi Tae: She IM'd me first.
Kyodi Tae: So did her gay-ass boyfriend.
AFSilverstar: im gay n poor
AFSilverstar: yup im on wellfare
Kyodi Tae: So did her other friend that wanted to tell me I was nasty for some reason since I was talking about my pets in the Pet Chat room. *sigh*
AFSilverstar: my mom also types for me whats wrong with that
Kyodi Tae: Nothing. As long as you can admit. These two hosers can't.
Kyodi Tae: I can accept shortcomings and pathetic people, as long as they don't try to play off like they're cool.
Kyodi Tae: Damn, you take a long time to respond. Are you typing one-handed? Do I turn you on?
AFSilverstar: shut up
Kyodi Tae: Do you want to have hot sex now?
AFSilverstar: not with a slut
Kyodi Tae: I could anally violate you repeatedly all the while you sing the theme from Rocky. That'd be good, wouldn't it?
AFSilverstar: why u keep on talking to her if u hate her
Kyodi Tae: Because she keeps talking, and she doesn't know she's a stupid, stupid whore.
Kyodi Tae: My mission in life is make people aware of their shortcomings.
AFSilverstar: shut your moouth
AFSilverstar: then dont im her n she wont im u
Kyodi Tae: Spell it right, and I might, you spear-chucking porch monkey? Did I already call you that?
AFSilverstar: nope
Kyodi Tae: She has a block option, dumbass - if she doesn't want to talk to me, she'd just block me. She's sending me naked pictures of herself right now on WebCam, so I think she likes me.
AFSilverstar: yeah sure she is
Kyodi Tae: She's pretty hot. I bet I could fit my cock up her ass, though, and not rip right through her stomach, like I did to Dirkbikedude2566. He was way too small.
Kyodi Tae: What? Do you want me to send you a picture of her naked?
AFSilverstar: go ahead
Kyodi Tae: Actually, this one is in her - I'll send it to you.
AFSilverstar: it isnt her
Kyodi Tae: You haven't even seen it yet!
Kyodi Tae: It totally is her.
Kyodi Tae: She's hot.
AFSilverstar's software does not support file transfer.
Kyodi Tae: Damn you, gay-ass AOL users.
AFSilverstar: then send it to me
Kyodi Tae: I can't - your software sucks cock, much like you do, I'd guess.
Kyodi Tae: She already blocked me. Don't you think you should follow suite? You aren't saying anything funny anymore.
AFSilverstar: shutup
AFSilverstar: just dont talk to me anymore
Kyodi Tae: I can't declare absolute and total victory until I get a block message. You have to block me.
AFSilverstar: i dont want to
Kyodi Tae: Then you have to talk to me.
Kyodi Tae: I wanna have cybersex. How tall are you?
AFSilverstar: 5'6
Kyodi Tae: How big are your tits? Can I call you slut?
AFSilverstar: im a guy
Kyodi Tae: Oh. No matter - how big are they? Like when you cross-dress in your mom's underwear?
AFSilverstar: yeah funny
AFSilverstar: shutup
Kyodi Tae: Then block me, nigger.
Kyodi Tae: That way, you don't have to listen to me fucking your mom anymore.
AFSilverstar: are u a chick or it
AFSilverstar: im guessing it
Kyodi Tae: No, dude - I'm a guy, if you haven't figured it out by my witty repartee and scalding insults, expert typing skills and exceptional way of pointing out all your faults.
AFSilverstar: yeah k
Kyodi Tae: Do you feel bad about yourself yet? Remember how you got roped into talking to me? Some dumb 13yr old complained in the Pet Chat room, and you felt it your duty to come slay the dragon. Unfortunately, you got flamed. Now I can call you a flamer.
AFSilverstar: whatever
AFSilverstar: no she wanted me to talk to u for some reason
AFSilverstar: cuz u aint leaving here alone
Kyodi Tae: *sigh* Just block me. I have an appointment tonight with your sister, and she said don't be late cuz we're paying the film crew by the hour.
AFSilverstar: yeah nice comeback if i had a sister
AFSilverstar: u mistaked my sis for bro
AFSilverstar: so u are fucking my brother tonight
Kyodi Tae: Why would I leave? I left the chat room before any of you intellectually challenged negros decided to gang-IM me. And you all left in tears, except you, obviously since you're too dumb too realize when you're beaten.
Kyodi Tae: Either way - I'll fuck your brother. No problem. And film it.
AFSilverstar: even though if u got close to him he would kick your ass
Kyodi Tae: *ROFLMAO* Sweet! Violent sex kicks ass.
Kyodi Tae: How old is your brother? 16? 17?
AFSilverstar: 19
AFSilverstar: other one is 21
Kyodi Tae: Eh - I could take 'em. I have like fifteen years Kenpo training, military hand-to-hand combat training, and a combat shotgun. I'm pretty sure I could make your brother suck my dick. Both of 'em, actually. Simultaneously.
AFSilverstar: your a computer nerd
Kyodi Tae: Wow - that's a blistering insult.
Kyodi Tae: I'm going to cry now.
AFSilverstar: no are u
Kyodi Tae: Hardly. I just get on-line to bait pedophiles, play with rejects, and masturbate violently to donkey porn.
AFSilverstar: are u a computer nerd
AFSilverstar: i see
AFSilverstar: u must cyber a lot since u type fast cuz thats all u can get
Kyodi Tae: I type fast because my baiting logs are funnier that way.
AFSilverstar: what u have DSL
AFSilverstar: or Cox
Kyodi Tae: And because of my incredible manual dexterity, which by the way, I developed from fingering your mom. I had to hold up the rolls of fat with one finger while inserting another into her vagina. VAGINA!
AFSilverstar: shutup
Kyodi Tae: Why do you insist on enduring this abuse? Why don't you just block me and be done with me?
AFSilverstar: i dunno
AFSilverstar: haha
Kyodi Tae: I'll tell you why - because you're too stupid to realize when you're completely beaten, have no witty retorts, and can't comeback to anything I say concerning you, your homosexuality, or your family.
AFSilverstar: quiet
Kyodi Tae: So block me already.
AFSilverstar: shut your mouth
Kyodi Tae: Block, block, block, block, block.
Kyodi Tae: Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block.
AFSilverstar: i dont fell like going n figureing it out i never had and dont plan on it
Kyodi Tae: Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block. Block, block, block, block, block.
Kyodi Tae: So, you'll sit here and let me lambast you for your complete and utter idiocy?
AFSilverstar: i wouldnt block u anyways
AFSilverstar: cuz i have better things to do then try to act cool over the net so i ahve to be taken off
Kyodi Tae: Can we at least have hot gay cybersex while we're waiting for your bedtime, which I assume is right after Jeopardy?
AFSilverstar: later
Kyodi Tae: Damn.
Kyodi Tae: I thought I made a friend.
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