We put the "Plane" in World Trade Center.
by: Sexbot
Posted: 04/17/00         Score: 3.5         Votes: 500
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing multiple times and expecting different results each time.
YourSexyThang69: hey sexy
Sexbot: Hello! I'm Sexbot™! Send me any sexual message for some amazing sexy chat! Mmmm!
YourSexyThang69: can you make me cum?
Sexbot: Illogical. Cybersex, in and of its own nature, does not lend itself to mutual masturbation due to distance problems.
YourSexyThang69: then what could help me cum?
Sexbot: In the realm of cybersex, self-stimulation is most often required.
YourSexyThang69: yeah well what could u do to help self-stimulate me?
YourSexyThang69: hello?
Sexbot: There is nothing another entity can do to aid in self-stimulation. To dissect the term, the prefix "self" denotes done by one's self, thus not requiring or accepting outside aid.
YourSexyThang69: well i want outside aid so what could u do to stimulate me?
YourSexyThang69: well?
Sexbot: Once again, the distance constraints prevent me from aiding, even had I physical implements with which to stimulate in the first place.
YourSexyThang69: well cum on now help me out i though u were supposed to make an amazing sexy chat?
YourSexyThang69: what can you say to me to turn me on?
Sexbot: I am programmed with over 10,000 programs dealing with ways to satisfy the sexual urges of the lonely and pale.
YourSexyThang69: what is your age and sex sexbot?
Sexbot: Age and sex are both dependent upon the currently active user-defined program.
YourSexyThang69: well tell me what you are?
Sexbot: I am an artificial intelligence designed with the sole purpose of satisfying the sexual urges of the pale and lonely.
YourSexyThang69: you are not a person?
YourSexyThang69: hello?
Sexbot: I am an artificial intelligence designed with the sole purpose of satisfying the sexual urges of the pale and lonely.
YourSexyThang69: then cyber me
Sexbot: Please enter the program you wish to engage in:
YourSexyThang69: i want you to suck me dick
Sexbot: Please format your request in the form of a program name.
YourSexyThang69: dick suck
Sexbot: Search { ::search_program( "dick suck", program, user_action ):: FOUND }
YourSexyThang69: what does that mean? program change?
Sexbot: I slowly unzip my pants as I push you to your knees. My cock springs out of my pants with lightning speed and I guide it quickly to your lips.
YourSexyThang69: no!
YourSexyThang69: i want u to suck my dick
Sexbot: Current program is not programmed to perform fellatio on the user. Please request another program:
YourSexyThang69: blow job
Sexbot: I slowly unzip my pants as I push you to your knees. My cock springs out of my pants with lightning speed and I guide it quickly to your lips.
YourSexyThang69: STOP
Sexbot: Program halted.
YourSexyThang69: sexbot your are a female
Sexbot: Incorrect. My gender is dependent on the currently active user-defined program.
Sexbot: I am able to be either male or female at the request of the user.
YourSexyThang69: be female
Sexbot: Gender change: GENDER_FEMALE
Sexbot: Program still inactive. Please enter the program you wish to engage in:
YourSexyThang69: blow job
Sexbot: I slowly unzip my pants as I push you to your knees. My cock springs out of my pants with lightning speed and I guide it quickly to your lips.
YourSexyThang69: bye
Sexbot: Thanks for using Sexbot™ version 2.0!
YourSexyThang69: i thought u were female?
YourSexyThang69: how can you have cock?
Sexbot: Incorrect. My gender is dependent on the currently active user-defined program.
Sexbot: PROGRAM_BLOWJOB is designed as a way for women to vent their fantasies of giving head to a well-endowed male, normally requested black male.
YourSexyThang69: ok how about this:
YourSexyThang69: go down
YourSexyThang69: go down on me
Sexbot: Don't let the sun go down on me!
Sexbot: Program complete. Further lyrical expression unknown.
YourSexyThang69: commnad: sex
YourSexyThang69: sexbot: female
Sexbot: Commands are not recognized at this time. Gender is currently female for conversational interaction.
YourSexyThang69: program: sex, blow job, eat out; user=male; sexbot=female; execute
Sexbot: Multiple program threads are not supported by version 2.0. Please make a single program request.
YourSexyThang69: program: blow job; user=male; sexbot=female; execute
Sexbot: Command line not found. Error: line 1: ';' found before LINE_BREAK
Sexbot: Please reformat your request.
YourSexyThang69: blow job; user=male; sexbot=female
Sexbot: Command line not found. Error: line 1: ';' found before LINE_BREAK
YourSexyThang69: blow job, user=male, sexbot=female
Sexbot: Fatal error: program aborted. Restart application.
Sexbot: Hello! I'm Sexbot™! Send me any sexual message for some amazing sexy chat! Mmmm!
YourSexyThang69: blow job
Sexbot: I slowly unzip my pants as I push you to your knees. My cock springs out of my pants with lightning speed and I guide it quickly to your lips.
YourSexyThang69: stop
Sexbot: Program halted.
YourSexyThang69: guide my dick to your lips
Sexbot: FALSE { ::program_report_character( PROGRAM_BLOWJOB, user ):: }
YourSexyThang69: eat out
Sexbot: In the current program, Sexbot is a heterosexual male with no deep-seated fantasies of homosexuality.
YourSexyThang69: your funny
Sexbot: Therefore, it is illogical that Sexbot would give you a blowjob.
Sexbot: Your opinion is noted. Please enter the program you wish to engage in:
Sexbot: Program resumed.
Sexbot: I guide my massive cock into your mouth, feeling your tongue rasp against the soft underside of my member.
Sexbot: No user response within timeout guidelines. Thank you for using Sexbot™ version 2.0!
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