"A woman for babies, a man for pleasure"
Psychic Fiends' Network
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 07/28/00         Score: 2.0         Votes: 74
This is kind of what happened to me after I had my hairy palms read.
drknsinme: know any real psychics
NYCockExchange: Yeah.
drknsinme: are they there with u now?
drknsinme: cause i have a serious question
NYCockExchange: I'm a psychic. You wanna know the inner workings of the universe, and shit?
drknsinme: no i wanna know if my son is gonna die
NYCockExchange: Yes. He will.
drknsinme: thanks bye
NYCockExchange: You're gonna die, too.
drknsinme: nevermind you obviously arent a psychic
drknsinme: my son has an illness thats whyi am asking
NYCockExchange: Well, we're all gonna die! Duh!
drknsinme: but thanks for making my day
drknsinme: hey need a mirror
NYCockExchange: Wait. I could break out the tarot cards.
drknsinme: thats ok
drknsinme: bye
NYCockExchange: I'm ready. The first card is...
drknsinme: im looking for somebody who is serious
NYCockExchange: A four of spades.
NYCockExchange: Ummm. Wait. Wrong deck.
NYCockExchange: I want to be your psychic friend!!
drknsinme: hope u never catch an illness
drknsinme: its no fun
NYCockExchange: I got syphillis once. It sucked.
drknsinme: im talking a terminal one
NYCockExchange: Oh.
drknsinme: i bet your the type who laughs at funerals huh
drknsinme: or when animals get runned over by cars
NYCockExchange: I don't go to funerals. They're boring.
drknsinme: well u might be alone at yours since u dont care about anyone else
drknsinme: it seems
NYCockExchange: If I'm dead, I won't care if I'm alone.
drknsinme: what if u just get tossed in the trash or something?
drknsinme: or left in some field to decay?
NYCockExchange: I won't care. I'll be dead.
drknsinme: damn too bad its not now...
NYCockExchange: You want me dead?
drknsinme: well u dont care about anything or anyone it seeems
NYCockExchange: No, I don't care. I guess I should die.
drknsinme: fine by me...u might not be missed since u dont care right?
NYCockExchange: Yeah! You're smart!
drknsinme: what goes around comes around is what i say
NYCockExchange: Great. I like it when people hammer me with their beliefs.
drknsinme: hey you were being rude to me so i was putting the mirror back on u
NYCockExchange: hey you were being rude to me so i was putting the mirror back on u
drknsinme: i asked if my son was goona die and if you were a true psychic you have known he had an illness..right
drknsinme: u said yes but i didnt mean when he would get old or if even gets there
NYCockExchange: That's right. I did know. I told you he was gonna die.
NYCockExchange: Well you weren't clear, were you?
drknsinme: well your the psychic and should know these things
NYCockExchange: You're not a psychic, so you can't tell me what the hell I'm supposed to know.
drknsinme: obviously...and yes i do know what psychics should know cause i had a real one but he moved away
NYCockExchange: Okay. I've known an optometrist. So I guess I know all about eyesight correction.
drknsinme: he knew my name my birthday and every other intimitate thing about me without me sasying a word...thats a true psychic to me
NYCockExchange: Really? I'd like it a lot if you didn't say a word.
drknsinme: to be someone is diffrent from knowing one
NYCockExchange: You got that right.
drknsinme: u continued this not me i said bye a long time ago ...remember
NYCockExchange: Yeah, you said bye. And yet, here you are harassing me.
NYCockExchange: You IM'ed me, and won't go now.
drknsinme: u said u wanted to be my psychic friend so who was harrasing who?
NYCockExchange: You were harassing me. I guess answering has become a form of harassment.
drknsinme: maybe we need a dictionary huh?
NYCockExchange: Sure. But I doubt you own one.
drknsinme: more like u dont cause then u would know that harrasment means to pick on people without their permision
NYCockExchange: You gave me permission to pick on you when you first IM'ed me, and give me permission to every time you write one of your pathetic responses.
drknsinme: no i did not i asked a serious question and u were acting like something you are not
drknsinme: i assumed you were intelligent but i guess i was wrong
NYCockExchange: If you were wrong, doesn't that mean you're unintelligent, too?
drknsinme: i never said i was did i?
NYCockExchange: " i assumed you were intelligent but i guess i was wrong"
drknsinme: yes exactly the way it sounds
NYCockExchange: Umm. Right. I pressed my ear against the monitor, but didn't hear anything.
drknsinme: this is a computer how could u im not talking im writing
drknsinme: see if you would have said"no i dont know any psychics" than we would not be here
NYCockExchange: Exactly. Your writing doesn't HAVE any sound.
drknsinme: its not supposed too..they are letters not music
NYCockExchange: "yes exactly the way it sounds" What the hell did that mean, then?
drknsinme: its not my fault you dont understand english
drknsinme: a word can have many meanings
NYCockExchange: I can understand *ahem* properly written English.
drknsinme: good for u
NYCockExchange: Yeah, yeah, Robert Plant said that. I know.
drknsinme: dont know him sorry
NYCockExchange: Anyway, my psychic powers are telling me that you suck.
drknsinme: yeah sure they are..its more like your attitude that sucks
drknsinme: how can u hate what u are
drknsinme: " i hate rude people"lol...thats in your info so whay are u acting like them for?
NYCockExchange: No, my attitude is great. Despite the fact that some mentally ill lady thinks I'm a 13-year-old psychic.
drknsinme: i dont know how old you are as u dont know how old i am..and numbers dont mean a thing to me
drknsinme: psychics can be any age
NYCockExchange: Sweet. Thank you for sharing more of your beliefs with me.
drknsinme: real ones that is
NYCockExchange: Yeah. REAL psychics.
drknsinme: maybe its good to be honest huh...this is your doing not mine
NYCockExchange: Like that midget chick on "Poltergiest". She was a real psychic.
drknsinme: heck if i know..i just know about the one true one i had
drknsinme: too bad hes gone cause than i wouldnt have to be searching for wannabes
NYCockExchange: Why are you looking for wannabees?
drknsinme: no dear i said too bad he is gone cause than i would NOT have to be searching for wannabees
drknsinme: as in people who calim to be what they are not
drknsinme: claim
NYCockExchange: So, what you're saying is that he's gone, and that you're searching for wannabees.
drknsinme: no im saying is that im searching for real ones but everytime i find somebody they turn out to be like you..a wanna bee
drknsinme: did you understand now?
NYCockExchange: Ohhh. I see. It took you a few tries, but you finally got it! *pat pat*
drknsinme: no not yet ..cause your not a psychic...
drknsinme: but i will find one
NYCockExchange: I'm sure you will!
drknsinme: i know i will
NYCockExchange: But... if your former psychic was so great, how come he didn't know that you'd ask this one day, and let you know what would happen ahead of time?

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