Feces: For All Occasions
Really Racist
by: Guest Baiter
Posted: 05/28/01         Score: 1.5         Votes: 118
Bringing racism to a whole new level. By Doug Stanhope.
Redshield81: are you jewish?
aidsblood: No, I pay retail.
Redshield81: cute
aidsblood: Why do you ask? You have some train you want me to get on?
Redshield81: And teenagers do know how to fuck, at least the ones around here do. So why are you listed under Judaism as in interest?
Redshield81: That's a pretty fucked up thing to say if you ask me.
aidsblood: It's an interest.
aidsblood: And you are entitled to your opinion.
Redshield81: Yes, I am.
aidsblood: So did you want to talk about Hebes or fucking?
Redshield81: So what brought on this interest?
Redshield81: Hebes?
aidsblood: Hebrews. Kikes. Buzzard-noses.
aidsblood: You know.
aidsblood: Or you want I should suck your cock?
Redshield81: I'm verse in both Judaism and fucking.
Redshield81: How old are you?
aidsblood: 13. You read the profile, you know how Goddamned old I am.
Redshield81: Or should I have not asked. So what brought on this interest in Judaism.
aidsblood: Stop playing games.
Redshield81: Nobody here is playing games babe.
aidsblood: Interest in Judaism? I always wondered what religion would have a whole race of people walk to their own deaths like sheep.
aidsblood: It still isn't clear to me.
aidsblood: And what a bunch of racist fucks the Jews are.
Redshield81: What makes you think it had anything to do with religion? And what makes you think they walked to their death like sheep? Obviously you don't know about much what happened there. Racist fucks the Jews are? What the fuck makes you say something like that?
aidsblood: Youthink you're Mom would get pissed baout you marrying a spook, imagine if you were a stinking Hebe and came home with a gentile.
aidsblood: Shit would hit a fan set on low to save on the power bill.
aidsblood: And, yes, they walked pssively to their deaths in the holocaust.
aidsblood: We had to send innocent men from America over their to fight and die becasue they wouldn't.
aidsblood: You know whats funny though?
Redshield81: What is funny?
aidsblood: They call it ethnic cleansing but did you ever once see a picture from a concentration camp where these people were clean?
aidsblood: How do you make soap out of people that filthy?
Redshield81: Listen, why don't you do some reading before you dish out shit like you are doing now. First of all, it's about religion, nice racism that a Jew can't marry a non Jew. If a Non jew converts like my friends mother did, its no problem. Racist? Geez, I'm a black Jew from Ethiopia and my fellow Jewish brothers have always treated me better then any white gentiles, so you don't know what the fuck your talking about.
aidsblood: They race is of the most inclusive in this country. Jews buy from Jews. Jews marry Jews. Jews do not like other races and religions getting any peice of their pie.
aidsblood: Their race*
aidsblood: It's a generalization but it holds true more than others.
aidsblood: So do you wanna fuck or chat about Religion all day?
aidsblood: Lemme ask you this. When Ethiopia was famished, how many CARE packages did you get from Israel?
Redshield81: Damn, we got so many.
Redshield81: They brought their 30,000 Jews brothers from Ethiopia to Isreal.
Redshield81: Jews have to look after Jews because history has shown nobody else will do it for them.
aidsblood: Oh, ya, you did...
aidsblood: But did a non-Jew get shit?
aidsblood: No, not a fucking morsel.
Redshield81: Yes, they got some.
aidsblood: Cuz a Jew could give less than a fuck about a nigger unless he's tidying up the house.
Redshield81: But why should they help a gentile who is starving before a Jew?
aidsblood: Why should you give a fuck what stupidity a person beleives if he's starving.
aidsblood: All religion is nonsense for stooges and the weak.
aidsblood: Hunger, unlike your Gods, is real.
Redshield81: Ok, you have 10 people starving and 5 of those are Jews, and you can only feed 6 people, shouldn'y you feed the 5 Jews then the non jews?
aidsblood: No, you split it up ten ways and everyone goes hungry a little less.
aidsblood: Unless you are a racist hooknose.
aidsblood: Then you feed the ones that believe the same ridiculous bullshit.
Redshield81: No, in Ethiopia, since there were so many starving, they only gave enough to live on.
aidsblood: And you don't even really beleive it anyway. Deep down you know its all hubub.
aidsblood: Were you there?
Redshield81: Oh please.
aidsblood: Were you there waiting for food to fall from the sky?
aidsblood: Yes or no?
Redshield81: What?
Redshield81: The Isrealis, and other Jews, saw their Jewish brothers starving, and they helped them, saved them. We were being persecuted in Ethiopia for being Jewish and the ISrealis saved us.
aidsblood: The tutsis came from that region of Africa and they just laid down for the Hutus like the Hebes did for the Krauts.
Redshield81: They brought us to the holy land.
aidsblood: Holy land? Oh, you are out of your tits. Its a shitty hunk of desert.
aidsblood: Keep killing each other over it so the progressive thinkers in this world can make room for the smarter folk.
aidsblood: What are you wearing anyway, Leroy Feinstien?
aidsblood: Alright you take too long getting to the point, a point which is leaky at best.
aidsblood: Good luck to you and by all means by all the Dogma they sell you. In the end you still die alone.
Redshield81: My name isn't Leory
Redshield81: nor Feinstein
aidsblood: It's Janet, Miss Jackson if you're nasty.
Redshield81: It's is David Ben Cushi.
aidsblood: Well it has been cushy, Dave but I need cyber.
aidsblood: And you type too slow.
Redshield81: Cyber?
Redshield81: I type fast, I'm just not paying much attention to you.
aidsblood: Cybersex, spooky.
aidsblood: I need to get a nut.
aidsblood: Whats with the name anyway?
Redshield81: Well, what do you look like? have you ever had a black ethiopian jew in you? that is my name
aidsblood: No, Redshield. Your SN?
aidsblood: And, no, I have never had a desert rat in me.
Redshield81: In Ethiopia, my family used red shields
aidsblood: Nor have I had sexually transmitted scarab beetles.
aidsblood: Coincidence?
aidsblood: I think not.
aidsblood: Used red shields for what?
aidsblood: To fight of the Howitzer fire from the Third Reich?
aidsblood: That sounds about right.
Redshield81: If you want to talk to me, you will have respect.
aidsblood: Earn my respect, darkie. Start with a spanking.
aidsblood: Ok, I am not going to sit around all day waiting for you to look up big words.
Redshield81: Listen babe, you need a spanking the way you are acting. Somebody needs to knock you into shape.
aidsblood: Mmmmmm.,
aidsblood: How big is your cock?
Redshield81: Do you agree?
Redshield81: I'm black. Does that ask your question?
aidsblood: Jew little or nigger big?
aidsblood: No it doesnt.
Redshield81: ask-answer.
Redshield81: Jews have big.
aidsblood: Ya, right. Big dicks but no BALLS.
aidsblood: Are you clean?
Redshield81: Of course i'm clean.
Redshield81: I'm a premed student.
aidsblood: Cuz I know you'll be retisant to "get in the shower"!
aidsblood: Where do you live?
aidsblood: Did OXFAm drop a laptop in your village too?
aidsblood: Do I make you hot?
Redshield81: I am in America now.
aidsblood: Oh, well maybe you should learn about the culture here.
aidsblood: First, unlike your dirty country, its really not cool to try to fuck 13 yr old girls on the internet.
Redshield81: I wasn't trying too.
aidsblood: In your country you are already married at my age, ready to have your clit ripped off with a rusty tin can but not over here.
Redshield81: I didn't believe you were 13 either.
aidsblood: Thank goodness I am really a 34 yr old guy. No suck my dick like grown up adults do.
Redshield81: I am sorry to offend you, what made you be such an angry person ?
aidsblood: No time for jibba-jabba, Heeby-geeby, just get to sucking.
Redshield81: Did your parents hit you? Did someone abuse you? I am sorry if they did, you will be in my prayers.
aidsblood: Pray to empty spaces that I don't fuck you in the ass, as I am all AIDSY.
aidsblood: Now start sucking lik ethe Fuhrer taught you.
Redshield81: You have aids don't you?
Redshield81: And your afraid.
Redshield81: I have seen your anger before.
Redshield81: May g-d bless you.
aidsblood: Afraid I'll infect the whole schoolyard!
Redshield81: That must be hard.
Redshield81: to feel
aidsblood: Now take it in your mouth like you were starving again!
Redshield81: You do not offend me, you are an angry child.
aidsblood: Child?
Redshield81: yes
aidsblood: I'm 34 and tired from a long day of baiting pedophiles like yourself.
aidsblood: So please, just help me get a nut.
Redshield81: A nut?
Redshield81: Why did you warn me?
aidsblood: Yes, a nut. Did your tribe castrate you?
aidsblood: I gotta go have sushi with the waitstaff.
Previous message was not received by Redshield81 because of error: User Redshield81 is not available.

aidsblood: Thought he'd never hang up.
Previous message was not received by Redshield81 because of error: User Redshield81 is not available.
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