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Fat-Headed Retard
by: CyberOnWheels
Posted: 06/05/01         Score: 3.3         Votes: 257
Maybe I should explain that this guy IM'd me while I was in the middle of another bait and told me how he had all this shit wrong with him. I told him I was in a wheelchair too (after being raped and thrown out of a car by Indians) but to IM me later cuz I was busy. Thats why I tried to force all of the back story into the conversation up front. BM said I should explain what Spina Bifida is, showing me how much he overestimates my intelligence. I dont really don't know but I've ssen pictures of kids fucked up by it and it always makes me chuckle.
CyberOnWheels: Hi!
CyberOnWheels: Is this the guy with Spina Bifida?
agnt776399: hi
agnt776399: yes
CyberOnWheels: Your name is so... well, boring, I wanted to make sure.
agnt776399: my name is boring?lol
CyberOnWheels: I mean, its not really memorable.
agnt776399: that makes sense
agnt776399: lol
CyberOnWheels: It's a lot of numbers for a girl in my condition to remember.
CyberOnWheels: Whats it mean?
agnt776399: it doesnt really mean anything...AIM picked it
CyberOnWheels: Really. I didn't know they had a quick-pick feature.
agnt776399: yep
agnt776399: i tried to pick one that was original...but someone else beat me to i let AIM do it
CyberOnWheels: Wow. I guess when you have Spina Bifida you can't be expected to be imaginative!
CyberOnWheels: Oh, wait. You are hydrocephalic too, huh?
agnt776399: hey now...i have a very good
CyberOnWheels: THATS why. I guess spina bifida has nothing to do with it.
agnt776399: u sure ur
CyberOnWheels: Heehee!
agnt776399: lol
CyberOnWheels: I just turned 13.
CyberOnWheels: So tell me, whats worse, being a gimp or a waterhead?
agnt776399: i dont mind either actually
CyberOnWheels: But if you HAD to pick one?
agnt776399: i have had time get used to it over the past 24 years
agnt776399: id say the wheelchair is the worst
CyberOnWheels: Does the fat head get you a lot of pussy?
CyberOnWheels: I know a midget that uses his freakdom to score major chicks.
CyberOnWheels: They're skanks, but they'll fuck him.
agnt776399: nah i dont need to use my defects to get looks and personality do the trick
CyberOnWheels: Cool!
CyberOnWheels: What do you look like?
agnt776399: 5-9 150 brown hair and eyes
CyberOnWheels: How big is your cock?
agnt776399: about 8 inches
CyberOnWheels: And you said it still works?
agnt776399: yep
agnt776399: but ladies prefer my mouth
CyberOnWheels: My 6 yr old brother has spina bifida too and his cock doesnt work at all.
CyberOnWheels: I tried blowing him once just to see.
CyberOnWheels: He cried and cried.
agnt776399: he is only six of course it doesnt work
CyberOnWheels: But I thought it could at least get hard enough that he could fuck me.
agnt776399: not at 6
agnt776399: wait til he gets closer to puberty
CyberOnWheels: He's the only male in my whole family who hasn't fucked me.
agnt776399: no shit?
CyberOnWheels: No kidding.
agnt776399: wow
CyberOnWheels: They figure if I can't feel it, it really isn't hurting anyone.
agnt776399: so uve done it since the accident?
agnt776399: and u cant feel anything?
CyberOnWheels: Oh ya. In fact, one of the doctors who checked my vagina after the Indians raped me came in while I was in the recovery room and started fucking me while I was still under. I came to just as he came, too.
agnt776399: really?
CyberOnWheels: No, I can't feel anything externally, which is weird because I can feel some things INternally.
agnt776399: yeah that is strange
agnt776399: can u still cum?
CyberOnWheels: Like when my Uncle rapes my ass, I can feel it way up in my colon but not around the anus.
agnt776399: damn
CyberOnWheels: I can't come anyway. I was given a clitoral circumcision at 8.
CyberOnWheels: I am from Zaire.
agnt776399: wow
CyberOnWheels: So you want I should suck your dick?
CyberOnWheels: I can still suck one hell of a cock!
CyberOnWheels: Good thing, or we wouldn't be able to make rent!
agnt776399: they make u suck cock to pay the rent?
CyberOnWheels: They don't *make* me. I mean, I live here to, right?
agnt776399: thats true
CyberOnWheels: And it's not like I could get any work either so I cant blame them for staying home all day and fucking me.
CyberOnWheels: If they can empty my sauce-bag, I can suck a couple of landlord dicks to keep soup on the table.
CyberOnWheels: So how do you jack off there in your wheelchair?
agnt776399: same way as anyone else i guess
agnt776399: just use my hand
agnt776399: is there another way?lol
CyberOnWheels: So your hands work and your legs donm't?
agnt776399: exactly
CyberOnWheels: Can you suck your own cock being all twisted up like that?
agnt776399: im not all twisted up...
agnt776399: i just look like i am sitting down
CyberOnWheels: Well I figured - broken body with a big fat head weighing down towards your lap all day - sucking your cock we be something that could happen accidently.
CyberOnWheels: You just nod off and wake up with your own cock in your mouth.
agnt776399: i dont have a fathead...i have a shunt that drains the head is normal size
CyberOnWheels: Ever let a guy fuck your shunt?
agnt776399: i look"normal"...except that i just cant walk
agnt776399: its in my part of it is out of my body
agnt776399: and i wouldnt let a guy near me with a ten foot
CyberOnWheels: Well where does the fluid drain into?
agnt776399: my intestines
agnt776399: a tube runs from my head to my abdomen
CyberOnWheels: Oh, I see.
agnt776399: and drains the fluid
agnt776399: and then i just piss it out
CyberOnWheels: So you just sit around and shit puss all day?
CyberOnWheels: Oh, piss.
agnt776399: yeah
CyberOnWheels: Pissing pus. What a life.
agnt776399: its not pus
CyberOnWheels: Can you feel anything in your ass?
agnt776399: it looks like normal piss
agnt776399: yeah i can feel everything...i just cant walk
CyberOnWheels: Mmmm.
CyberOnWheels: So you ca
CyberOnWheels: ...
agnt776399: what?
CyberOnWheels: So you can enjoy anal pleasure?
CyberOnWheels: You lucky dog.
agnt776399: im not gay...
agnt776399: i dont enjoy things stuck up my
CyberOnWheels: I used to love it in the ass. And I am not gay either.
agnt776399: i know ur not gay...but im not a woman
CyberOnWheels: You ever dirt-chute a girl?
agnt776399: dirt-chute?...u mean buttfuck?...yeah
agnt776399: so how do u pleasure urself?
CyberOnWheels: My ass is like a shopping bag. My older brother Hoagie used to fill my ass full of contraband and take me across the border.
agnt776399: damn
CyberOnWheels: First he took me on dry-runs where he'd fill me up with stuff that wasn't even illegal, like jerky and cow bells, just to give me practice.
agnt776399: cowbells?damn that had to hurt
CyberOnWheels: Do you work for a living or do you just sit around feeling sorry for yourself and sucking off the state.
agnt776399: how the hell did he manage to stick a cow bell up ur ass
agnt776399: i work
CyberOnWheels: (Cow bells only hurt when you are trying to sleep on a greyhound bus)
CyberOnWheels: How? One at a time.
agnt776399: haha
CyberOnWheels: I honestly don't know, he was behind me when he did it.
agnt776399: what do u do know if u get horny
agnt776399: can u pleasure urself
CyberOnWheels: I told you, I have no clitoris. I get pleasure pleasing others, including the dirty Indians who raped me and threw me outh of the back of their moving El Camino, paralyzing me for life.
CyberOnWheels: What other pleasure do you need?
agnt776399: self pleasure
agnt776399: i mean there isnt always gonna be someone around
CyberOnWheels: Sometimes I drink chocolate milk.
CyberOnWheels: But I usually throw it up.
agnt776399: hmm
agnt776399: can u masterbate
CyberOnWheels: I will occasionally allow beef-juice to spill in my lap at dinner so that Chauncey our pit bull will lick it off, but I can't really feel it as much as imagine how it would feel.
agnt776399: u cant feel anything from the neck down?...not even ur nipples?
CyberOnWheels: My brothers cut off my nipples for fun one night when they were done wilding.
CyberOnWheels: I know its a dated reference from back when that gitl was raped in Central Park but its all I had.
CyberOnWheels: girl*
CyberOnWheels: Anway, is your cock hard?
agnt776399: not really
CyberOnWheels: Oh, because you are a cripple?
agnt776399: no...because we arent talkin about anything that is turning me on
CyberOnWheels: What???
agnt776399: i cant fugure out why ur family would do those things
agnt776399: like cutting ur nipples off
CyberOnWheels: I talked about my pussy, my mouth, sucking cock..etc.
CyberOnWheels: None of this is a turn on?
CyberOnWheels: Are you sure you aren't gay?
agnt776399: yes i am quite sure
CyberOnWheels: Is your ass all bed sores and lesions like mine?
agnt776399: no thats one thing i have been lucky with...i dont have any bedsores or anything
CyberOnWheels: Mmmmm. I can just imagine your ass.
agnt776399: ...its not bad
CyberOnWheels: Can you get up on all fours without a nanny?
agnt776399: i live on my own
CyberOnWheels: I'm imagining you on all fours like a heroic tiger!
CyberOnWheels: Stalking, circling....
CyberOnWheels: looking for prey....
CyberOnWheels: Then suddenly...
agnt776399: what would u like?
CyberOnWheels: I race up behind you like a heroic guy with a big cock and poon you square in the ass!
agnt776399: i want u to really enjoy urself
CyberOnWheels: I am!
CyberOnWheels: I am fucking you in your crippled ass and its making me wild!
agnt776399: how wild
CyberOnWheels: You try to get away but you realize you aren't a tiger at all!
agnt776399: if i were a tiger i would turn around and grab u instead of running
CyberOnWheels: You are just a weak, wheelchair bound nancy who is taking heavy duty cock right in the Pundiggity hole.
agnt776399: thought u didnt have a cock
CyberOnWheels: I told you I had an accident, didn't I?
CyberOnWheels: I "accidently" forgot to tell you I am a dude.
agnt776399: later
CyberOnWheels: A dude with an eye for twisted waterheaded pedophiles in wheelchairs.
CyberOnWheels: Now bend over, if you can do it without hitting the call button.
CyberOnWheels: My cock is as hard as you getting into bed.
agnt776399: u weirdo
CyberOnWheels: Please, dude. Just help me get my bag empty. I mean, I have had to sit here for an hour with the horrible image of a spina bifida victim in my head - the least you could do is help me stroke one off.
CyberOnWheels: Do you have a pic that I could sell to one of those sites?
CyberOnWheels: Hello?
agnt776399: horrible image???lol...
agnt776399: im not the elephant
CyberOnWheels: C'mon. Give me a pic and I can try to market you to freak shows. I'll be your manager.
agnt776399: the hell u say
CyberOnWheels: That way you can get circus pussy rather than trying to score underage girls on the net.
agnt776399: u need professional
CyberOnWheels: Wait, you are trying to cyber a 13 yr old quadraplegic over the net, even calling back twice, and I am the sicko?
CyberOnWheels: God knew you were going to be a baby-rapist so he hobbled you to the same speed as a baby to give it a sporting chance.
CyberOnWheels: I have to end this bait, can you hang up please?
CyberOnWheels: I hope your shunt clogs and pus blows the back of your head off like Kennedy.
CyberOnWheels: Goodnight.
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