Not just pedophiles - foreign pedophiles - Whitey
Jewish Communist Fluoridator
by: Guest Baiter
Posted: 04/17/00         Score: 2.6         Votes: 140
There's something great about talking to a pedo like a complete fucking lunatic...I'm not sure what it is. Log by Cravengrrl.
hottie boy 1221: hey wuz up
Cravengrrl: Yo, just kickin it at tha crib...
hottie boy 1221: what
Cravengrrl: You know, engaging in leisrue activities within the comfort of my own home?
hottie boy 1221: ok
hottie boy 1221: can i see your pic
Cravengrrl: What are you doing, homey?
hottie boy 1221: r u black
hottie boy 1221: nothin
hottie boy 1221: nice
Cravengrrl: You got a pic, buster?
hottie boy 1221: nope sorry
hottie boy 1221: nice
hottie boy 1221: very
Cravengrrl: Thank you...*blush*
hottie boy 1221: u dont look 13
Cravengrrl: It helps me get dates...
hottie boy 1221: what
Cravengrrl: That I don't look 13. Pay attention!
hottie boy 1221: how old r u
Cravengrrl: I am 13!
hottie boy 1221: k
Cravengrrl: How old are you, eh?
hottie boy 1221: 14
hottie boy 1221: u look 15
Cravengrrl: It helps me get dates, after all...
hottie boy 1221: y in your profile does it say
hottie boy 1221: u like cyber
hottie boy 1221: that isnt true right
Cravengrrl: Oh, it does say that in my profile, doesn't it? I should change "I REALLY like cyber"
hottie boy 1221: really
hottie boy 1221: thats nice
Cravengrrl: That's the addition I was considering...
Cravengrrl: Are we going to fuck or are you going to critique my profile?
hottie boy 1221: what
Cravengrrl: Are...
Cravengrrl: We...
Cravengrrl: Gonna fuck...
Cravengrrl: Or are you going to critique my profile?
Cravengrrl: A-R-E W-E G-O-N-N-A F-U-C-K...O-R A-R-E Y-O-U G-O-N-N-A C-R-I-T-I-Q-U-E M-Y P-R-O-F-I-L-E?????????
hottie boy 1221: k whatever
Cravengrrl: Suck my balls, nancy boy!
hottie boy 1221: whatever your the perv
Cravengrrl: Yeah,'re a Jewish Communist Fluoridator!
hottie boy 1221: what
Cravengrrl: Yeah,'re a Jewish Communist Fluoridator!
hottie boy 1221: whats that
Cravengrrl: Let's break that down: "Jewish" means a child of Israel, who worships the god Jehovah. "Communist" is one who adheres to the Marxist ideals of economics. Communism itself is the extreme application of Socialism. "Fluoridator" implies one who supports the inclusion of the chemical fluoride into public water supplies, for the purpose of improved dental hygiene.
hottie boy 1221: really
Cravengrrl: Yeah! And since all Communists support Fluoridation and all Jews are Communist, then it follows that you are probably a Jewish Communist Fluoridator.
Cravengrrl: The evidence is staggering against you...
hottie boy 1221: nope not me sorry
Cravengrrl: You can't deny your cultural heritage, fiend! Admit your shame before this freedom-loving champion of democracy!
hottie boy 1221: k whatever weirdo
Cravengrrl: You damned Stalinist Hebe with perfect teeth!
hottie boy 1221: k whatever
hottie boy 1221: u like a bible person or something
Cravengrrl: Why do you let yourself be tortured like this? Is it your genetic sense of self-loathing as a Child of Zion? Or do you realize the folly of your politics? Or have the fluorides warped your ability to reason?
hottie boy 1221: whatever
hottie boy 1221: your to smart for me
Cravengrrl: You just don't understand, you poor fool. You can get help, you know...
hottie boy 1221: no i understand not stupid
Cravengrrl: "no i understand not stupid" ...Yep, you just answered your own question.
Cravengrrl: Crazy old Russkie...
hottie boy 1221: not old or crazy sorry
Cravengrrl: But you ARE Russian? I'm still right!
hottie boy 1221: nope irish
hottie boy 1221: sorry
hottie boy 1221: your wrong
hottie boy 1221: sooo
Cravengrrl: could still be a Jewish Commie Fluoridator. They're everywhere.
hottie boy 1221: nope
hottie boy 1221: sorry not a jew
Cravengrrl: But you ARE a Communist Fluoridator?????
hottie boy 1221: nope
hottie boy 1221: sorry
hottie boy 1221: u type fast
Cravengrrl: Then you're either a Communist, a Fluoridator, a Jew, or some sick combination. Every denial results in a new accusation. Don't you remember the McCarthy era?
hottie boy 1221: nope
hottie boy 1221: not a jew or a communist
hottie boy 1221: sorry
Cravengrrl: It may not have actually happened, seeing how it only exists anymore on TV or books, and those are all fake...
Cravengrrl: You got something against Jews? Maybe I'm Jewish, and I don't like to hear hate slung in my direction!
hottie boy 1221: really
Cravengrrl: OK, I'm not nose is relatively straight, my hair is only greasy when I don't wash it for a month, and I am an atheist because I chose to, not because my god is false...
Cravengrrl: But I do have an insatiable greed for money, and I practice usury.
hottie boy 1221: really
Cravengrrl: Vat, you think you think I'm not? Oy!
hottie boy 1221: what
Cravengrrl: You think it is that I ain't Jewish!
hottie boy 1221: o
hottie boy 1221: really
Cravengrrl: Meshuganah kids, what with their fancy ideas and their cell phones...
hottie boy 1221: what
hottie boy 1221: r u crazy
Cravengrrl: Vat, you think just because I am old I am crazy!
hottie boy 1221: u r old
Cravengrrl: Again with the accusations!
Cravengrrl: Sonny, sonny, if you want to live to my age, you've got to respect your elders, boy!
hottie boy 1221: whatever lier bye old freak
Cravengrrl: Mazel tov!
Cravengrrl: Again you tink I'm Jewish. Goyim!
hottie boy 1221: and if your 13 im older than u
Cravengrrl: Meshuganah!
hottie boy 1221: what
Cravengrrl: Oy, forget it! There's no hope for you damn kids! Go on, practice your obsolete Marxist economics and have your pearly teeth and your unleavened bread, see if I care!
hottie boy 1221: crazy bitch
Cravengrrl: Racist!
hottie boy 1221: what
Cravengrrl: You're probably some damned white supremacist Christian who wants all of us Jews to burn in ovens!
hottie boy 1221: no
Cravengrrl: Nazi! Hey...wanna fuck? I got a great fantasy for you...
hottie boy 1221: nope
Cravengrrl: You can be Adolf Hitler, and I'll be a 13 year old Jew bitch you just took from Auschwitz for your own amusement...
Cravengrrl: Ja, fuck my ass, Mein Fuherer!
hottie boy 1221: but im christian u got that right
Cravengrrl: So, you're a religious barbarian, are you? You think that God is in the cracker?
Cravengrrl: Dig this, your eminence: Jesus was a JEW! Can't stand to have THAT skeleton in your closet, can you?
hottie boy 1221: what u are a freak
Cravengrrl: He was a Jewish Commie Fluoridator, I betcha...
Cravengrrl: He wanted us all to give our possessions away and have great teeth!

hottie boy 1221: whatever weirdo
hottie boy 1221: fuck off
Cravengrrl: Vat, again with the dismissals and accusations! You do not like Jewish men?
Cravengrrl: Jeff Goldblum is Jewish...
hottie boy 1221: who ever he is
Cravengrrl: He's president of Jewishland...
hottie boy 1221: your not a jew u told me that
Cravengrrl: The meshuganah new ride at Disneyland!
hottie boy 1221: k
Cravengrrl: What, I'm not Jewish?
hottie boy 1221: right whatever
Cravengrrl: I'm not QUITE I still have my foreskin. I can't wait for my bar mitzvah.
Cravengrrl: *snip snip*
hottie boy 1221: what
Cravengrrl: I was just thinking of when they cut off my foreskin. It's making me hard.
hottie boy 1221: freak
hottie boy 1221: go fuck yourself
Cravengrrl: Love me, accept me!
Cravengrrl: Don't hate me because I'm black!
hottie boy 1221: leave me alone
Cravengrrl: Come on...just touch my asshole once. You'll like it...
hottie boy 1221: your not black
hottie boy 1221: and no
hottie boy 1221: perv
Cravengrrl: Yo, whaz this all about?
hottie boy 1221: bitch
Cravengrrl: Fuckin bitch, I wasted enough time witchoo. bend over and take it from Dontel!
Cravengrrl: Yeah, that white manpussy feels good...
hottie boy 1221: freak
Cravengrrl: You can leave any time...
Cravengrrl: You fucking swine! Do you have any idea who you're dealing with?
Cravengrrl: I'm a goddamned Doctor of Journalism!
hottie boy 1221: whatever freak
Cravengrrl: You Jewish Commie Fluoridator...
Cravengrrl: Stalin was my butt-bitch back in '42!
hottie boy 1221: whatever bitch
hottie boy 1221: lisbian
Cravengrrl: Suck my enormous balls, Nazi.
Cravengrrl: I had a 3-way with Hitler and Stalin, and they kept screaming "hottie boy 1221" all night!
hottie boy 1221: freak
hottie boy 1221: whats your prob
hottie boy 1221: u want get your ass kicked
Cravengrrl: I'm just another pissed off sociopath on out who you ask to cyber with...
hottie boy 1221: im not a perv sorry
hottie boy 1221: bitch
Cravengrrl: Slut.
Cravengrrl: Making me go to all this effort to please you, and you don't even let me have a reacharound!
hottie boy 1221: whatever look whos talkin
hottie boy 1221: hoe
Cravengrrl: Please touch my puckered mancunt!
Cravengrrl: Suck my larger-than-yours dick!
hottie boy 1221: your a girl
hottie boy 1221: bitch
Cravengrrl: Dyke. I know you're a girl over there...
hottie boy 1221: nope 100% man and u cant have me hoe
Cravengrrl: Dude, I gotta go. I've got to read "Das Kapital" to my 8 year old daughter while I fingerfuck her.
hottie boy 1221: freak
Cravengrrl: Love me for my differences.
Cravengrrl: *offers his ass one more time*
Cravengrrl: Oh well...bye.
hottie boy 1221: your a fuckin perv ass hole leave me alone
Cravengrrl: Then go! You've had the chance for like 45 minutes!
Cravengrrl: You, sir, are a fuckin' moron. If sir you be.
Cravengrrl: I doubt your masculinity.
hottie boy 1221: i dont have to get off for u
Cravengrrl: I don't want you to! Just LOVE ME!
Cravengrrl: Christ, are you still here? I thought you left hours ago.
hottie boy 1221: nope
Cravengrrl: Well if you're not here, how'd you answer?
Cravengrrl: Silly Jewish Commie Fluoridator...
hottie boy 1221: fuck off and go to hell bitch
Cravengrrl: See ya when ya get there, Biggie Smalls...
hottie boy 1221: your going to die
hottie boy 1221: and burn in hell
Cravengrrl: I'll get to pitchfork-rape you in Hell! Satan said I can!
Cravengrrl: You're a Jewish Commie Fluoridator, which means you go to hell 3 times!
hottie boy 1221: nope im saved sorry
Cravengrrl: Jesus wants to lick your balls in heaven...would you deny his gift of tongues?
Cravengrrl: Hey, how about this? I'll be Jesus, and you have a guaranteed pass to heaven if you let me fuck your ass.
hottie boy 1221: bye perv no use talkin to u
Cravengrrl: Love me, child! Accept the lamb into your soul!

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Cravengrrl: Thou suckest ass.

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