"A woman for babies, a man for pleasure"
by: Guest Baiter
Posted: 05/04/00         Score: 2.3         Votes: 133
Stop making baby Jesus cry, you thoughtless bastards.
TiLLYGuRl000: hey
UrAss4Christ: Hi there!
TiLLYGuRl000: im a christian
UrAss4Christ: Good! That saves me the time of converting you.
UrAss4Christ:'re 14. Shouldn't you be in school?
TiLLYGuRl000: ya but im sick
UrAss4Christ: Awww...I will pray for you.
TiLLYGuRl000: this isn't my screen name its my sisters ashley
TiLLYGuRl000: im 17
TiLLYGuRl000: my names mandi
UrAss4Christ: Oh! Hi, Mandi.
UrAss4Christ: I will pray for you for being sick, and also for hiding your identity. Lies make baby Jesus cry.
TiLLYGuRl000: how was i lieing
TiLLYGuRl000: ?
UrAss4Christ: By pretending to be somebody else. By chatting under your sister's handle. That's a blatant falsehood. It is good you confessed early on.
UrAss4Christ: I am reminded of Ezra 4:16 in this instance...
TiLLYGuRl000: ok but i dont have a screen name so i wanted to get online and talk so i used my sisters, i wasnt doing anything wrong
UrAss4Christ: You should get your own screen name very soon, unless you continue to weave this web of lies...
UrAss4Christ: Satan can insinuate himself into our lives so very easily...
TiLLYGuRl000: ok your mean ok i got to go
UrAss4Christ: No! Come back and let me help you!
UrAss4Christ: We can get through this together...
TiLLYGuRl000: i dont need help
UrAss4Christ: You are a liar! You are fast becoming a disciple of Satan!
TiLLYGuRl000: bye
UrAss4Christ: Only by accepting Christ in your heart and your ass can you be SAVED!
TiLLYGuRl000: dont curse at me
UrAss4Christ: I didn't curse...
TiLLYGuRl000: y7ou said ass
UrAss4Christ: You said ass too...
TiLLYGuRl000: but.............
TiLLYGuRl000: oh leave me alone satan
UrAss4Christ: Besides, ass = donkey. There's an interesting book that uses the word all the time. It's called THE BIBLE.
TiLLYGuRl000: ya i read it every night
UrAss4Christ: And when Je-be-di-ah came into his neighbor's ass, the LORD was verily pleased.
TiLLYGuRl000: gggggggooooooooooooo away please
UrAss4Christ: The book of Kaenisms, 6:9.
TiLLYGuRl000: gosh man you have problems
TiLLYGuRl000: and your 18 get a life
UrAss4Christ: Accept Jesus, accept His gift of tongues.
UrAss4Christ: I have given my life to the LORD!
UrAss4Christ: What have you done with YOURS?
TiLLYGuRl000: ya i know your also being a totally mean person,
UrAss4Christ: He that loves his life shall lose it, but he that hates his life on this world shall be prepared for the eternal...
TiLLYGuRl000: i am a christian but with you bugging me it makes me forget about him so leave
UrAss4Christ: leave. You came into my house, you leave it.
TiLLYGuRl000: BYe your pycho
UrAss4Christ: Leave, then, daughter of Satan!
UrAss4Christ: Heed my warning, tho - lest you be cast into the lake of fire...
TiLLYGuRl000: ok im not your daughter so how can i be satans daughter evil one
UrAss4Christ: If you require prayer, call 1-976-GOD-BALZ.
TiLLYGuRl000: bye
UrAss4Christ: Dirk 5:5 "And he that cometh into his neighbor's ass shall be saved!"
TiLLYGuRl000: Doent god have things against gays
UrAss4Christ: Dirk 5:17 "If his neighbor's ass is satisfied thusly, let his neighbor verily provide a reacharound."
UrAss4Christ: No, that was an old Hebrew law. We that "lieth with mankind" are supposed to be burned alive.
TiLLYGuRl000: leave me alone fag
UrAss4Christ: Actually...Pathos 9:6 says "He that lieth with mankind shall verily get my phone number for hot action."
TiLLYGuRl000: your sick
UrAss4Christ: "He that lieth with mankind as he lieth with womankind had better use protection!"
TiLLYGuRl000: your a sick ass guy
TiLLYGuRl000: your no christian
UrAss4Christ: God has accepted my offering of meat..
UrAss4Christ: He LOVES me.
TiLLYGuRl000: your sick
UrAss4Christ: You are the sick one, for denying God's True Word!
TiLLYGuRl000: he doent say anything ab out He that lieth with mankind as he lieth with womankind had better use protection!" or He that lieth with mankind shall verily get my phone number for hot action."
UrAss4Christ: Cravengrrl 23:19-5990 "And God, when he finisheth coming into my ass, shall verily come into the ass of all men..."
TiLLYGuRl000: you are sick and sick
UrAss4Christ: The Book of Grammatology 5:5 states that "redundancy shalt not be tolerated, nor lack of punctuation. He that violateth these policies shalt be reamed by Sven."
TiLLYGuRl000: pease just leave me alone you stupid ass mother fucker fudge packer
UrAss4Christ: God hates it when you use such words. Little Jesus is weeping!
UrAss4Christ: Jesus HIMSELF said "Profanity is the crutch of inarticulate motherfuckers."
TiLLYGuRl000: goooooooo awayyyyyyyy
UrAss4Christ: I notice you can't seem to leave, either...perhaps I am reaching you, after all.
TiLLYGuRl000: bbyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee
UrAss4Christ: Think well on my words, child - they may save you yet.
TiLLYGuRl000: i will prey for your actions
TiLLYGuRl000: you stupid guy
UrAss4Christ: I am not stupid! God hath revealed Himself to me!
UrAss4Christ: And he's BUILT!
UrAss4Christ: Warn me if you must, but I know you can see the truth in my words...
TiLLYGuRl000: go away
TiLLYGuRl000: your a bad guy for this
UrAss4Christ: There is time yet to be saved! Accept Christ into your anal cavity!
TiLLYGuRl000: listen go away
TiLLYGuRl000: before i get you kicked off
UrAss4Christ: Not as long as I have a chance to save you!
TiLLYGuRl000: ffuck you
TiLLYGuRl000: go asway
TiLLYGuRl000: im blocking you know bye
UrAss4Christ: Kaen 500000:1 "Christians who curse are silly dumbheads who like to come into their neighbors' asses!"
TiLLYGuRl000: bye
UrAss4Christ: 500000:2 "Without respect to the ass!"

Previous message was not received by TiLLYGuRl000 because of error: User TiLLYGuRl000 is not available.

UrAss4Christ: Go in peace, beeotch.

Previous message was not received by TiLLYGuRl000 because of error: User TiLLYGuRl000 is not available.

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