The latest internet sensation!
My New Buddy
by: Guest Baiter
Posted: 05/21/01         Score: 3.3         Votes: 171
Nothing like math, role-playing, and semen on the keyboard. By Hunter.
joe4stars: wanna chat?
LittleSexy13F: Hi there.
joe4stars: hi
LittleSexy13F: Sure, I want to chat.
joe4stars: alright
joe4stars: what do you want to chat about?
LittleSexy13F: Mathematics.
joe4stars: um........
LittleSexy13F: Unless you had something else in mind.
joe4stars: sure
joe4stars: what kind of sexy style chatting do you like?
LittleSexy13F: The hard and gay kind.
joe4stars: hard and gay? what do you mean by that?
joe4stars: give me an example
LittleSexy13F: Like: "I whip out my huge cock and shove it in your hairy ass."
joe4stars:'re a girl
joe4stars: why are you talking like you are a guy
joe4stars: ?
LittleSexy13F: Sorry. I didn't know you wanted to roleplay.
LittleSexy13F: OK. I'm a 13 year old girl. Let's cyber, sexy!
joe4stars: alright
joe4stars: you start
joe4stars: i'm a guy, but i'm not really into the gay stuff...sorry
LittleSexy13F: That's OK. I don't mind roleplaying. So I'm a 13 year old girl...what are you going to be?
joe4stars: what do you want me to be? do you want me to be an older guy? older girl? young girl? teacher?
joe4stars: parent?
LittleSexy13F: Um, pick something.
joe4stars: how about teacher or parent?
joe4stars: which do you want?
LittleSexy13F: Fine. Teacher.
joe4stars: alright
joe4stars: you do you want to begin?
LittleSexy13F: You are teaching me mathematics. I am in your class, listening attentively.
joe4stars: alright
joe4stars: what's your name in this roleplay?
LittleSexy13F: Katie.
LittleSexy13F: Now teach me.
joe4stars: alright
joe4stars: we all know class...x 5=6
joe4stars: so...that means x=1. do we all understand?
joe4stars: oh..there's the bell
LittleSexy13F: I'm not retarded in this roleplay.
LittleSexy13F: I'm in Calculus II, and there are 30 minutes left in class.
joe4stars: all of you have a good day, but katie...will you stay after class for a few minutes
joe4stars: wait a sec
joe4stars: do you want to cyber or talk math?
joe4stars: just wondering
LittleSexy13F: We are cybering.
joe4stars: is this class just you and me? or are there others in the class?
LittleSexy13F: There are 28 other students in the class.
joe4stars: are we going to have sex in the middle of class?
joe4stars: is that how this is going to go?
LittleSexy13F: Um, I wasn't planning on it.
joe4stars: okay
LittleSexy13F: But then again, I'm pretending to be a young girl who doesn't know any better.
joe4stars: well....
joe4stars: okay
joe4stars: well...clas...for your homework, do this problem. what is the direvitive of the quotient of x to the 45 power and y to the 2 power is
joe4stars: there's the end of clas for today...katie...will you stay after today...i need to talk to you about something
LittleSexy13F: Wait...could you rephrase the problem? I'm having trouble understanding.
joe4stars: i don't know any other way to rephrase that...i can help you after class if you would on one?
LittleSexy13F: Yes. That's what I'd like.
joe4stars: alright
joe4stars: (time goes by)
LittleSexy13F: Now, by "quotient of x to the 45 power and y to the 2 power," do you mean x^45/y^2?
joe4stars: well...that's the class for today...i will see you all tomorrow...katie...can i see you, and help you out?
joe4stars: yes i do
joe4stars: that is exactly what i mean
LittleSexy13F: Um, so is that equal to something?
joe4stars: in calculus...there is not always an actual number to a problem
joe4stars: most of the time there are variables, like x and y
joe4stars: they just stay there
LittleSexy13F: I understand.
joe4stars: alright
LittleSexy13F: But you want me to find dy/dx.
joe4stars: yes....and?
LittleSexy13F: There needs to be an equation in order for me to do implicit differentiation.
LittleSexy13F: Because it isn't a function of x.
LittleSexy13F: Or y.
joe4stars: got me there...the problem was a trick...see who could catch found it!!! good for you
LittleSexy13F: Oh. Well, thanks then.
joe4stars: you deserve a reward for finding it so fast? what would you like me to give you for your reward?
LittleSexy13F: I guess I'll be seeing you later.
LittleSexy13F: Um, I don't know. Extra credit?
joe4stars: no...wait
joe4stars: i can give you some personal extra credit
joe4stars: (i rub your shoulders
joe4stars: )
LittleSexy13F: Sure, whatever. Just add it to my last test or something.
joe4stars: i can give you something even more special that points
LittleSexy13F: I'd rather just have the extra credit, thanks.
joe4stars: alright...if that's what you would like
LittleSexy13F: Thanks!
joe4stars: sure
joe4stars: um......r u there?
LittleSexy13F: No. I got on the bus and went home.
joe4stars: alright
LittleSexy13F: God that was awesome. I just blew my load all over my keyboard.
joe4stars: i'm sorry
joe4stars: huh?
LittleSexy13F: That was some hot cyber action.
joe4stars: how was that awesome?
LittleSexy13F: My keyboard is covered in my semen.
joe4stars: semen??

LittleSexy13F: Yeah.
joe4stars: right
LittleSexy13F: It was awesome because it made semen come out of my penis. That's how it was awesome.
joe4stars: i thought you were a girl?
LittleSexy13F: Well I was pretending to be one in that roleplay.
LittleSexy13F: I'm really a 38 year old gay man.
joe4stars: right
LittleSexy13F wants to directly connect. joe4stars ignores request; no connection was made.
LittleSexy13F: I have a pic if you want it.
joe4stars: no...that's okay
joe4stars: sorry
LittleSexy13F: Um, OK.
LittleSexy13F: Well, thanks for making me cum. I'll put you on my buddy list!
joe4stars: please don't
joe4stars: i'm not gay...i'm sorry
LittleSexy13F: That's OK. I'll pretend to be a girl again.
LittleSexy13F: I don't mind.
joe4stars: just...please don't
LittleSexy13F: Why? You seemed to enjoy it before.
joe4stars: that's because i thought you were a tricked me
LittleSexy13F: I don't have anyone in real life. I'm really glad I found you.
LittleSexy13F: No. I told you I was pretending.
joe4stars: but you tricked me
joe4stars: i don't like it when people trick me
LittleSexy13F: In what way?
LittleSexy13F: How did I trick you?
joe4stars: telling me they are a girl when they really are a guy
LittleSexy13F: I didn't tell you I was a girl except as part of our roleplay.
joe4stars: in your info page it says you are a girl
LittleSexy13F: When you first IMed me I was talking about gay cybersex and how I wanted to fuck you with my huge cock. Then you told me I was a girl, so I went along with your fantasy.
joe4stars: look at the screenname
joe4stars: it even says it there...F..female and i said..i thought you were a girl? that's a question
LittleSexy13F: No. You said: "you're a girl."
joe4stars: i started by asking if you were a girl
LittleSexy13F: So I said OK. Then we roleplayed, and I came all over my keyboard.
LittleSexy13F: No you didn't.
joe4stars: but it doesn't matter./ came under the false pretense of a girl
LittleSexy13F: No. The first thing I told you was that I wanted hard and gay cyber.
joe4stars: and i thought you were kidding, some girls do things like that
joe4stars: some girls role play that kind of stuff
LittleSexy13F: Well they're the ones lying, aren't they?
joe4stars: them? what about you?
joe4stars: look at your screenname
joe4stars: littlesexy13F
joe4stars: last time i checked that stand for female
LittleSexy13F: That 13 is a "B."
joe4stars: not male
LittleSexy13F: It's little sexy boyfriend.
joe4stars: that's a 13
joe4stars: try using a B
LittleSexy13F: I know, but it makes the shape of a "B."
LittleSexy13F: LittleSexyBF was taken.
joe4stars: a B and a 1 3 are two different things
joe4stars: that's still a trick
LittleSexy13F: No. I just did it because the other name was taken.
LittleSexy13F: I never told you I was a 13 year old girl.
LittleSexy13F: How old are you anyway to me IMing 13 year olds?
LittleSexy13F: You wouldn't have really IMed me if you thought I was 13!!!
joe4stars: that doesn't matter
LittleSexy13F: Yes it does! You never thought I was 13 or you wouldn't have IMed me.
LittleSexy13F: That's gross.
joe4stars: whatever
joe4stars: anyway...i havee to go
joe4stars: have a good day
joe4stars: goodbye
LittleSexy13F: OK. Look, I'm just going to put you on my buddy lists, and I'll IM you another day.
LittleSexy13F: See ya pal!
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