Owned by the Church of Latter Day Saints
9 inches, that's ALL?
by: Hooked on Cock
Posted: 01/10/00         Score: 2.7         Votes: 74
I HATE it when some guy thinks that telling me he has a 9 inch dick is supposed to be impressive.
gLdENtoE5: wanna cyber
gLdENtoE5: 15/m
gLdENtoE5: 9 inch cock
Hooked on Cock: JESUS H CHRIST!!!
gLdENtoE5: wat?
Hooked on Cock: that's ALL?
Hooked on Cock: 9 inches?
gLdENtoE5: ya sorry so small
Hooked on Cock: yer being sarcastic arent you
Hooked on Cock: im serious
Hooked on Cock: that is not big at all
Hooked on Cock: its average maybe
Hooked on Cock: you shouldnt be announcing that
gLdENtoE5: will i feel like it
Hooked on Cock: okay
Hooked on Cock: that is your decision then
gLdENtoE5: im only 15 thought all the girls like it here
Hooked on Cock: if you say so
Hooked on Cock: i doubt you have had a real girl at 15
gLdENtoE5: wit a small cock like dis
gLdENtoE5: of course i have
Hooked on Cock: stop mocking me
Hooked on Cock: 9 inches isnt much
gLdENtoE5: do u wanna cyber or not
Hooked on Cock: okay yah
gLdENtoE5: well then suck mai small cock
Hooked on Cock: ask nicely
gLdENtoE5: plz
Hooked on Cock: okay, i guess i can go down on you like a rabid lemur
gLdENtoE5: thank you
Hooked on Cock: no, thank you
Hooked on Cock: its nice not having to gulp down 15 inches of man-love for a change
gLdENtoE5: jeeeeez sorry i dis satisfy u
Hooked on Cock: no it is nice
Hooked on Cock: can i chew on it?
gLdENtoE5: ya
Hooked on Cock: sweet!
gLdENtoE5: jus not to hard or ill have to spank you
Hooked on Cock: Well, I whip out a fork, with which I hold your dick to the table, then begin cutting it up with a steak knife
Hooked on Cock: after I've removed the head, I chew it!
gLdENtoE5: ouch no not lit dat
gLdENtoE5: like
Hooked on Cock: like how?
Hooked on Cock: explain to me...
Hooked on Cock: pretend im the guy
gLdENtoE5: eww no its ok
gLdENtoE5: jus like mai vains
Hooked on Cock: what?
Hooked on Cock: is that some foreign language?
gLdENtoE5: da vains on mai cock
Hooked on Cock: ooh...
Hooked on Cock: well, tell me how to do it then
gLdENtoE5: take ur tounge and lick it
gLdENtoE5: take mai small cock an put it in your mouth
Hooked on Cock: no, yer not doing it right
gLdENtoE5: then tell meeh how
Hooked on Cock: pretend i am the guy and say stuff like "i take your cock and put it in my mouth'
gLdENtoE5: your da master
Hooked on Cock: do it then, slave!
gLdENtoE5: your not a guy
gLdENtoE5: i dont wanna fuck a guy
Hooked on Cock: i know
Hooked on Cock: but i want you to talk like how you want me to talk
Hooked on Cock: but if you dont say it the same way i would say it i wont know how
Hooked on Cock: i am new at this
gLdENtoE5: i want u to talk like if u wanna fuck meeh realy hard and u are really horney
gLdENtoE5: ya mai ass u are
Hooked on Cock: hmm
Hooked on Cock: yes i am
Hooked on Cock: i only have real sex
Hooked on Cock: only done this im sex thing with one drunk guy
gLdENtoE5: then pretend im drunk
Hooked on Cock: and he was so fucked up he couldnt type, so i dunno what he was saying
Hooked on Cock: okay
Hooked on Cock: well, then i fucking hit you over the head with a frying pan and steal your wallet
gLdENtoE5: haha im not wearin pants
Hooked on Cock: SHIT
Hooked on Cock: are you wearing any jewelery?
gLdENtoE5: nope im nude and hard baby
Hooked on Cock: no cock ring?
gLdENtoE5: it itches
Hooked on Cock: what, your penis, or the cock ring?
gLdENtoE5: cock ring
Hooked on Cock: Hmm...if you have a ring on your penis that itches, it's probably ringworm.
gLdENtoE5: mai penis dont itch
gLdENtoE5: its da ring da makes it itch
Hooked on Cock: right.
Hooked on Cock: It's probably ringworm.
Hooked on Cock: I think you should see a dermatologist or something
gLdENtoE5: if u say so
gLdENtoE5: i dont usually wear da ring
gLdENtoE5: cuz it unconfortable
gLdENtoE5: it wont fit cuz mai cock is too thick
Hooked on Cock: well, i guess that makes up for its diminutive size
gLdENtoE5: yea i guess so
Hooked on Cock: im just kidding
Hooked on Cock: NOTHING can make up for its size...
gLdENtoE5: wow u knoe how to put a guy down huh
Hooked on Cock: sure do! that's because I am a guy myself.
gLdENtoE5: wat?
Hooked on Cock: Um.

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