Owned by the Church of Latter Day Saints
I get bored sometimes
by: Hooked on Cock
Posted: 01/10/00         Score: 1.7         Votes: 59
I think I'd been baiting too much when i did this one.
WolfColn1: boy that is some profile.. LOL
Hooked on Cock: Does your name stand for "Wolf Colon"?
WolfColn1: ah nope.. it stands for wolf colonel
Hooked on Cock: oh
WolfColn1: I was a colonel in the Air Force...
Hooked on Cock: mmmm....
Hooked on Cock: i like men in uniforms
WolfColn1: I thought you liked them out of uniform
Hooked on Cock: well, whatver
Hooked on Cock: if some stranger came up to me naked I'd scream and run away
WolfColn1: LOL yep I bet you would
WolfColn1: so do you have any pictures on line
Hooked on Cock: probably smack him in the crotch with a brick, too
Hooked on Cock: yeah i do...
WolfColn1: may I see them
Hooked on Cock:

WolfColn1: cute pictures.. is that the only one
Hooked on Cock: yeah
WolfColn1: oh well.. cute none the less
Hooked on Cock: thanks
Hooked on Cock: *blush*
WolfColn1: you look much older than 12
Hooked on Cock: im not
WolfColn1: hmmm and you live where
Hooked on Cock: im in egypt right now
WolfColn1: oh what r you there for
Hooked on Cock: i live here silly!
WolfColn1: OH.. where did you live before that
Hooked on Cock: i lived in london for a couple years
Hooked on Cock: i lerned there
Hooked on Cock: then i came back to egypt
WolfColn1: I see...
Hooked on Cock: i like it here better
Hooked on Cock: the men are nicer
Hooked on Cock: looking i mean
WolfColn1: so you really have sex with older men.. how old
Hooked on Cock: theres nothing like a sweaty hairy arab to turn a little girl on
Hooked on Cock: as old as they can get before they die
Hooked on Cock: like 40 i think is the oldest
WolfColn1: LOL oh reall
WolfColn1: thats kewl
Hooked on Cock: dont laugh thats not nice
Hooked on Cock: and why you spell cool like that?
Hooked on Cock: do you think yer some cool hakker guy or something?
WolfColn1: why....because a friend of mine did..
Hooked on Cock: i know a guy like that named dirk...he spells dude 'd00d' and says 'kewl'
WolfColn1: nope not at all
Hooked on Cock: hes a really asshole
WolfColn1: oh thanks.. for comparing me to him
Hooked on Cock: sorry
Hooked on Cock: didnt mean to offend you
WolfColn1: I am a nice guy.. really...
WolfColn1: oh well
Hooked on Cock: i said i was sorry!
Hooked on Cock: what else should i say!?
WolfColn1: no that is fine.. you are forgivien.. dont worry about it.. really
Hooked on Cock: i could say "let me bend you over a railing and fuck you up the ass until you start to hemmorhage" but i dont think yu would like that
WolfColn1: hmmmmm that would be hard to do for a 12 year old girl I think
Hooked on Cock: yeah it wuld
Hooked on Cock: another reason you wouldnt like it i think
Hooked on Cock: since you seem to be into cute little girls
WolfColn1: ah.. nope.. I like giving but not recieving
WolfColn1: not like that
Hooked on Cock: you like giving butt? Thats nice!
WolfColn1: I love fucking girls in the ass
Hooked on Cock: really?
Hooked on Cock: what does that have to do with giving butt?
WolfColn1: ah yup
Hooked on Cock: thats giving dick
WolfColn1: nothing
Hooked on Cock: um okay
WolfColn1: so what about you....
WolfColn1: what do you like best
Hooked on Cock: i like cookies and ice cream and pony rides the best
WolfColn1: oh is that so....
WolfColn1: well I do have a pony
Hooked on Cock: i also like long romantic strolls on the beach and talking for hours on the phone about nothing in particular
Hooked on Cock: is it a big pony!?
WolfColn1: hmm about 14 hands.... maybe not quite that big
WolfColn1: but my daughter rides him
Hooked on Cock: are you talking aobut your penis?
WolfColn1: yep.. typical girl
Hooked on Cock: incest isnt good
WolfColn1: ah...nope I am talking about a real pony
Hooked on Cock: wow!
Hooked on Cock: i want a real pony
Hooked on Cock: thats neat
Hooked on Cock: im jelus
WolfColn1: ah....
Hooked on Cock: will you get me a pony?
WolfColn1: sure do you want to learn to ride
Hooked on Cock: no i just want a pony
WolfColn1: for what
Hooked on Cock: i will lock it up in a storage shed and beat it nightly with a hickory stick
Hooked on Cock: thatd make me laugh and laugh!
WolfColn1: I see... you do have a strange sense of humour
Hooked on Cock: hehe yes i do
Hooked on Cock: people in egypt are funny that way, or so peple tell me
WolfColn1: so do you like to get fucked up the ass... and the pussy and the same time?
Hooked on Cock: um, how the fuck would someone do that? you dont have two dicks do you?
WolfColn1: no.. but two guys could
Hooked on Cock: hmmm wow
Hooked on Cock: never thought about that
Hooked on Cock: hey, got a qestion for you...
WolfColn1: sure
Hooked on Cock: since you like little girls, do you like screwing your daughter? itd make sense, since she is there
WolfColn1: nope.. she is only 9
Hooked on Cock: ooooooh
Hooked on Cock: OIC they have to be at least 11 right?
WolfColn1: sure... LOL
Hooked on Cock: okay
Hooked on Cock: ive been told that before
WolfColn1: hmmm is that so
WolfColn1: how old were you the first time
WolfColn1: well you must be busy.... have a good night
Hooked on Cock: the first time what?
Hooked on Cock: sorry i had to go pee
WolfColn1: you had sex
Hooked on Cock: oooh
WolfColn1: hold old
Hooked on Cock: um like 10
Hooked on Cock: hold old?
Hooked on Cock: what the fuck does that mean?
WolfColn1: nothing.. typo
Hooked on Cock: oh okay
WolfColn1: who was your first
WolfColn1: hold old was he
Hooked on Cock: THERE! YOU SAID IT AGAIN!!!
Hooked on Cock: what does that mean?
Hooked on Cock: could we do a little roleplaying please?
Hooked on Cock: he was 40, by the way
WolfColn1: how old was he.. yep.. I type too fast sometimes
WolfColn1: got booted
WolfColn1: anyways.. who was your first
Hooked on Cock: i said he was 40
Hooked on Cock: and i asked if we could do some roleplaying to get me in the mood
WolfColn1: hmm sounds good
Hooked on Cock: mmm...okay
Hooked on Cock: i want you to pretend yer a young girl sitting at home, okay?
WolfColn1: ok
Hooked on Cock: you looking at some pictures of dildos on the internet, when someone ims you
WolfColn1: yes
Hooked on Cock: pretend im the other person and respond...
Hooked on Cock: hey there little girl!
WolfColn1: hello?
Hooked on Cock: hi
Hooked on Cock: a/s/l?
WolfColn1: hmmmm 12 female... ah... USA
Hooked on Cock: mmm...are you cute? do you have a pic?
WolfColn1: hmmmm yes.. I am
Hooked on Cock: Well, then this is your lucky day!
Hooked on Cock: I'm some sick-ass pedophile that likes to have sex with little girls! They really turn me on!
Hooked on Cock: Wanna cyber?
WolfColn1: nope
Hooked on Cock: SHIT
Hooked on Cock: you sure?
WolfColn1: yep
WolfColn1: you are the sicko.....
Hooked on Cock: This just aint working for me cernel...
Hooked on Cock: i am not at all turned on
Hooked on Cock: enuf roleplaying
WolfColn1: thats fine
Hooked on Cock: okay
WolfColn1: If I really thought you were a girl.. LOL but you are some guy.. doing whatever
WolfColn1: get a real need one
Hooked on Cock: yeah, I'm a wierd-ass guy that enjoys tormenting idiots.
Hooked on Cock: I gotta go pick up my friend and hit the bar, so this is a good point to stop at anyway...
WolfColn1: LOL have fun
Hooked on Cock: Good luck in your child-molesting ventures!
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