Caution: Contains Bodily Humor
I like clowns!
by: Hooked on Cock
Posted: 01/12/00         Score: 2.5         Votes: 229
Yeah, there were clowns. And a duck. I choked on cum, too.
fxydydx: hi wanna chat?

Hooked on Cock: yup!
fxydydx: so what's up?
Hooked on Cock: nothing yet, I was hoping a cock would be soon tho
fxydydx: i got one
Hooked on Cock: Mmmm
Hooked on Cock: what does it look like?
fxydydx: well thick and long
Hooked on Cock: how long?
fxydydx: how old r u?
Hooked on Cock: did you read my info or did you just decide to randomly chat with me?
fxydydx: nope randomly
Hooked on Cock:'re trying to tell me that you didn't get my IM name by searching for "sex" or something?
fxydydx: nope. but i'm cool unless you are
Hooked on Cock: I'm cool.
Hooked on Cock: I'm 12
fxydydx: won't i get in trouble for that
Hooked on Cock: For what? Me being 12? It's not your fault I'm only 12! Blame my parents!
fxydydx: ok. . .so what do you want then?
fxydydx: hello??????
Hooked on Cock: sorry...busy
Hooked on Cock: Hmm. I want you to fuck me like a blow-up love doll
fxydydx: well gotta tell you that i'm 18. and i have about 6-8 inch one
Hooked on Cock: that's ALL?
fxydydx: when it's hard it goes longer
Hooked on Cock: WOAH
Hooked on Cock: it's 6 inches SOFT?
fxydydx: r u a virgin?
Hooked on Cock: Nope.
fxydydx: how does yours look like?

Hooked on Cock: My penis?
Hooked on Cock: what?
fxydydx: you're pussy?
fxydydx: if your a girl which i guess is?
Hooked on Cock: Oooh okay. Sorry, you confused me.
fxydydx: ok
Hooked on Cock: Um, what about my pussy?
Hooked on Cock: It looks like a hairless rat, kinda.
fxydydx: do you finger it?
fxydydx: hello?????
Hooked on Cock: DAMMIT
Hooked on Cock: don't be so fucking impatient
Hooked on Cock: yeah, I finger it
Hooked on Cock: ALL NIGHT LONG
Hooked on Cock: I finger it like it's a job, which it is, except I don't get paid for it.
fxydydx: ok. well what do you wanna do now?
Hooked on Cock: Mm...I dunno. Something involving a Scrabble board and a roll of twine.
fxydydx: i thought you wanna have fun?
Hooked on Cock: Er
Hooked on Cock: yeah. What's not fun about that?
fxydydx: well that's boring. i learn words in school.
Hooked on Cock: Jesus Christ, I wanted to have rough, bloody sex with that shit!
fxydydx: ok well then i'll help you?
fxydydx: u into cyber?
Hooked on Cock: yeah! I like hot sexy chat!
fxydydx: well i'm horny myself and
Hooked on Cock: Mmmm
Hooked on Cock: start then bitch!
fxydydx: so what r u wearing>
Hooked on Cock: My Little Pony PJs
fxydydx: and underneath?
Hooked on Cock: panties.
fxydydx: ok. . .i start by kissing you.
fxydydx: then caressing you.
fxydydx: can i ask you something first?
Hooked on Cock: yeah, if you want. Although I'm losing it.
fxydydx: what r u losing?
Hooked on Cock: Being ready for you
fxydydx: just 1 question.
Hooked on Cock: k
Hooked on Cock: shoot
fxydydx: r u talking to someone else cuz what we're doing needs a little attention
Hooked on Cock: sorry, yeah....
fxydydx: so still wanna do it?
Hooked on Cock: Yeah, can you wear a clown suit tho?
fxydydx: why?
Hooked on Cock: No reason.
fxydydx: k. you begin.
Hooked on Cock: Are you gonna wear the fucking suit or not?
fxydydx: sure
fxydydx: so??
Hooked on Cock: K,.
Hooked on Cock: So I start?
Hooked on Cock: Are we at a circus?
fxydydx: ok
fxydydx: i'm the clown>
Hooked on Cock: Yes you are!
Hooked on Cock: But you're not very funny.
fxydydx: then
Hooked on Cock: Be funny, Mr. Clown!
fxydydx: i just tipped over my bookbag in school today hahah
Hooked on Cock: Hahah hoo hoo tee hee!
Hooked on Cock: That's not very funny.
Hooked on Cock: Juggle or something.
Hooked on Cock: That might make me hot!
fxydydx: i'm juggling three balls.
Hooked on Cock: WOAH you've got 3 testicles?
Hooked on Cock: Now THAT is something I've never seen a clown juggle!
fxydydx: well i got two but the extro is a baketball on my left hand
Hooked on Cock: Oh.
Hooked on Cock: Dammit.
Hooked on Cock: Fine then, Mr. Not-So-Funny clown.
fxydydx: and
fxydydx: so?
Hooked on Cock: I dunno. keep going. I'm not all sexed-up for you now, dammit.
fxydydx: well i saw
Hooked on Cock: *sigh*
Hooked on Cock: Just fuck me.
fxydydx: i got horny and i ask you to come to my office and kiss you
fxydydx: then undress you
Hooked on Cock: Cool! I've never been undressed in a clown office!
fxydydx: i pushed you toward the table and i open your legs
Hooked on Cock: Mmm
fxydydx: you hold my d*** and i insert it
Hooked on Cock: your WHAT?
Hooked on Cock: what's a d***?
Hooked on Cock: duck?
Hooked on Cock: You've got a duck?
fxydydx: thick dick
Hooked on Cock: OOh okay.
fxydydx: and i tried slowly first and then faster
Hooked on Cock: MMmm oh man that feels good!
Hooked on Cock: Tell me a joke now, Mr. Clown!
fxydydx: which one is longer my half dick or your friends 6.5 inches dick
Hooked on Cock: Um. I dunno.
Hooked on Cock: Is this a trick question?
fxydydx: mine cuz half of a foot is 6.6 inches
Hooked on Cock: LOL
Hooked on Cock: Um.
fxydydx: so?
Hooked on Cock: You were fucking me, right?
fxydydx: what r u doing to yourself now?
fxydydx: yeah
Hooked on Cock: I'm rubbing myself
Hooked on Cock: and chuckling about your joke. It wasn't really funny, but oh well.
Hooked on Cock: Keep fucking me or something.
fxydydx: i am
Hooked on Cock: Mmm that feels sooo good
fxydydx: r u getting wet yet?
fxydydx: keep rubbing
Hooked on Cock: Yeah a little. From blood, mostly.
fxydydx: how big is the thing you're inserying
Hooked on Cock: Um, what, your dick, or the duck in my ass (that's causing the bleeding)?
fxydydx: oh yeah. and it's still hard
fxydydx: will you suck me later? anyway i'm sucking your breast.
Hooked on Cock: Mmm yeah I will. Only if you fuck the duck tho.
fxydydx: what duck? there's no duck. i want you not the duck
Hooked on Cock: Yeah, I've got a duck in my ass, dammit.
Hooked on Cock: I dunno where it came from, but *zam!* there it is!
fxydydx: ok
Hooked on Cock: I get the feeling you're just not enjoying this.
fxydydx: i am but you're not saying anything
Hooked on Cock: Sorry, I was enjoying sex with a couple other guys, too, and they really know how to treat a guy.
fxydydx: well treat me then, cuz i haven't done this b-4
Hooked on Cock: really? No wonder you SUCK AT IT.
fxydydx: and i wanna get of my load
fxydydx: yeah i do
fxydydx: hello. make me wet
Hooked on Cock: How the fuck do I make you wet? aren't you a guy?
fxydydx: well i wanna get suck
Hooked on Cock: Okay, I can suck you.
fxydydx: ok
Hooked on Cock: But you gotta PROMISE not to cum in my mouth.
fxydydx: ok
Hooked on Cock: If you do I'll throw up.
Hooked on Cock: Okay, I start bobbing up and down on your clown-dick
fxydydx: no i wont i'll tell you when ido
fxydydx: ok
Hooked on Cock: Then I start rubbing your balls.
fxydydx: ok
Hooked on Cock: Mmmm
fxydydx: ya
Hooked on Cock: I bite down
fxydydx: k
Hooked on Cock: did you like that or not?
Hooked on Cock: HELP ME HERE!!!
fxydydx: k
Hooked on Cock: I CAN'T READ YOUR MIND!!!
fxydydx: i like it
Hooked on Cock: thanks
fxydydx: c'mon keep sucking
Hooked on Cock: JESUS CHRIST
fxydydx: why?
Hooked on Cock: just cuz I don't say "I keep sucking" it doesn't mean I stopped
Hooked on Cock: I keep sucking.
Hooked on Cock: Is that better?
fxydydx: yeah baby
Hooked on Cock: Mmmm
Hooked on Cock: I want you to cum for me!
fxydydx: you're good
Hooked on Cock: I start jerking you off, too
fxydydx: i will
fxydydx: ok
fxydydx: i like it
Hooked on Cock: I'm licking up your cock
Hooked on Cock: then I deep throat you
fxydydx: i like it
Hooked on Cock: *sighs*
Hooked on Cock: Say something else, will ya?
Hooked on Cock: Or cum.
fxydydx: well i getting into it. also cumming
Hooked on Cock: Mmmm yer comming?
fxydydx: almost
Hooked on Cock: I keep deep throating you
Hooked on Cock: and look you in the eyes, pleading for you to cum!
Hooked on Cock: I'm getting real tired of pumping, here
fxydydx: im cumming
Hooked on Cock: *gag*
Hooked on Cock: *barf*
fxydydx: get away if you don't want it in your mouth
Hooked on Cock: I puke all over your crotch
Hooked on Cock: Too late bitch!
Hooked on Cock: I told ya to warn me first
Hooked on Cock: !
Hooked on Cock: Now I've got Taco Bell enchiladas all over your cock and pubes
Hooked on Cock: Jesus that's sick...
Hooked on Cock: Looking at it is making me even sicker...I better go...
fxydydx: look i was able to pull off so don't blame me
Hooked on Cock: Yeah, if 'pull off' means "cum down my fucking throat" you did it just fine.
fxydydx: you're not a 12 year old r u?
Hooked on Cock: *sighs*
Hooked on Cock: I'm a 21-year old man, that make you feel better? Jesus.
Hooked on Cock: Why would I lie?
Hooked on Cock: Are you really a pedophile?
fxydydx: i mean i was just trying to make a joke and you cyber like better than some girls i know that's why i wasn't too serious cuz i was checking if you r really telling the truth
fxydydx: you seem older.
Hooked on Cock: I'm not putting up with this shit.
Hooked on Cock: Thanks a lot! First you make me gag on your seed, then you accuse me of not being a 12 year old girl!
fxydydx: no serious, i'm serious you're good
Hooked on Cock: That sure helps my self-esteem
Hooked on Cock: LOL
fxydydx: well if you are you're good
Hooked on Cock: What if I'm not, though?
Hooked on Cock: I mean, would I still be good if I was an older guy?
fxydydx: well i didn't do anything or touch myself so i don't care
Hooked on Cock: DAMMIT. So you just USED ME!?
Hooked on Cock: God damn you, and I was actually rubbing my tight little twat, too!
Hooked on Cock: *cries*
Hooked on Cock: I feel so used!!!!!
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