...Is It In You?
Fellatio 101
by: Hooked on Cock
Posted: 03/06/00         Score: 2.5         Votes: 189
This is the same pedo as in Kaen's "Masturbation 101" log which is the same guy as from my "I like clowns!" Log. Go figure. This log is only funny if you've read the Masturbation 101 log first, so I suggest you go do that if you haven't already. (PostNote: Thanks to Natt the Priss-Ass Brit for correcting my horrible spelling)
fxydydx: HI
Hooked on Cock: HELLO!
Hooked on Cock: ARE U ORGASM?
fxydydx: how r u
fxydydx: nope
fxydydx: why
Hooked on Cock: er
Hooked on Cock: hi
Hooked on Cock: who are you?
fxydydx: well a guy whos bored
Hooked on Cock: hm
Hooked on Cock: what do you want to do then?
fxydydx: anything actually
Hooked on Cock: like?
Hooked on Cock: Perform fellacio on me?
fxydydx: what do you mean
fxydydx: well
Hooked on Cock: do you have any idea what that word means?
fxydydx: tell me i might do it
fxydydx: not really but tell me i might do it
Hooked on Cock: K
fxydydx: yes tell me
Hooked on Cock: Well, I can step you through it if you want
fxydydx: sure
Hooked on Cock: Okay, first you need to go get a chicken. Okay?
fxydydx: what is it for
Hooked on Cock: I'm telling you how to perform fellacio
Hooked on Cock: go get a chicken
fxydydx: where you from
Hooked on Cock: Egypt
fxydydx: uh huh. right?
Hooked on Cock: huh?
Hooked on Cock: Go get the chicken
fxydydx: nothing
fxydydx: ok
Hooked on Cock: Now go get a knife
fxydydx: ok
Hooked on Cock: Okay, now you need to cut the chicken, starting at the neck and cutting down to the groin.
Hooked on Cock: Don't cut all the way through it, just down into it.
fxydydx: ok
Hooked on Cock: Oh man...this is REALLY turning me on
Hooked on Cock: *rubbing my clit*
fxydydx: yeah?
Hooked on Cock: yeah
Hooked on Cock: now go get the following:
fxydydx: what
Hooked on Cock: parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme
fxydydx: ok
Hooked on Cock: mix it all together with flour and breadcrumbs
fxydydx: yes
Hooked on Cock: Mmmmm oh man
fxydydx: yeah
Hooked on Cock: Okay, put the mixture into the cut you made in the chicken
Hooked on Cock: It's stuffin.
fxydydx: uh huh
Hooked on Cock: er stuffing
fxydydx: yeah
Hooked on Cock: next, get a large cooking pan, and put the hen into it
fxydydx: ok
Hooked on Cock: pour some light red wine over it, just enough to get it all wet
fxydydx: its wet
Hooked on Cock: Mmmm yeah baby, it is
Hooked on Cock: okay, wrap it in aluminum foil now
fxydydx: which one
fxydydx: i did
fxydydx: whats going on
Hooked on Cock: huh? I'm teaching you fellatio
Hooked on Cock: okay, now put the wrapped chicken into the oven
fxydydx: whats going on with you
Hooked on Cock: cook for three hours at 400 degrees
fxydydx: what for
Hooked on Cock: Kung Pao Chicken.
fxydydx: and
Hooked on Cock: You didn't know that? Shit, do you not remember recipes or something?
fxydydx: i do
Hooked on Cock: Then you should have remembered that recipe. Whatever.
Hooked on Cock: Okay, do you like giving head?
fxydydx: ok
fxydydx: you m/f?
Hooked on Cock: (fe)male
fxydydx: what does that mean?
Hooked on Cock: I've got both male and female genitalia.
fxydydx: ok
Hooked on Cock: could you perform fallatio on me now?
fxydydx: not really
Hooked on Cock: why not? I thought you didn't even know what that word meant!
fxydydx: nope
Hooked on Cock: right...then how do you know if you can do it or not?
Hooked on Cock: WTF?
Hooked on Cock: um, that has nothing to do with you SUCKING MY DICK
fxydydx: HUH?
Hooked on Cock: (which is what fellacio is)
Hooked on Cock: you've got a dick asshole?
Hooked on Cock: what the hell is that?
Hooked on Cock: I am!
Hooked on Cock: I said I was!
Hooked on Cock: LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM
Hooked on Cock: Just because I have a penis doesn't mean you can't love me like a woman
Hooked on Cock: Please love me...?
fxydydx: I CAN IM NOT GAY
Hooked on Cock: That's fine
Hooked on Cock: I'm not either
fxydydx: OK BYE
Hooked on Cock: if I'm a girl with a dick, you sucking my dick does not make you gay
Hooked on Cock: that's straight sex
Hooked on Cock: I can't!
Hooked on Cock: Cuz you're not sucking!
Hooked on Cock: That's masturbation, not fellacio
Hooked on Cock: *sigh*
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