...hook, line and sinker.
Secret Agent Man
by: Hooked on Cock
Posted: 06/05/00         Score: 3.3         Votes: 295
Every once in awhile we get IMed by honest-to-goodness pedophiles that would like nothing more than to meet us in person and have hot, sweaty, under-age sex. I lucked out this time, getting a ton of his personal info before he finally wisened up and left. Moron...
gdarn9989: hi
Hooked on Cock: hiya big boy
Hooked on Cock: what's up?
Hooked on Cock: a bite. yay
gdarn9989: nuthiin
Hooked on Cock: whoops, that was for someone else...
gdarn9989: what do you look like?
Hooked on Cock: 1 sec, lemme get you my pic
gdarn9989: ok
Hooked on Cock: g
gdarn9989: your hot
Hooked on Cock: really, thanks?
Hooked on Cock: that turns me got a pic?
gdarn9989 wants to send file C:My Documentsaol stuffgdarn9989.jpg. Hkd On Cock received Hooked on Cock.
gdarn9989: get it?
Hooked on Cock: yeah, looking at it now
Hooked on Cock: damn you're hot, even if the picture is all corrupted and shit. (you can see it here)
gdarn9989: guess coming to eqypt
Hooked on Cock: really, wow?
Hooked on Cock: Maybe you could meet up with me, that'd be swell
gdarn9989: i will be in alexandria
Hooked on Cock: cool, I could come up and see you, probably.
Hooked on Cock: what's your name?
Hooked on Cock: you're cute, I'd like to see you in person
gdarn9989: gary...what would you like to do?
Hooked on Cock: I dunno, now or then?
gdarn9989: then
Hooked on Cock: Hmm...I dunno, something sexual of course
gdarn9989: what if we hit it off good..would you come to the US?
Hooked on Cock: maybe
gdarn9989: i could get you in the US easy
Hooked on Cock: really, how? You wouldn't smuggle me in a suitcase, would you? That was too uncomfortable last time
gdarn9989: im in the navy...i would bring you back on the ship..customs doesnt check navy ships
Hooked on Cock: Mmmm cool
Hooked on Cock: maybe, I'd have to meet you first and see if I like you
Hooked on Cock: but you sound sweet and honest so far
Hooked on Cock: so where do you live?
gdarn9989: chicago
gdarn9989: what does the rest of your body look like?
Hooked on Cock: Cute, tight little body
Hooked on Cock: real 12-year-old lookin'
gdarn9989: breasts
Hooked on Cock: trainer size, small but cute
gdarn9989: and...what about the other?
Hooked on Cock: Both breasts look the same.
Hooked on Cock: Although my right one is a little bit bigger
gdarn9989: what about between your legs
Hooked on Cock: hairless and tight
Hooked on Cock: are you on a navy ship right now, or at home?
gdarn9989: what kind of experience do you in italy right now
Hooked on Cock: I've had sex a few times
Hooked on Cock: is there any way I could talk to you or write you before you came here?
gdarn9989: what all have you done?
Hooked on Cock: lotsa stuff, you name it
gdarn9989: whats your phone number?
Hooked on Cock: I can't give that out to strangers, I'm sorry
Hooked on Cock: my dad monitors who calls
gdarn9989: then how can i talk to you?
Hooked on Cock: I dunno, I could call you from my friend's house, or better yet, I could write you a letter. It wouldn't be talking but it would be sweet
gdarn9989: yes
gdarn9989: so...what are you doing right now?
Hooked on Cock: I'm rubbing myself, your getting me hot
gdarn9989: what are wearing?
Hooked on Cock: My Little Pony PJs
gdarn9989: do you have any other pics?
Hooked on Cock: no, sorry
Hooked on Cock: I do but they're regular pictures and I don't have a scanner anymore
gdarn9989: how are you sitting?
Hooked on Cock: cross-legged
gdarn9989: where is you hand?
Hooked on Cock: in my pants
gdarn9989: describe it to me
Hooked on Cock: well, it's inside the elastic waistband, you know, in my pants.
Hooked on Cock: Oh, sorry...
Hooked on Cock: I mean, my hand is small, I have 5 fingers
gdarn9989: whats it doing?
Hooked on Cock: rubbing myself
Hooked on Cock: I dunno if I should do this with you, I mean, I don't really know you
gdarn9989: if your uncomfortable we can stop
Hooked on Cock: yeah, I don't know you well enough, you need to make me trust you first
gdarn9989: how can i do that
Hooked on Cock: I dunno, tell me something you don't tell most people so I feel special
gdarn9989: ask me anything and i swear i will answer
Hooked on Cock: Hm
Hooked on Cock: how old are you?
gdarn9989: 30
gdarn9989: keep asking
Hooked on Cock: what's your full name?
gdarn9989: gary sean davis
Hooked on Cock: and you're in the navy, right?
gdarn9989: yes
Hooked on Cock: what do you do?
gdarn9989: im a fire fighter
Hooked on Cock: on an airplane boat?
gdarn9989: yes
Hooked on Cock: wow, thats sexy
gdarn9989: what else you want to know
Hooked on Cock: okay, if you want me to truly trust you, I need to know something that could get you in trouble, so I know you're not lying to me about anything.
gdarn9989: ive had sex with a girl 13 in italy
Hooked on Cock: Im sorry if im being mean, but you can't be too safe in these times
Hooked on Cock: that wouldn't get you in trouble, how would I prove it?
Hooked on Cock: I was thinking like what ship you were stationed on, or your mailing address or something.
gdarn9989: uss stennis
Hooked on Cock: k
Hooked on Cock: I think I can trust you now, maybe
gdarn9989: you can trust me
Hooked on Cock: k, I gotta go to the bathroom, be right back
gdarn9989: ok
Hooked on Cock: back
Hooked on Cock: what rank are you?
gdarn9989: e-5
Hooked on Cock: why can't I locate you on the navy's personnel roster, then?
gdarn9989: im a reservist
Hooked on Cock: what does that mean?
gdarn9989: im not active duty
Hooked on Cock: then why are you on an aircraft carrier?
gdarn9989: i work for the navy everyother weekend and 2 weeks in the summer
Hooked on Cock: ah
gdarn9989: i work in chicago the rest of the time
Hooked on Cock: well, that sucks. Hm. How else could I verify who you are? I don't feel comfortable talking to someone who might not be who they say they are
gdarn9989: maybe i should go...i dont want you to be uncomfortable
Hooked on Cock: no, it's okay - you're trying, so I feel better just by that
Hooked on Cock: but I need to know that you are you.
Hooked on Cock: you understand, right? I'd really like to meet you when you come over here
gdarn9989: i dont know what else to do
gdarn9989: if we meet in public it should be ok
Hooked on Cock: well, you could come over, too, if I trusted you
Hooked on Cock: my parents won't be home during the day and I can skip school
Hooked on Cock: would your home address be listed on USWest dex or something? So I could verify your name>
Hooked on Cock: ?
gdarn9989: my address isnt listed in any directories
Hooked on Cock: So you're not the guy that lives at 644 W Arlington Place, right?
gdarn9989: how did you get that?
Hooked on Cock: er...from the phonebook online. Is that correct? 773-477-9445?
Hooked on Cock: That'd be *too wierd* if I actually got your real phone number and address.
Hooked on Cock: Hello?
Hooked on Cock: you want me to trust you, right? Sheesh.
gdarn9989: thats my brother...i helped him by turning his phone on cause he didnt have the address and his number,,,lol
Hooked on Cock: Well, that's good, I guess. At least, it'll allow my agents to better track you down.
gdarn9989: what agents?
Hooked on Cock: er, huh?
Hooked on Cock: So anyway, when are you going to be out here?
Hooked on Cock: to Egypt, of course
gdarn9989: what agents are you refering to?
Hooked on Cock: I didn't say anything about agents! Why are you acting paranoid, you're scaring me Mr. Gary Davis...
gdarn9989: Hkd On Cock: Well, that's good, I guess. At least, it'll allow my agents to better track you down.
gdarn9989: you said that
Hooked on Cock: I don't remember saying that, maybe I was typing to someone else. That must have been it.
Hooked on Cock: So what's your brother's name?
gdarn9989: greg
Hooked on Cock: Man, talk about dumbshit luck - there are a million entries for him, but just that one with your name and address but his phone #.
Hooked on Cock: So anyway, when are you coming out here to Egypt?
gdarn9989: lol...didnt know that
Hooked on Cock: *shrug* I don't see why you would. Now please, answer my question - I can't wait to meet you!
gdarn9989: in 3 weeks
Hooked on Cock: what date and time will you be exiting your ship? And what location>?
gdarn9989: not sure...they havent told us
Hooked on Cock: Well, that sucks.
Hooked on Cock: Do you have a phone number on the ship?
gdarn9989: i know
gdarn9989: no...were not allowed to have phone
Hooked on Cock: that sucks.
Hooked on Cock: If I were to question your brother, say, in 2 and a half weeks, would he know when and where you were getting off the USS Stennis?
gdarn9989: i doubt it...i could email you when i find out
Hooked on Cock: gimme your email address, and I'll email you in a couple weeks
Hooked on Cock: You going to cooperate here, or do I need to speak to your commanding officer?
gdarn9989: im only 15...i dont have a commanding officer
Hooked on Cock: LOL
Hooked on Cock: Not this BS again...
gdarn9989: bye
Hooked on Cock: Bye! We'll be in contact with you (or your brother) shortly.
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