Buying Our Way Out of Purgatory One Catholic Priest at a Time
HoC Teaches English
by: Hooked on Cock
Posted: 06/06/00         Score: 2.8         Votes: 241
It's not often that I can be as much of an asshole as Sven, but I think I succeeded this time.
egyptnpimpette69: sup
Hooked on Cock: There's no way you're for real.
Hooked on Cock: What are the odds of me being a little whore from egypt, and you being a pimpette from egypt? It just doesn't figure
egyptnpimpette69: wat do you mean
egyptnpimpette69: i'm under my sis sn
egyptnpimpette69: so wt kind of sex do you like to have
Hooked on Cock: are you egyptian?
egyptnpimpette69: yes but i live in cali
Hooked on Cock: ah, k. Say somethign in Egyptian, then.
egyptnpimpette69: eh el akhbar
Hooked on Cock: Woo, like everyone doesn't know that.
egyptnpimpette69: so where do you live over there
Hooked on Cock: Bumfuck
Hooked on Cock: it's by Askaban
egyptnpimpette69: intee bithiby el neak el gamid
Hooked on Cock: that's better
Hooked on Cock: okay, so what's up?
egyptnpimpette69: horny
Hooked on Cock: horny isn't something that can be "up"
Hooked on Cock: try again
egyptnpimpette69: wat doyou want me to say
egyptnpimpette69: where in egypt do you live
Hooked on Cock: I told you, dammit
egyptnpimpette69: do you do drugs
Hooked on Cock: What kind of question is that?
egyptnpimpette69: do you
Hooked on Cock: But yes, I smoke crack so that my dad fucking me won't hurt as bad
egyptnpimpette69: that cool i do evrything too
Hooked on Cock: I didn't say "everything" just crack
egyptnpimpette69: fine i do evrything not you
Hooked on Cock: I didn't mean to rub it in
egyptnpimpette69: so how many guys you did till mow
Hooked on Cock: that makes no sense
egyptnpimpette69: how many guys you did it with
Hooked on Cock: lots
Hooked on Cock: I lost count
egyptnpimpette69: cool do you use protection
Hooked on Cock: yes, I carry a gun
egyptnpimpette69: or birth control
egyptnpimpette69: no i mean condoms
egyptnpimpette69: r u doing it with anybody now
Hooked on Cock: sorry, I'm trying to verify who some pedophile is
Hooked on Cock: what's up?
egyptnpimpette69: nothin much why r u bing so rud
Hooked on Cock: I'm not
Hooked on Cock: bitch
egyptnpimpette69: fuck you hor
egyptnpimpette69: you have nothing to say bitch
Hooked on Cock: yes I do, like
Hooked on Cock: "you are an idiot savant"
Hooked on Cock: or "please take my cock and insert it into your colon, Mr. Sodomy, sir"
egyptnpimpette69: bitch i'm a gurl you hor
Hooked on Cock: Oh, sorry.
egyptnpimpette69: wat did you think
Hooked on Cock: Hm. Then how about, "please take my cock and insert it into your colon, Mrs. Sodomy, ma'am" instead?
egyptnpimpette69: your a guy
Hooked on Cock: What?
egyptnpimpette69: because i'm not stright
egyptnpimpette69: i'm bi domhead
Hooked on Cock: sweet!
egyptnpimpette69: i don't want no fucking cocks fucker
Hooked on Cock: That's being a lesbo, not bi, you moron
Hooked on Cock: if you were bi you'd like cocks too
egyptnpimpette69: not all the time like you you dirty hor
Hooked on Cock: WHORE dammit, not "hor"
egyptnpimpette69: wat ever you don't have to spell right on this shit
egyptnpimpette69: i all ready got my gurl not like you going around
Hooked on Cock: I sense that you're a hip "G", am I right? Talkin' da slang, beeyotch?
egyptnpimpette69: fuck you sluit
Hooked on Cock: "slut"
egyptnpimpette69: wat ever
Hooked on Cock: "whatever"
egyptnpimpette69: wat ever thats the way i like to spell it
Hooked on Cock: Well, isn't that dandy! I like to spell it, "My God are you a fucking whore"
egyptnpimpette69: you now wat you got to lok in the marrir and you'll see how is the hor
Hooked on Cock: Hmm...I'm going to go out on a limb here and translate what you just said to English. Was it: "you know what, you go look in the mirror and you'll see who is the whore."
Hooked on Cock: Is that correct?
egyptnpimpette69: you have nothing to say is that why your repeating my word
Hooked on Cock: "you're" not "your"
Hooked on Cock: "your" denotes ownership, as in "is that your phone?"
Hooked on Cock: where-as "you're" is short for "you are," which would have been the correct thing to say.
Hooked on Cock: I'm trying to make you a better person.
egyptnpimpette69: good for you that you know your english very well but also fuck you
Hooked on Cock: That sentence wasn't very nicely structured.
egyptnpimpette69: it is non of you rbiznaz fucker
Hooked on Cock: wow, "biznaz!" I've never heard that word before. Is it Arabic, perhaps?
egyptnpimpette69: hell no
egyptnpimpette69: your just fucking stupid ass
egyptnpimpette69: r u blond
egyptnpimpette69: why can't you answer
egyptnpimpette69: got nothin to say
Hooked on Cock: sorry, I was talking to some other pedo
Hooked on Cock: not to say that you're a pedophile, since you're apparently just an ignorant carpetmuncher.
Hooked on Cock: No, I'm not blonde, although your lack of grammar and spelling skills seems to indicate that you are one.
egyptnpimpette69: i ain't a stupid blond i'm a goth
egyptnpimpette69: and i'll fucking fuck you up with my powers
Hooked on Cock: ooooh! I'm scared!
Hooked on Cock: Please, don't use your Gothic Powers Of Darkness to injure me!
egyptnpimpette69: you beter be
egyptnpimpette69: don't miss with me bitch
Hooked on Cock: I know how you goths are, with your Satanic powers - making us normal folk bleed from the eyes and spill our beers when we're not even drunk
egyptnpimpette69: you don't know jack about this shit
egyptnpimpette69: ok
Hooked on Cock: Wooooo I guess not, you better explain then so I can properly quake in my boots
egyptnpimpette69: fuck you i can't tell you enything or i'll lose my power domass
Hooked on Cock: You can't be a dirty sandnigger and a Goth, anyway - only upper-class white teenagers who's parent's make triple digits a year and don't bother raising their kids can be goths.
Hooked on Cock: That was bad grammar, I'm sorry.
egyptnpimpette69: i'm freaking amrecian and my parents leave me to do watever i wat
egyptnpimpette69: so i can be anything i want
egyptnpimpette69: ok
Hooked on Cock: You're from Amrecia? Where's that?
egyptnpimpette69: watever i don't have top explian jack to you
egyptnpimpette69: so shut the fuck up
Hooked on Cock: You're becoming more and more difficult to understand as your anger grows. I suggest taking a deep breath and relaxing some, so I can understand you.
egyptnpimpette69: put a cock in your mouth and go to hell
Hooked on Cock: what does cock-in-mouth have to do with Hell?
Hooked on Cock: Why don't you go eat out your girlfriend, and I'll sit here and masturbate to the thought.
Hooked on Cock: Set up a webcam so I can watch.
Hooked on Cock: You still there? I want to see some hot girl-on-girl action, dammit!
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