Say Yes to Drugs
The Cock-Sucking Diaries
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 11/11/01         Score: 1.3         Votes: 213
True, it never hurts to ask. But that doesn't mean you're gonna get a straight fucking answer.
tduston92: hello asl
NYCockExchange: Hey fuckerhead.
tduston92: asl
tduston92: i have pics
NYCockExchange: That's fuckin' GREAT!
NYCockExchange: Or something.
tduston92: are u 13
NYCockExchange: Of course I'm 13. Why would I lie?
tduston92: hey if u dont watn to chat just say it
NYCockExchange: Just say what?
tduston92: if u dont watn to chat just tll me u dont want to chat and i will leave u alone
NYCockExchange: But I wanna chat! If I had no one to chat with, what would become of the poorly-disguised fact that I am seeking (at this juncture) an individual to circumvent internet-based sexual activities with?
tduston92: i will
tduston92: but i watn to know what u look like
NYCockExchange: No you don't.
tduston92: i am jacking off right now
NYCockExchange: Yeah, me too. I haven't been this horny in a long time.
tduston92: me to
tduston92: do u scuk dicks
NYCockExchange: Only if it's my buddy's dick.
tduston92: what is the oldest guy u have gave a blowjob to
NYCockExchange: Um. Why? How old are *you*?
tduston92: 18
NYCockExchange: Heh, you're still a kid.
tduston92: have u ever gave head to anyone older than 20
tduston92: hello
NYCockExchange: Well, I'm pretty exclusive about who I give head to. I wouldn't usually suck an 18-year-old's dick. Most of the people that I give head to tend to have an overwhelming amount of estrogen in their bodies.
tduston92: then what is the oldest guy u have gave head to
NYCockExchange: I dunno. Am I supposed to ask people their ages before I give them head? That kind of ruins the mood, don't you think?
tduston92: do u suck a lot of dick
NYCockExchange: Excuse me? I just asked you two fucking questions. Have the courtesy to answer 'em, or I'll block your fucking ass faster than you can type "r u a guy?"
tduston92: no u are not to ask them
tduston92: and yes it does ruin the mood
NYCockExchange: Thanks. That was all I needed to hear.
tduston92: now ill u answer me
NYCockExchange: Sorry, what was the question?
tduston92: do u suck a lot of dick
NYCockExchange: I can't really answer that, until I know what you mean by "a lot". What is your perspective on amounts of dick? Is one a week a lot? One dick a month? Four different dicks a day?
tduston92: one a week
NYCockExchange: Sucking one cock a week is "a lot"? :- Eeehhh... if you say so.
tduston92: how* many do u suck a week
NYCockExchange: It depends on which month and season, really. Are you aware that people - at certain times of the year - are less or more horny, generally?
tduston92: cool
NYCockExchange: For example, people are usually less horny in summer than in autumn. Maybe it's the summer heat. *shrugs* Or the factor could be attributed to our biological clocks.
tduston92: what is the most u have sucked in one week
NYCockExchange: I'm not sure. ...Let me consult my "Cocksucking Diary", and I'll get right back to you, okay?
tduston92: ok please hurry
NYCockExchange: Okay, I will!
tduston92: hello
NYCockExchange: Our advantage - at this point - is: I've spent a lot of time and effort in making my "Cocksucking Diary" very user-friendly. I've got to keep it well-hidden, because anyone who uses it can get any information they want, regarding my cocksucking. That means you, your mother, your father, and your cornfed uncle Bob can look up anything about my cocksucking life!
tduston92: how many have u sucked
NYCockExchange: It's conveniently divided and color-coded, and I use little tabs to divide the names, places, and times of the people who I've given head to. There's also a time-flow chart, length log, and a section just chock-full of demographic information. It's quite comprehensive.
NYCockExchange: Er, sorry - I was rambling on there. I'll go look at it now, I'll be right back.
NYCockExchange: Are you still there?
tduston92: yeah
tduston92: how many
NYCockExchange: I can't find my Cocksucker Diary!!!
tduston92: how old were u when u gave ur first one
NYCockExchange: I usually hide it in the bottom dresser drawer, but it's missing! And all of my clothes in there are scattered and messy!! Someone's been snooping in my room, and they're going to find out everything about my cocksucking life!!!
NYCockExchange: This is... horrible!!
tduston92: i will let u go since u are ignoring my questions
NYCockExchange: How the FUCK am I supposed to answer your questions without my Cocksucking Diary??!!
NYCockExchange: This is, like, an emergency situation here, and you're letting me GO??
NYCockExchange: Please stay with me in my time of need!!!
tduston92: tell me how old u were
NYCockExchange: You don't get it, do you? I can't answer that, because my time-flow chart is missing. My list of places where I've sucked cock is missing. My schedule for the next 2 weeks is missing. It's ALL MISSING!!!
tduston92: do u like cum
NYCockExchange: At this point, I don't care who took it. I'm not going to ask any questions, I'm not going to try to incriminate anyone. I just want to get it back in one piece.
NYCockExchange: Yeah, I like cum.
tduston92: can u deepthroat
NYCockExchange: But, that's a rough issue right now. I used cum to stick the fold-out "length log" to the last page of the index. So I don't wanna talk about cum at this minute.
NYCockExchange: All it does, is give me bad memories.
tduston92: have u ever blew a guy u didnt know
NYCockExchange: I might have. It's hard for me to say, all of my information is gone.
NYCockExchange: Hey, I have an idea!
NYCockExchange: Why don't you help me build a new, electronically-based Cocksucking Diary? I mean, you're asking a lot of questions about my cocksucking. Would it be too much effort to record my answers, and throw 'em into something like Excel?
NYCockExchange: I don't currently have a lot of information to work with, but that's okay. It'll be less work for you, which is good; at this time; I'd rather have you designing an aesthetic, user-friendly layout. Get yourself the most recent edition of PageMaker - pirated, if need be. Upload only your very best work to me - I've got a repuation for being a harsh critic. Once I've given your layout, you can move on to the database entry. Are you with me, so far?
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NYCockExchange: I guess not. Bitch.
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