Supporting Public Television
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 01/15/02         Score: 2.8         Votes: 204
Hooray for getting covered with semen.
grass1982: hell yeah I wanna talk dirty
NYCockExchange: Hey, dude. What's up?
grass1982: not too much....u?
NYCockExchange: Eh. Same old bullshit, different night. You know.
grass1982: hehe, ido
grass1982: so what do u look like?
NYCockExchange: Eh, I've got long hair an' shit. I'm pretty fuckin' hot.
grass1982: oh yeah?
grass1982: what is your body like?
NYCockExchange: Standard stuff: flesh, bones, hair, naughty parts, etc, etc.
grass1982: yeah, i wanna know more about the naughty parts, hehe
NYCockExchange: Well, they're also called "genitals". The tip gets a little wet when I piss. My genitals are located in my lower abdominal area.
grass1982: are u shaved or not??
grass1982: hahaha
grass1982: ok ok
NYCockExchange: Nah, I've been kinda lazy about shaving lately. I look like a fuckin' bum, like I should have a dirty, sweaty trenchcoat and a fifth of Jack in a paper bag.
grass1982: damn
grass1982: that's not cool
grass1982: you got a 6 oclock shadow too?
grass1982: 5*
NYCockExchange: Actually, no. That's for people who've gone only a day or so without shaving.
NYCockExchange: I've gone longer than that.
grass1982: i meant on your face
grass1982: but it wsa a joke
NYCockExchange: Oh. In that case, "LOL".
grass1982: are u pretty tight?
grass1982: lol
NYCockExchange: Yeah, that's what I've been told. I've been told this in a variety of ways.
grass1982: oh yeah?
grass1982: how so?
NYCockExchange: Like when I'm walking through an area of town where a lot of niggers live, they'll say things like, "You be one tight muthafucka, G."
grass1982: hehe, i see
grass1982: i was talking about the other "tight" however
NYCockExchange: Well, that, too. I'm pretty tight in that department.
grass1982: niice
grass1982: how many fingers can u fit?
NYCockExchange: My all friends KNOW never to ask me for any cash. If they don't have any, it's because they aren't working hard enough, or they're spending it too freely. People need to be responsible for their actions.
grass1982: hahaha, damn girl....did u just take a class in Sarcasm
grass1982: haha
NYCockExchange: They call me a "miser" when they're being bitches or assholes. But what they really mean to say is that I'm "tight".
grass1982: i see
grass1982: so you're pretty frugal with your dough?
NYCockExchange: I'm not the most charitable person who'll ever fuck you online. But I will fuck you.
grass1982: haha
grass1982: that';; do
grass1982: that'll
NYCockExchange: Good! I'm glad that none of my financial decsions are affecting our relationship so far.
grass1982: not unless you grab my wallet with one hand while my dick's in the other
grass1982: that's here "got you by the balls" comes from
grass1982: where*
NYCockExchange: Don't worry. I have no intentions on doing either of those things.
grass1982: damn
grass1982: 0 for 2
NYCockExchange: ...Not that I'd let you know of, anyhow.
grass1982: what WOULD u do with my dick in your hand?
NYCockExchange: I'd probably be giving you a reach-around. I guess. *shrugs*
grass1982: haha
NYCockExchange: What's so funny?
grass1982: nothin, nm
grass1982: what's your favorite position, girl?
NYCockExchange: Well, I guess here's where I have to admit... I'm not really feeling into penetration right now. I'm just in the mood for bukkake.
grass1982: ahhh, a little cum shower huh
grass1982: i can do that
NYCockExchange: Alright. Would you lay down, close your eyes, and open your mouth while I do my thing?
grass1982: sure
NYCockExchange: Man, that rocks.
NYCockExchange: Lay down, now. Face up.
grass1982: ok
NYCockExchange: Oh yeah - I'm inviting my friends over, too. The more cum, the merrier.
grass1982: i agree
NYCockExchange: Good, good. Alright. You should take your clothes off, too... unless you wanna get semen stains all over 'em.
NYCockExchange: This way, you can just take a shower, towel off, and all's well.
grass1982: hahaha
NYCockExchange: I'm all about efficiency, you know?
grass1982: there will be no semen on me except from me
grass1982: hahaha
grass1982: that's a rule I like to live by
NYCockExchange: I see.... you like playing hard to get, eh?
grass1982: what are u wearing right now girl?
NYCockExchange: Just a t-shirt. I've taken my pants and boxers off, so I can shoot my load on you.
Previous message was not received by grass1982 because of error: User grass1982 is temporarily not available. Try again in a few seconds.

grass1982: hello?
NYCockExchange: Hey. You left for a second.
grass1982: no you did
NYCockExchange: User grass1982 is temporarily not available. Try again in a few seconds.
NYCockExchange: Doesn't *look* like my fault.
grass1982: oh
grass1982: i wasn't aware of that
grass1982: my fault
grass1982: anyway....what are u wearing girl?
NYCockExchange: Geez. Can we just fucking get on with this? I've already invited my friends over, and they've already taken their pants off. They've got their throbbin' units in their hands, jerkin' off, and they need a body to shoot their load on.
NYCockExchange: Me, too. But I'm more patient than they are.
grass1982: that's why you're there girl
NYCockExchange: ...Okay. And where am I, now?
grass1982: i think you can handle em all
NYCockExchange: Where am I? You tell me.
grass1982: layin gon the ground, naked
grass1982: jerking them all off
NYCockExchange: Um. There seems to be a misunderstanding here.
NYCockExchange: Did I not tell you to get naked, lay down, and to close your eyes?
grass1982: I'm fuckin straight
NYCockExchange: You already told me that you were laying down, so what the fuck?
grass1982: i don't like other guys semen on me
NYCockExchange: So you just wanna cum on other guys? Is that it?
grass1982: no, girls
NYCockExchange: Oh. None of my friends are girls, so that's not gonna help you out.
NYCockExchange: As a matter of fact, this whole thing is just a big fucking sausage-party. There ain't one cunt up in this biatch.
NYCockExchange: That's where *you* come in handy. You're the new guy. We gotta break you in. Now, if you will please lay down and shut your eyes.... Oh yeah, and take your clothes off, too. We're not all that hot about getting laundry bills.
NYCockExchange: Hello? Bitch? We're not gonna have to do this the *hard* way, are we?
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