Jesus wants you to take it in the ass.
Pet & File
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 05/07/02         Score: 2.9         Votes: 161
"I Want to Fuck You Like An Animal" just doesn't apply with some people.
BILLNY33: hey a/s/l/pic
NYCockExchange: haha. like, whoa dude
BILLNY33: what
NYCockExchange: umm. i dunno. like, whatever.
NYCockExchange: so you were saying?
BILLNY33: u just asked a/s/l/pic
NYCockExchange: i did? okay, well... do you got 'em?
BILLNY33: I dont kno if u have a pic or not
NYCockExchange: it doesn't matter. answer my question.
BILLNY33: do I got em?
BILLNY33: do I got what?
NYCockExchange: your a/s/l/pic. i just asked you, dude.
BILLNY33: o ok
BILLNY33: 18/m/ny-ct/pic
NYCockExchange: Thanks for answering my question!
BILLNY33: ok
BILLNY33: so, u?
NYCockExchange: i'd rather not be sewn.
NYCockExchange: even if you were a professional tailor.
BILLNY33: sewn?
NYCockExchange: again: unsewn, please.
BILLNY33: I dunno what ur talking about
BILLNY33: oh ok I get it
NYCockExchange: come on. i've caught you red-handed. let's talk plea bargain here... i think i can get you 3 years at best if we do this. otherwise it will probably be 10.
BILLNY33: cute
BILLNY33: what?
BILLNY33: u are getting weirder and weirder
NYCockExchange: Just a disclaimer of sorts. Sorry.
BILLNY33: you are a bot aren't you
NYCockExchange: B.O.T.? Baiter On Tweek?
NYCockExchange: Yeah. That would be me.
NYCockExchange: Hello? I'm horny and shit. Do my bidding. Or something.
BILLNY33: ok do you wanna trade pics or not
NYCockExchange: Yeah.
BILLNY33 wants to directly connect. BILLNY33 has cancelled request due to no response from you; no connection was made. (If you and your buddy are each behind a different firewall, then the connection will not work; check with your network administrator if you are not sure about your firewall status. You should also try going into the Talk or IM Images sections of AIM preferences and toggle the 'Use Address' option.).
BILLNY33: you try connecting
NYCockExchange: like, whoa. total fuckin' bummer, dude. big fuckin' downer. boo! this is like when i had my pad raided!
BILLNY33: try send file
NYCockExchange: okay, i'll go get it. brb
NYCockExchange: oh fuck.
BILLNY33: what
NYCockExchange: um.
BILLNY33: what is it
NYCockExchange: i went and got that file like you said, and i tried to send it but it wouldn't fit in the a: drive.
NYCockExchange: so i kind of reared back, then lunged forward, and shoved that fucking bastard file into that son of a bitch. fucking whirred really loud, then sparks kind came flying out. that was fucking insane.
BILLNY33: oh so you're talking about a disc
BILLNY33: u tried to stuff some disk into the disk drive
BILLNY33: are you sure you didnt have it on the computer itself?
NYCockExchange: no, i'm talking about a metal file. the one my dad uses to rasp off carbon from the parts of his car.
BILLNY33: ok so you havent understood one thing Ive said from the first thing Ive said to you, either that or you are really not funny
NYCockExchange: he got that catalytic converter pretty carbon-free. looks shiny, but a little textured.
BILLNY33: brb
NYCockExchange: i like playing with the metal filings sometimes. when you put 'em on a piece of paper, you can put a magnet underneath and make funny shapes with the filings.
NYCockExchange: i *so* feel like getting off right now.
BILLNY33: hey Im back
NYCockExchange: hey hey, what's goin' on?
NYCockExchange: i missed you.
BILLNY33: hey can you send me your pic through email
NYCockExchange: umm.... that might be a problem
BILLNY33: why
NYCockExchange: because the computer seems all fucked up now.
BILLNY33: oh shit
BILLNY33: how are you still talking to me
NYCockExchange: i'm talking to you with patience on loan from god.
BILLNY33: what>>>???
NYCockExchange: but even god only has so much patience.
NYCockExchange: hello?
BILLNY33: Ive never heard so much crazy talk in my life
BILLNY33: lol
BILLNY33: I didnt think it was still in there
NYCockExchange: hey i would have tried to take it back out, but i don't want to get shocked to death.
BILLNY33: oh, true
NYCockExchange: i mean, come on, dude. i haven't even blown my load yet.
BILLNY33: jeez, how did you really think when I said send file, I meant stuff a metal file through your disc drive
NYCockExchange: i made a mistake when i was thinking.
BILLNY33: thats a pretty bad mistake
NYCockExchange: "bad" is a bit arbitrary in this particular case.
BILLNY33: ok, Ive never heard of a 13 year old who talks like this
BILLNY33: how old are you really
NYCockExchange: well, if you wanna count the 9 (nine) months i was a little embryo floating around in my mother's uterus... 14 (fourteen).
BILLNY33: uhm ok
BILLNY33: so can you tell me what you look like then if u cant send me a pic
NYCockExchange: yeah, i probably could.
NYCockExchange: is that what you would like?
BILLNY33: yea
NYCockExchange: would you really, really like it?
BILLNY33: yeah
NYCockExchange: would you super-duper, really, really, REALLY like it?? lots and lots and lots?
BILLNY33: so tell me
BILLNY33: yes just tell me
NYCockExchange: okay!! speak!!
BILLNY33: tell me already
NYCockExchange: good boy!!! i have brown eyes.
NYCockExchange: now, roll over!!
BILLNY33: are you implying that Im your bitch
NYCockExchange: no. i'm not implying that at all.
BILLNY33: but Im some kind of dog
NYCockExchange: did i ask you to speak??? NO!!! *hits you with a newspaper*
BILLNY33: uh, apparently
BILLNY33: so you wanna control me is that it
BILLNY33: so you gonna tell me the rest of what you look like besides the brown eyes or what
BILLNY33: am I gonna have to hit you back with a newspaper of my own
NYCockExchange: roll over, rover. or no description of any of the rest of my body for you!
BILLNY33: fine, just for you I am rolling over
BILLNY33: u happy
NYCockExchange: oh, come on. show me a little enthusiasm. i'll bet you're not even wagging your tail.
BILLNY33: well if you look sexy enough it'll wag all you want
NYCockExchange: ROLL OVER. and show me a little life this time, you mangy mutt. *makes circling motion with finger*
BILLNY33: *rolling over vigorously*
BILLNY33: you happy?
NYCockExchange: aaaawwww!!! good booyyy!!! *pats you on the head* i'm 5'3"
BILLNY33: what else
NYCockExchange: play dead. right fucking now.
BILLNY33: *dead*
NYCockExchange: are all 4 (four) of your legs sticking straight into the air?
BILLNY33: yup
NYCockExchange: is your tail perfectly still, not even the slightest wiggle at the fact that i, your master, look a little pleased at your good answer?
BILLNY33: perfectly still
NYCockExchange: and your eyes don't even have a glimmer of hope, much like the eyes of those little black kids in those damned infomercial shows with Sally Struthers?
BILLNY33: correct
NYCockExchange: awwwww, gooooood boooooyyyy!!! i have dark brown hair
BILLNY33: this is getting rediculous
NYCockExchange: would you like it to be more serious?
BILLNY33: well Id like to get rid of this dumb master-dog analogy
NYCockExchange: would you really, really like to get rid of this dumb master-dog analogy? would ya, boy? huh? would ya?
BILLNY33: yes
NYCockExchange: okay, speak!!
BILLNY33: you just dont get it do you
BILLNY33: is that not speaking?
NYCockExchange: yay!!!! goood boooy!!!! i swear, you're the goodest fucking boy EVER!!!!!
NYCockExchange: i got a nice ass.
BILLNY33: let me make it nice and simple as to what I look like
BILLNY33: Im 5'7'', 170 lbs, light goatee, short brown hair, glasses
NYCockExchange: no, no, NO!!! you gotta do it right. say it in a scooby-doo voice.
NYCockExchange: like, "i'm five-sheven, one hundrid an sheventy poundsh, a light goatee..eee..EEEEEE!!! shaggy!!! behind you!!!"
NYCockExchange: *points*
BILLNY33: sorry I dont like scooby doo
NYCockExchange: awwwww. *pats you on head* i sowweee
NYCockExchange: anyway. now, you must roll over. for a 2nd (second) time.
BILLNY33: I told you, no more of these doggy games
BILLNY33: what the fuck is wrong with you
BILLNY33: I only ask for an intelligent person to person conversation
NYCockExchange: come on boy. i know you can do it. *makes finger-circle again*
BILLNY33: ok...but it has to be the very last time ok
BILLNY33: if it isnt
BILLNY33: and you continue to talk to me like I am a dog
BILLNY33: I will block you
NYCockExchange: *looks at you impatiently, holding newspaper firmly*
BILLNY33: is this the last time or what
NYCockExchange: billny33. roll over.
NYCockExchange: (yes, it's the last time. fuck you and your lack of spontaneity)
BILLNY33: fine
BILLNY33: *rolls over vigorously again*
BILLNY33: *then bites your ass*
BILLNY33: kidding
NYCockExchange: gooooood booooyyyyy!!!!! oh my sweet fucking jesus, YOU are better than benji, lassie, AND ghandi - all rolled into one!!!
BILLNY33: ok now can we talk like two real people now
NYCockExchange: you are the bestest, bestest fuckin' goddamned dog EVER!!!! goooooood BOOOOOOYYY!!!!!
BILLNY33: I said two real people
BILLNY33: unless you plan on fucking that dog
NYCockExchange: does my world's bestest little puppy wuppy want his well-earned description?
BILLNY33: well yeah that would be nice
NYCockExchange: does my world's bestest, bestest little puppy wuppy yuppie really, really, REALLY want his well-earned motherfucking description?
BILLNY33: not if you plan on making me do more dumb little stunts
BILLNY33: if you do then Ill just block you
NYCockExchange: gooooooooodddd motherfuckin' goddamned BITCH!!! you are the greatest bitch! OH BILLNY33, you are the greatest dog to ever walk on god's green earth!!! goood bitch, i say!
BILLNY33: ok one more mention of a dog or a bitch and I will block you, you are not worth my time
NYCockExchange: i have a thick, hairy canine penis. the head stays all swelled after i ejeculate. so it'll be rubbing against your prostate until long after i purge your lower intestine with my doggy jizz.
NYCockExchange: and you're gonna like it. bitch.
BILLNY33: what the fuck???!!!
NYCockExchange: now! sniff my hairy butt as my tail wags against your nose!
NYCockExchange: then, eat the little scooby-snack that drops out of my doggybutt afterwards. come on, boy.
Previous message was not received by BILLNY33 because of error: User BILLNY33 is not available.

NYCockExchange: BAD DOG!!!
Previous message was not received by BILLNY33 because of error: User BILLNY33 is not available.
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