Intercourse is Not an Act of Violence
Dogs & Daughters
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 07/14/02         Score: 3.3         Votes: 267
This guy wasn't turned on by beastiality - but mention the possibility of him fucking his daughter, and he gets a boner. Go figure.
waterpaloo: hi
NYCockExchange: Hey. What's up?
: n/m
waterpaloo: whatcha up to?
NYCockExchange: Does it matter? ...I mean, that can't be the reason why you IM'ed me. People aren't generally too concerned with what activities other online folks are up to, especially when they've never met them and don't know anything about them.
: That's just a general observation, though. I might be wrong.
: ur 13????
waterpaloo: you seem alot older
NYCockExchange: Hey, I didn't just turn 13 yesterday, you know.
: when do you turn 14?
NYCockExchange: Why? Are you gonna bake me a cake and send me a new vibrator?
waterpaloo: that and a web cam
waterpaloo: I wanna see what you looklike
NYCockExchange: Oh. Well, I lied. Sorry.
: about what
NYCockExchange: My age. I did turn 13 yesterday. And it'll be like a whole year before I get any presents from you!!!
waterpaloo: do you have a photo?
NYCockExchange: Of me? Yeah.
: can I see?
NYCockExchange: Sure - as long as you have also have a photo.
: I have many
NYCockExchange: Well, fuck. Let's do this shit.
: connect
NYCockExchange: I was waiting for you to connect. It's always sexier when the man takes initiative.
waterpaloo wants to directly connect
. Connection problem with waterpaloo; no connection was made. (If you and your buddy are each behind a different firewall, then the connection will not work; check with your network administrator if you are not sure about your firewall status. You should also try going into the Talk or IM Images sections of AIM preferences and toggle the 'Use Address' option.).
waterpaloo: oh well
NYCockExchange: Well, that just blows dogs for quarters.
: gross
NYCockExchange: What's gross? Sucking dog cock?
: eww yes
NYCockExchange: Well, let me ask you this... What would you rather do, suck a dog's cock, or have a dog give it to you in the ass?
: yuck
NYCockExchange: Okay, I know you're disgusted, shocked, sickened, etc. You've made that perfectly clear. Now, will you please tell me which you'd rather do?
: i'd rather jack off in your mouth
NYCockExchange: I see. But what if you couldn't jack off in my mouth unless you first sucked on some canine cock -or- took it up the anal canal from a some big mutt?
: then I wouldn't do any
NYCockExchange: Well, okay. What if we were both naked, with you laying on your back, and me straddling you and riding you like I'm being electrocuted. ...Would you quit having sex with me if a dog suddenly came up behind me, and started buttfucking me?
: weird
NYCockExchange: What would be weird? The feeling of his tail wagging across your thighs as you're trying to concentrate on busting a nut?
: I don't even know if you are attractive
waterpaloo: cmon.. keep me interested
NYCockExchange: Hell, I don't even know if you're attractive, either. But for this premise, let's assume that we're both completely fucking gorgeous - and fucking each other. Then some mangy, stinking, flea-bitten mutt with one foot in the grave comes in and starts fucking the shit out of my asshole.
: Umm. Hello?
: *sigh* You better not be jacking off without me.
: as long as my cock was in you
NYCockExchange: ...Really?
waterpaloo: yes
waterpaloo: and you look young
NYCockExchange: Awesome! That kicks ass. You're kind of like a dog yourself, in that aspect - did you realize that?
: I prefer DAWG
NYCockExchange: Yeah, I'm sure you do. But that's not what I'm talking about, at all. I'm talking about a male dog blowing his hot, stick load - and how after that, the head of it's cock swells up and he can't pull out.
: is that what u like?
NYCockExchange: So if you were a dog, you couldn't pull out anyway. Although, if you were a dog, you probably wouldn't mind if another dog came along and started pumping dogdick into my rectum.
: Um. What gave you the idea that I like sex with dogs at all? I was just asking a hypothetical question, and I only repeated myself because you weren't giving me straight answers.
: you sure know alot about it
waterpaloo: you act so mature.. I hope you look young
waterpaloo: well I'm bore and not very aroused
waterpaloo: bye
NYCockExchange: Err... merely knowing about something doesn't mean that I'm fanatically involved with it on a day-to-day basis. You do know that, right?
: Fucking hell. I even uploaded a couple of pics JUST FOR YOU, and now you're going to run off, you fucking ingrate. *sigh*
: lemme uess... dog pics right?
NYCockExchange: Anyway, back to what I was saying. Let's use N.A.S.A. as an example. The number of employees who have actually been into space is greatly outweighed by the number of employees who haven't been into space, but have excellent knowledge regarding what life in space would be like.
: Oh, of course I'm going to send you dog pictures. *sigh* Can't you get over this "dog" thing? I already told you: I was just asking a hypothetical question, and I only repeated myself because you weren't giving me straight answers.
: so what do you look like?
NYCockExchange: That's one of two pictures.
: wow
NYCockExchange: Wow, what?
: you look good
NYCockExchange: Thanks - but would you still say that if you were able to "zoom in" and see the dog hairs sticking to my inner thighs?
NYCockExchange: Laugh away, waterpaloo. There's a *reason* why you're looking at a picture with low resolution.
: why?
NYCockExchange: Maybe because it's impossible to see the doggie hairs stuck to my sweat & cum-moistened inner thighs.
: you are often so close to making me hard but yet, sooo far away
NYCockExchange: Why?
: Holy fuck, you're taking a long time to answer. I'm just going to run out and have a smoke. BRB
: your s/n should be horny dag fucker
waterpaloo: *dog
NYCockExchange: Back.
: Er... huh? When did I ever say that I fuck dogs?
: you said Id be able to see dog hair on your young thighs
NYCockExchange: Oh, Jesus Christ, you fucking sicko. I just got through masturbating in my bed, which is full of dog hair. My two dogs sleep with me at night.
waterpaloo: forget you
NYCockExchange: My dogs are both female. How am I supposed to get fucked by bitches?
: you know you wanted me to think you are a dog fucker
NYCockExchange: No. The truth is, that you're obsessed with the thought of me fucking dogs. It's okay, I suppose we all have our own little fetishes.
: You're just not willing to LET GO of it.
: I'm very aware of my fetishes
waterpaloo: ur just being silly
NYCockExchange: BTW - I said that the doggie hairs were sticking to my sweat-and-cum-moistened inner things. I didn't say anything about them sticking to my "young thighs", as you said.
: So what I'm getting out of you right now, is that you're very much into young girls having sex with dogs.
: no dags
waterpaloo: dogs
NYCockExchange: Well, okay - if you insist. There's also a couple of horses, a mule, and a donkey down the street, if that's "better" for you somehow.
: *yawn*
NYCockExchange: Not your scene, eh? You some kind of deviant, or something?
: The "donkey shows" down in Tiajuana are popular for a reason, you know...
:'S PiCs!!!&.src=bc&.view=t&.begin=1&.order=&.done=http://ca.briefca!!!&.src=bc&.view=t
waterpaloo: Now this is sexy
NYCockExchange: Sexy? C'mon... she's *at least* 16.
: and looks hott
NYCockExchange: Sadly, there's nothing either of us can do to make her 3 or 4 years younger.
: she's fine
NYCockExchange: Yeah. I'd do her. Is she your internet girlfriend, or just some random internet chick you masturbate to?
: I just saw her profile
NYCockExchange: Oh. Neither, then. She's just some random internet chick that you're going to masturbate to.
: You should find out if she has a dog.
: lol, no she's not into older men
NYCockExchange: Um. Define "older men".
: older than her
NYCockExchange: Older than her, eh? Lemme guess - you already slipped her a little "a/s/l"?
waterpaloo: actually... I took a cue from you and said... "are you 16/"
waterpaloo: she said yes
NYCockExchange: And? What happened after that?
: I told her she was gorgeous and she asked asl I told her and she said That hurts
waterpaloo: so I left her alone
NYCockExchange: Oh. How old are you, anyhow? I mean, if you were 18 or 19, that can't hurt too much.
: I'm twice her age
waterpaloo: 3 times your age
NYCockExchange: It's okay that you left her alone. She probably has sex with dogs, anyway. Stupid cunt.
: Wait, that doesn't make any sense. 16 x 2 = 32. 13 x 3 = 39.
: u are barely 13
NYCockExchange: Yes, but 13 x 3 still doesn't = 32.
: its around there, trust me
NYCockExchange: No, I'm not going to blindly trust you. I want reasons why, goddammit. Is it true that a 32-year-old guy can still fuck 13-year-olds, while a 39-year-old is forbidden to do so?
: i cant fuk anyone...I'm married
NYCockExchange: Wow.
: I feel like you've wasted my time.
: please
waterpaloo: we aint gonna hook up
waterpaloo: my daughter is your age
waterpaloo: besides
waterpaloo: u like dog sex
waterpaloo: eww
NYCockExchange: You've been teasing me this whole time? Man, that's fucked up. I'd been under the impression that we were going to meet so I could give you a huge blowjob. Then you can spew your jizz all over my face, slap the fuck out of me, and tell me to get out.
: But, NO. You're no fun at all. You're MARRIED. You already have one foot in the grave.
: really?
NYCockExchange: Well, yeah. Do you think I'm naive for thinking so?
waterpaloo: um ur only 13 tho
NYCockExchange: But you wanted to get me hard!!!! And I fucking tried, and now you're only making me feel bad about my age, goddamn you!!
: *you wanted me to get you hard
: what???
NYCockExchange: What do you mean, "what???"? A little while ago, you were bitching that I couldn't get you hard, and now you're complaining about my age. It's not like I've kept my age from you, or anything.
: How would we meet, I'm in San Diego
NYCockExchange: On the contrary - you have kept it hidden from me that you don't want to cum on my face and treat me like a filthy little slut.
: Well, you go on vacations sometimes, don't you?
: yes
NYCockExchange: Well, there we go. You can tell your wife something like, "Hey, honey, why don't we go to Utah, look at the gorgeous deserts & mountains? We can study up the Mormon cult and stare at their majestic temple up in Salt Lake City!"
: Then, when she gets here, you can send her off to one of the Mormon churches to get converted while you come over and stick it in my mouth.
: oooooooh
NYCockExchange: Then that way, she'll be converted into a Mormon, and won't mind you having me for a second wife. Fuck, I'll even let her feed my dogs.
: what about your parents?
NYCockExchange: I'm sure your wife wouldn't mind spreading Skippy peanut butter all over her snatch and feeding the dogs that way. ...My parents? Shit, I have 14 other brothers and sisters. I won't be missed.
: we have a mobile home
waterpaloo: an RV ya know
NYCockExchange: My real mom might miss me a little bit, but I don't think any of my other mothers would really care. Except for Sophie and Melinda, because they like to give me a lot of shit because I won't convert.
: will you dress up sexi fror me
NYCockExchange: You do? Wow, that rocks! Does it have a waterbed?
: no
NYCockExchange: Yeah, I'll dress up sexi. Just for you. I'll even brush the doghairs off my lingerie.
: you have lingerie? from where?
waterpaloo: what?
NYCockExchange: Yeah, this guy I met online sends me lingerie, he's trying to win me over. He thinks I'm gonna go fuck him or something.
: wow
NYCockExchange: Wow, what?
: BTW - I guess you don't need a waterbed to cum on my face and slap me around. So that's okay.
: what kind does he send you
NYCockExchange: Ummm, just the standard stuff. You know - teddys, see-thru nighties, stockings, garter belts, crotchless panties. He also sends me jars of peanut butter for my dogs, me, and my webcam.
: I love garter bels and stocings and high heels
NYCockExchange: Really? So do I! You should seriously buy some for your daughter, she'll love you long time for it!
waterpaloo: lol, no way
NYCockExchange: Why not? All 13-year-old girls secretly love dressing up like cheap sluts.
: no they don't shush
NYCockExchange: All of my friends do. And my online friends do, too. They're SO FUCKING jealous that I have all of this lingerie.
waterpaloo: I would love to see a 13 y/o in stockings and high heels and garters
NYCockExchange: Is your daughter hot? Would she look good in lingerie? Because if she's fat or ugly, it's probably better off if you don't give her any lingerie. It can make a hot girl look hotter, but it only makes ugly chicks look like completely fucking retarded morons.
: yes she beautiful, but i'm not buying her any
NYCockExchange: Awwwww, that sucks. :- I just told you that all 13-year-olds love dressing up like tawdry whores. She's going to get her lingerie from someone, somewhere - whether you like it or not. So why don't you go ahead and take the initiative, instead of trusting her first lingerie experience to a complete stranger?
: Or maybe your wife can give her the lingerie instead! Or better yet, you can both present them to her, maybe over a family dinner or something!
: stop it
waterpaloo: she doesn't look as grown up as you
NYCockExchange: She might not look grown up as me, but she's still 13 - and she's going to want to dress up like a New York crack whore. ...You should really get involved.
: It's just the same with morals. I really hope you're not one of those parents who leaves it up to the churches or schools to fully educate their children. I hope you have a change of heart on this whole issue; you'll make your daughter the happiest little girl on the face of the Earth.
: happy? how?
NYCockExchange: Because she'll be getting lingerie from a person (or people, depending on how you and your wife handle the situation) who she knows, trusts, and loves. She won't have to sit in quiet desperation, waiting for some anonymous (and possibly lecherous) internet guy to send her lingerie. It's pure hell, I tell you.
: she's not collectin lingerie from anyone
NYCockExchange: Just think - one day, she's going to carelessly leave out a pair of crotchless panties, a skimpy teddy, or a ball gag. And you're going to wonder who she got it from, and why they gave it to her. But at that point, you might start to doubt whether the relationship you have with your daughter is a very open one. And how can you turn back time to make things right?
: i don't think we should meet
NYCockExchange: Look, I'm not demanding that you reach some sort of decision about your daughter's imminent lingerie collection right now... or a decision about meeting me for that matter. These are delicate matters, they require a little premeditation, you know?
: If you're worrying about me corrupting your daughter, please don't. I'm sure she's an awesome person, but I can also understand your reservations against this. However, if you want to slap my ass while you're taking me from behind and ask me "Who's your daddy?", that's fine with me. Really.
: whoa
NYCockExchange: What?
waterpaloo: that was pretty sexy
NYCockExchange: Thanks!
: If you like, you can bring some of your daughter's clothes along for me to wear, to kind of add to the whole "Who's your daddy?" scenario.
: What size does she wear?
: I'm not sure what size she wears, but that is kinky hott
waterpaloo: Her name's Karen
NYCockExchange: You should learn what size she wears. Because I have faith that you're going to have a change of heart on this "lingerie collection" issue, you're going to buy her some lingerie, and you're gonna make her feel very happy and loved - all in one fell swoop.
: Are you going to call me "Karen" when we fuck?
: you wouldn't mind?
NYCockExchange: I'll do whatever it takes to get you off. You name it: dressing in your daughter's clothes, calling you daddy, letting you call me Karen, crying awkwardly as you're fucking me. Whatever works!
: can you wear her clothes on the outside and your sexy garters nad stuff underneeth so when you undress is looks really naughty?
NYCockExchange: I suppose so... what's the hottest outfit she has?
: mini slirts and halter tops
NYCockExchange: Awesome. Doesn't sound like much to hide lingerie under, though.
: do you suggest anyting
NYCockExchange: I'll bet you could hide a lil' cock under there, though. Wouldn't it feel strange, though, to give your daughter her clothes back, even if you've washed off our cum-stains?
: oooooooh
NYCockExchange: What?
: I never thohhought of that
NYCockExchange: Hahaha, that's okay. To me, it only means that you've never done this before - and that it will be new and exciting for the both of us!
: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
NYCockExchange: You gotta take into consideration, though - if you get your hot, sticky nut-juice all over your daughter's clothes, she might subliminally notice the odor, and it might act as a pheromone. And she can trace the odor back to you, and you might find her suddenly wanting to hop on top of you and grind her hips into you like a horny little bunny.
: omg really?????
NYCockExchange: In theory. Why, is that a bad thing?
waterpaloo: i'm not thinking clearly cause right now that sounds good
NYCockExchange: Haha, I'm surprised you haven't stolen her panties and used them to masturbate with yet.
: Don't let me put any ideas into your head, though.
: they are just cotton tho
NYCockExchange: What might also work better, is if you get one of her pillows. Take it out of the pillowcase, and cum on that (but not too much). She'll be affected by it at night. Within a week, she just might start "noticing" you!
: you mean sexually noticing me?
NYCockExchange: Yes.
: whoa
NYCockExchange: Whoa, what? ...Never thought of her that way before?
: well kind of... but I never new she would make a move on me
NYCockExchange: Oh. To what extent have you thought of her sexually?
: she looks very sexy, and her and her friends dress way to maturly
NYCockExchange: Really? Do you think about her when you have sex or masturbate?
waterpaloo: no
NYCockExchange: Well, that just blows dogs for quarters.
waterpaloo: should I cum on her pillo?
NYCockExchange: Yes, but take the pillowcase off first.
: and she'll want me?
NYCockExchange: If it doesn't, don't sue me, LOL. But I've heard of this working, because of the pheromones.
: Are you gonna do that right now?
: i'm trying to get hard
NYCockExchange: Just think about how Karen's gonna be jumping your bones in a week.
waterpaloo: her head sleeping on my semen
NYCockExchange: Of course she's not going to sleep until she masturbates due to the pheromones. Do you have the pillow right now?
: yes
waterpaloo: between my legs
NYCockExchange: Did you take any of her clothes, too?
: no
waterpaloo: should I?
NYCockExchange: If you want. I'm just asking.
: ...So, how's it going? Got that thing up yet? Floggin' it like a champ?
: kinda
NYCockExchange: Are you holding back for some reason?
: i'm looking for a naughty story to read to get me hard
NYCockExchange: Oh.
: For a moment there, I thought you were going to pull some "Wait a minute - this is my daughter's pillow I'm jizzing on!" sort-of-thing, because your conscience swelled up in you suddenly. Or something.
: nope
NYCockExchange: Do be do.... bop! *taps fingers* So, ummmm... found any nice fuck fiction yet?
: yep
NYCockExchange: Beatin' off?
waterpaloo: yes
NYCockExchange: I should go smoke again. Let me know once you've blown your load onto the pillow.
: done
NYCockExchange: Wow, that was quick.
waterpaloo: i got to put this back, brb
NYCockExchange: K. I'm back.
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