Bringing Pedophiles Together
Onward, Christian Cyber
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 11/09/02         Score: 2.7         Votes: 145
Sex and religion don't mix for some people.
fwm134: u wanna hard dick in u?
NYCockExchange: Oh God, yes!
: u gotta pic?
NYCockExchange: Thank you, Lord.
: gotta pic?
NYCockExchange: See, I've been sitting here at the computer praying to God for some hot cyber... like, for at least 15 minutes, now. And He answered my prayers!
fwm134: yeah wanna do it?
NYCockExchange: Yes. But first I must properly acknowledge Jesus and the hot cybersex his grace has given to me.
: if that involves taking off your shirt, cool
NYCockExchange: Yes, it does. God likes seeing me naked. That's what they said at church, anyway.
: u start
NYCockExchange: Okay. *takes off shirt* Thank you, my Lord and Savior. Thank you for answering my prayers by giving me some hot, hot cybercock. You really came through this time, you Holy Fucking Bastard! I swear, you should become an incarnate again and move into my bedroom, because I would fuck you all day and night!
: In Jesus' name, amen.
: and ill fuck you
NYCockExchange: Who are you gonna fuck? Me or Jesus?
: you
NYCockExchange: Oh. Can Jesus join in on our sex?
fwm134: that sacreligious!
fwm134: thats*
fwm134: if you just want cyber, fine
NYCockExchange: Why is that sacreligious?
fwm134: technically, sex is a sin unless ur married
NYCockExchange: Are you a religious person?
fwm134: yeah
fwm134: but i cyber
NYCockExchange: Oh. But I was asking if Jesus could join in our cybersex...?
: Jesus was a guy, and I am too
fwm134: that's gross
NYCockExchange: You don't like threesomes?
fwm134: I'm fine with two girls on me
NYCockExchange: We could make a Holy Trinity of our own, you know.
NYCockExchange: Okay.... but it's bad for me to be fine with two guys on me?
: no
fwm134: i'm just saying i dont like it for me
NYCockExchange: Well, I'm not proposing having two guys on *you*. I'm proposing having two guys on *me*. What, would you prefer if I had the Virgin Mary join me in sucking your cock?
: you'd do that to VIRGIN Mary?
NYCockExchange: Huh? Give her a blowjob? I don't think that's possible. Unless... well, never mind.
: you wonder why it's so hard to find good cybersex
fwm134: do you wanna do this normally, or not at all?
NYCockExchange: I don't wonder. I just pray to my Lord and Savior, and it comes to me! ...Or, "cums" to me, rather. LOL!!!
: normal sex, or no cybersex
fwm134: pick one
NYCockExchange: Slow down, Hot Rod. You never answered my question: Would you prefer if I had the Virgin Mary join me in sucking your cock?
: no
fwm134: bye
NYCockExchange: Okay. I thought that was what you wanted. fwm134: I'm fine with two girls on me ...That was what you said.
: two real girls, not divine entities
fwm134: who have also been dead around 2000 years
NYCockExchange: I'm a real girl, dammit!! And I'm a very fucking devout Catholic, thank you. I follow the teachings of Cathol to a "T". And I hope you respect that.
: I do
fwm134: now do you wanna cyber, or not
NYCockExchange: Yes. ...I'm sorry, have I been acting up?
fwm134: yes I think you deserve a spanking for that
fwm134: take it all of and let's start
NYCockExchange: Dammit. I am so sorry... I think maybe I'm being under attack by demons of logic and reason. I need to repent.
fwm134: u just need a good fuckin thats it
fwm134: let me give it to u
NYCockExchange: Father O' Doyle...? Is that you?
: no u whore
NYCockExchange: Oh. I'm just wondering, because he's told me the same thing: "You just need a good fucking, that's it." Except he said that I needed to throw in a few Hail Marys, too.
: oh
fwm134: he told u to get a good fucing?
NYCockExchange: Well, sort of. He doesn't talk, he's a mute. He had to write it down.
: your mute priest told u that u needed a good fucking?
NYCockExchange: Not in a technical sense, no. But for all intents and purposes, yes.
: i think ur full of shit
NYCockExchange: Oh, I suppose you're going to go on some "If he really was a mute Catholic priest, Jesus would have healed him" rant. Well it's not always that easy, you know.
fwm134: no
NYCockExchange: Good. You're a real saint!!
fwm134: you have 10 seconds to start talking dirty to me. no mention of God, or the Blessed Virgin. just cybersex.
NYCockExchange: Whoa, there, Tiger. Let me finish undressing.
: that's more like it
NYCockExchange: Besides, patience is a virtue. You know, "Blessed are the patient, for they will wait forever without getting pissed off." Or something like that.
: are you undressed?
NYCockExchange: Yes.
fwm134: u start
NYCockExchange: Okay. Um.
: talk dirty 2 me
NYCockExchange: a/s/l?
: 18/m/chicago
fwm134: u?
NYCockExchange: It's in my info.
: what size rack u got?
NYCockExchange: It's huge!
fwm134: what size?
NYCockExchange: It holds 5 guns! My dad is a proud member of the NRA, how did you know?
: boobs
fwm134: how big are they
NYCockExchange: My boobs?
: how big are they
NYCockExchange: They're just as big as Jesus wants them to be.
: this is way too weird. go shove a cross in ur cunt or something just leave me out of it.
NYCockExchange: Well, they're pretty nice boobs, I guess. Otherwise Father O' Doyle wouldn't stare at them when I do the Hail Marys.
: bye
NYCockExchange: It was pretty weird, I guess. He's like, "You should jump up and down while you do your Hail Marys". Except, like, he wrote it down, you know? And I wanted to ask why, but he takes a long time to write. So I started jumping up and down saying, "Hail Mary Hail Mary Hail Mary". And he was staring at my boobs.
: *jumps up and down* Woohoo!! Look at my titties bounce!
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