We're not just about sodomy....anymore.
Big cock, little brains - part two
by: Kyodi Tae
Posted: 01/09/00         Score: -0.9         Votes: 29
Here's the end, if you care. Eh, fuck off.
Bigdog478: does that feel good
Kyodi Tae: Oh yeah - I'm loving the reacharound for sure.
Bigdog478: alright
Kyodi Tae: So, what now, stud? You're not hurting me, so I'm rapidly losing interest and getting soft. Even with the reacharound.
Bigdog478: well i got to go its getting late here
Kyodi Tae: Damn you ... I didn't even get to fuck you.
Kyodi Tae: Wait, bend over real quick, so I can fuck you,.
Kyodi Tae: It'll just take a second.
Kyodi Tae: Come on - let me fuck you!
Bigdog478: no
Kyodi Tae: Just bend over for two seconds, let me jam my cock into your ass.
Kyodi Tae: Come on! I'll give you a reacharound!
Kyodi Tae: What? You don't swing that way?
Kyodi Tae: But you apparently swing the way of 12yr old Korean girls.
Kyodi Tae: Pedophiles kick ass.
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