Bigger Than Jeebus
Big cock, little brains - part one
by: Kyodi Tae
Posted: 01/09/00         Score: 0.9         Votes: 27
So it's true after all: God gave man two brains and only enough blood to run one at a time.
Bigdog478: 17/m/ok big cock
Kyodi Tae: Best kind.
Bigdog478: yeah
Bigdog478: gets me alot of pussy
Kyodi Tae: I bet. A huge cock like that.
Bigdog478: you ready
Bigdog478: ready for some cyber sex?
Kyodi Tae: Hell yeah - cyberfuck me like crazy.
Bigdog478: what are you wearing
Kyodi Tae: Pink and white pajamas. They have dragons on them.
Bigdog478: how would you like to start
Kyodi Tae: Doesn't matter to me. I prefer a forceful, take-charge kind of guy.
Bigdog478: then how about you start sucking my dick
Kyodi Tae: Ok.
Bigdog478: is it good
Bigdog478: how tight is your pussy
Kyodi Tae: Raging tight. Like 12yr old tight.
Bigdog478: i bet you have small tits. are your nipples hard
Kyodi Tae: Oh, of course.
Bigdog478: how about i tie you to the bed and start sliding my cock into your pussy
Kyodi Tae: Sweet...but you've gotta get me wet first.
Bigdog478: how about i rub it first
Kyodi Tae: How about you smash your face into it, and lick like there's no tomorrow until I come or piss all over you?
Kyodi Tae: ...from the total loss of control.
Bigdog478: alright
Kyodi Tae: Augh! Oh, baby! Oh, give it to me! Lick me! Lick me where I pee! Oh, UNGH! Oh, baby - sorry about pissing on your face, but that was amazing.
Bigdog478: thats alright i will do anything to get what i want
Kyodi Tae: Even endure the worst pain in the world?
Kyodi Tae: Cool! A fellow masochist!
Bigdog478: maybe
Kyodi Tae: Alright, well, in that case, ... I'm going to squeeze your ballsac until I hear your testicles pop and your scrotum fills with blood, turning the whole thing purple.
Kyodi Tae: Now, I stroking your hard cock with an intensity that makes your penis give up mass amounts of semen mixed with blood, all the while you're screaming your head off.
Bigdog478: i've had my share of pain
Kyodi Tae: Not with me. I need to give you some.
Bigdog478: well lets do it
Kyodi Tae: I just did. How are you going to hurt me with that pleasurable pain>?
Bigdog478: i'm going to force my big cock into your pussy
Kyodi Tae: Oh, come on, whip me, kick me, punch me, beat me, something sexy.
Bigdog478: how about i get my belt and spank your ass until its purple
Kyodi Tae: Oh, yeah - that's a start. Next, get a gun and shoot out my kneecap.
Kyodi Tae: Then break my foot and bite one of my fingers off.
Kyodi Tae: And then, only then, can you fuck me like the wild stallion I bet you are.
Bigdog478: lets not go that far when i can just hold you down with my big arms and fuck you all day long
Kyodi Tae: Well, that will be boring. Can you at least fuck me in the ass really hard?
Kyodi Tae: In fact, you need to make my asshole bleed.
Kyodi Tae: Otherwise, I just can't get off.
Bigdog478: alright i can do that
Kyodi Tae: Sweet - tell me about it!
Kyodi Tae: Spawn your love child in my colon!
Bigdog478: i will start by putting my cock in your asshole and then swiftly and forcefull push it in
Kyodi Tae: Don't use any jelly either - what a waste of pain.
Bigdog478: i won't
Kyodi Tae: My bowels are pushing back, expelling brown mushy liquid around your cock. My moaning supercedes any moaning you've ever heard.
Bigdog478: then you can lick your shit off my cock
Kyodi Tae: Ok, but then we're switching.
Bigdog478: alright
Kyodi Tae: Ok, your cock is clean, and now I'm french-kissing you.
Kyodi Tae: Now, I throw you back down on the bed and put my cock on your asshole, pushing it in and out rapidly, again not using jelly so as to make it the most painful experience of your life.
Kyodi Tae: You like that, huh, bitch?! Huh?!
Bigdog478: you don't have one
Kyodi Tae: Oh, yeah, bitch!
Bigdog478: a/s/l
Kyodi Tae: Oh, ... never mind then. I'm on my back, waiting for your huge throbbing cock
Bigdog478: thats my like it
Kyodi Tae: Sweet.. can you fuck me in the ass again?
Kyodi Tae: This time, give me a reacharound. I need an orgasm here soon, too.
Bigdog478: after i cum in your pussy
Kyodi Tae: Oh, geez - alright, I'll wait.
Bigdog478: then i will put it in your asshole reach around you with one hand and put it in your pussy
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