Consentually hump 13-year olds, not 12-year olds, in England.
Cybersexing with a cyber-human
by: Kyodi Tae
Posted: 01/10/00         Score: 1.0         Votes: 27
Don't know what this guy's problem was.
BionicPYmP16: hows it goen
Kyodi Tae: Great. What is it with the lame backgrounds tonight? Ditch the background and we'll talk.
BionicPYmP16: k its gone
Kyodi Tae: No it's not.
Kyodi Tae: It's still there. Ya know, the red background in your typing? Get rid of it. It sucks
BionicPYmP16: k
BionicPYmP16: danm
BionicPYmP16: k
BionicPYmP16: its gone
Kyodi Tae: Better.
Kyodi Tae: Ok, so what's up?
BionicPYmP16: so age?
BionicPYmP16: not much
Kyodi Tae: 12/f/korea You didn't read my profile, did you?
BionicPYmP16: just did
Kyodi Tae: Ok, good - now then - onto sexy chat...
Kyodi Tae: Right?
BionicPYmP16: sure
Kyodi Tae: Ok, well, ... *shrug* Start me off, stuf.
Kyodi Tae: Er, stud.
BionicPYmP16: what do ya look like
Kyodi Tae: Here:
BionicPYmP16: k
BionicPYmP16: what r ya into
Kyodi Tae: Doesn't matter. Just about everything. Except sex with small animals. Big animals are OK, but small animals freak me out.
BionicPYmP16: ok
BionicPYmP16: do u like sucken cock
Kyodi Tae: Sucken cock? Is that like golden cock? Are you talking about chicken?
Kyodi Tae: I like chicken fried, but not deep fried.
BionicPYmP16: no my cock like dick
Kyodi Tae: Oh, your dick. I see.
Kyodi Tae: Um, ... sucking cock you mean?
BionicPYmP16: ya
BionicPYmP16: so do u
BionicPYmP16: ???
BionicPYmP16: hello??
Kyodi Tae: Sure.
Kyodi Tae: Yeah, I love it. Sorry - had to pee.
BionicPYmP16: oh ok
BionicPYmP16: u swallow?
Kyodi Tae: Of course. What else is there?
BionicPYmP16: nice
BionicPYmP16: tell me how you would suck my cock
Kyodi Tae: Um, well, it would probably go in my mouth, then I would suck on it, but you would have to suck on mine too.
BionicPYmP16: sure thing
BionicPYmP16: rub your pussy for me
Kyodi Tae: Ok, ... rubbing alcohol all over it. It kinda stings.
BionicPYmP16: talk to me and make me cum
Kyodi Tae: Why should I? You haven't done anything for me yet. This is a two-way street, ya know, bucko!
BionicPYmP16: i;ll get you once you get me
BionicPYmP16: i know that
BionicPYmP16: so
Kyodi Tae: Oh, geez - alright...
BionicPYmP16: k
Kyodi Tae: ...Um, ... how do you want it?
BionicPYmP16: suprise me
Kyodi Tae: Ok, ...well, I walk around the corner into the hallway, and disappear for a few minutes. You start to wonder about me, and come into the hallway where I've gathered all your friends and family, who yell "SURPRISE!" and present you with a cake and gifts. Did you come now?
Kyodi Tae: Of course, you're naked in front of your friends - how do you feel now?
BionicPYmP16: haha
BionicPYmP16: for real now
Kyodi Tae: Oh, for real, you want...
BionicPYmP16: yea
Kyodi Tae: Ok, well, I start rubbing your cock against mine, creating a friction unbearable for you to withstand, and you blow your wad all over your keyboard.
Kyodi Tae: Hello
Kyodi Tae: Are you there? Don't you like me making you cum, or are you cleaning up your cum?

Previous message was not received by BionicPYmP16 because of error: User BionicPYmP16 is not available.

Kyodi Tae: Damn. At least I got warned.

Previous message was not received by BionicPYmP16 because of error: User BionicPYmP16 is not available.

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