It's Not a Bait If You Cum First
Respect my womanhood!
by: Hooked on Cock
Posted: 01/10/00         Score: 1.3         Votes: 39
This is my impression of how 99% of all women act after you've had sex with them.
cb900: any pic
Hooked on Cock:

Hooked on Cock: you there hippy?
cb900: yes
Hooked on Cock: am i cute enuf for you?
cb900: do you have apic
Hooked on Cock: YES
Hooked on Cock: I just sent it you fucking whoremonger.
cb900: can i see it
Hooked on Cock: Let me send it again...
Hooked on Cock:

Hooked on Cock: thats the link to it you hermaphrodidic crotchbot
cb900: dont work
Hooked on Cock: whats it say?
cb900: ooops
Hooked on Cock: are you being a stupid cocksucker?
Hooked on Cock: hehe im soo cute
Hooked on Cock: Did that work or not, hillbilly?
cb900: no it did not
Hooked on Cock: son of a bitch!
Hooked on Cock: Why did you go and break it like that?
Hooked on Cock: DAMMIT you have no respect for me....that was my only picture online, and you had to go and break it.
cb900: ididnot do that i just want too see you and fuck you
Hooked on Cock: oh, guys are all the same, all you want is a Hot Pocket and then you roll over to sleep.
cb900: ok what about them , well i guess i have to kiss you and make you feel better
Hooked on Cock: SEE!!! You did it again!!
Hooked on Cock: You just want to have your way with me you brute!
cb900: yes and like too fuck you
Hooked on Cock: AGAIN!! YOU DID IT AGAIN!!!!
Hooked on Cock: I need you to meet my emotional needs first!
cb900: why
cb900: your mean
Hooked on Cock: Why!? WHY!?!? When you said you loved me, and would cherish me forever, and put that goddamned cubix zarconium ring on my finger, WHAT THE HELL DID THAT MEAN TO YOU?!?
Hooked on Cock: That you could FUCK ME like your LITTLE BITCH!?
Hooked on Cock: NO!
Hooked on Cock: It meant that you would take care of me, and meet my emotional needs as a woman!
Hooked on Cock: Dammit, cb! I need you!
cb900: well be nice to me
cb900: why do you need me
Hooked on Cock: WHY?
cb900: i want to see you
Hooked on Cock: YOU MARRIED ME!
Hooked on Cock: WE HAVE KIDS!!!! What about Junior!? Are you gonna walk out on him, too?
Hooked on Cock: Are you even listening to me!??! Don't you DARE play the "I'm watching TV now, dear" game...

Previous message was not received by cb900 because of error: User cb900 is not available.

Hooked on Cock: LOL guess he had enough

Previous message was not received by cb900 because of error: User cb900 is not available.

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