Jesus wants you to take it in the ass.
Drunk and impatient
by: Hooked on Cock
Posted: 01/10/00         Score: 0.3         Votes: 51
I was drunk, tired, and had already baited like 10 people that night. Go figure.
DocPr1: care to have some fun?
Hooked on Cock: Yeah!
Hooked on Cock: Bend over and let me stick my penis in your ass.
DocPr1: I thought you were a girl?
Hooked on Cock: oh, yeah.
Hooked on Cock: sorry
DocPr1: confused about your gender?
Hooked on Cock: not at all
DocPr1: a/s/l?
Hooked on Cock: No, that's DSL you mean
Hooked on Cock: it stands for Digital Subscriber Line
DocPr1: I was thinking age/sex/location
Hooked on Cock: oh sorry.
Hooked on Cock: 12/f/egypt
DocPr1: what do you look like and what are you wearing?
Hooked on Cock: Well, i look like your average I-hate-pedophiles kinda guy, nothing special.
Hooked on Cock: you there?
DocPr1: What?
Hooked on Cock: what do you mean, what?
DocPr1: Well what do you have to say lad?
Hooked on Cock: i am not sure what you mean
Hooked on Cock: who is lad?
DocPr1: Based on your responses...I am assuming you are a man
Hooked on Cock: WHAT?
Hooked on Cock: didnt you read the profile?
DocPr1: So what do you look like and what are you wearing?
Hooked on Cock: I thought i already told you
Hooked on Cock: although i didn't say what im wearing
DocPr1: Might I hear again?
Hooked on Cock: oh, sorry...
Hooked on Cock: let me cut and paste it
Hooked on Cock: what do you look like and what are you wearing?
Hooked on Cock: Well, i look like your average I-hate-pedophiles kinda guy, nothing special.
DocPr1: Aye that is what i thought you said...
Hooked on Cock: And i'm wearing boxers at the moment
Hooked on Cock: because it is late, and i am tired, and am about to go to bed
DocPr1: As I thought...
Hooked on Cock: WHAT?
Hooked on Cock: I AM NOT A GUY!!!!
Hooked on Cock: i think you are missreading that or somehting
DocPr1: Ooo then please tell me again....I must need some classes...silly me
Hooked on Cock: u wanna cyber?
DocPr1: Lol
Hooked on Cock: WHAT>?
Hooked on Cock: i dont appreciate this mister
Hooked on Cock: if you want to cyber with a 12 year old, then lets get it on
DocPr1: I don't appreciate being lied to...
DocPr1: i didn't believe you were a girl from the first moment I imed you
Hooked on Cock: *cry*
Hooked on Cock: but I am!
Hooked on Cock: i dont know why u think i am not
DocPr1: Aye well have a good night.
Hooked on Cock: dammit i shouldnt do this while drunk...
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