The CIA Traffics Drugs
This one pretty much sucks.
by: Hooked on Cock
Posted: 01/10/00         Score: 1.1         Votes: 102
There's a couple good lines about flaccid penises, tho.
joesteam: hi
joesteam: u there
joesteam: hello
Hooked on Cock: hi there honey-love
joesteam: hi whats up
Hooked on Cock: your penis, i'm betting
joesteam: lol
Hooked on Cock: am I wrong?
joesteam: no
joesteam: so....
Hooked on Cock: sorry
Hooked on Cock: is that why you IM me?
Hooked on Cock: to get it up?
joesteam: r u mad
Hooked on Cock: no
joesteam: r u?
joesteam: so...what up
Hooked on Cock: i dunno
joesteam: whats ur screen nmae mean
Hooked on Cock: 'hooked on cock'
joesteam: um u r
Hooked on Cock: yes i am
joesteam: so....
Hooked on Cock: eh?
joesteam: thats good
Hooked on Cock: not only 12 after all.
joesteam: o
Hooked on Cock: you didnt know that?
Hooked on Cock: how old are u?
joesteam: 15
Hooked on Cock: u are not old at alL!
joesteam: yes why
Hooked on Cock: how am i supposed to get off with your flacid, ill-trained penis flopping around in my innards!
joesteam: what do u mean
Hooked on Cock: well, if yer only 15, theres no way you know how to use that sabre
joesteam: i do
Hooked on Cock: really>?
Hooked on Cock: how many little girls have you fucked?
joesteam: yep
joesteam: older
Hooked on Cock: Um
Hooked on Cock: that didn't come close to answering my question.
Hooked on Cock: If I had asked "Do you prefer young girls or older girls?" it would have been a rock-solid answer
Hooked on Cock: given that my question was "how many little girls have you fucked?" however, that really sucked ass.

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Hooked on Cock: What a whore.

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