...Is It In You?
I hate 'helpful' pederasses
by: Hooked on Cock
Posted: 01/10/00         Score: 0.4         Votes: 59
It pisses me off when pederasses IM me, then try and tell me not to fuck old guys. What assholes.
Rahulz Net: hi there
Hooked on Cock: heya there
Rahulz Net: how's it goin
Hooked on Cock: not bad, you?
Rahulz Net: good. so whatz up
Rahulz Net: whatz ur age/sex
Hooked on Cock: 12/f
Hooked on Cock: how bout you?
Rahulz Net: 27/m
Hooked on Cock: mmmm...
Rahulz Net: big enough!!!
Hooked on Cock: i like older guys
Rahulz Net: good
Hooked on Cock: not could be a little older
Hooked on Cock: but good for now
Rahulz Net: so what's on your mind
Hooked on Cock: dirty thoughts about viagra and 32 pounds of tofu
Rahulz Net: whatz that
Hooked on Cock: it's this bean curd stuff that Japanese and healthfood fuckers eat
Hooked on Cock: and viagra is that drug that gives you an erection
Hooked on Cock: Duh.
Rahulz Net: i don't need food for sex
Rahulz Net: or any pills
Hooked on Cock: Umm...I would hope so.
Hooked on Cock: actually you do.
Hooked on Cock: if you didnt eat, you'd die
Hooked on Cock: then you couldn't have sex except with necrophiliacs
Rahulz Net: listen do you wanna cyber
Hooked on Cock: what am i listening for?
Rahulz Net: you're a vir...
Hooked on Cock: Virgo? No, im an aquarius
Rahulz Net: virgin!!!
Hooked on Cock: oops
Hooked on Cock: hehe
Hooked on Cock: no i am not
Rahulz Net: well experienced!!!
Rahulz Net: how big r ur tits
Hooked on Cock: they are small and undeveloped
Hooked on Cock: just like a 12 year olds should be
Rahulz Net: so how deep is your hole
Hooked on Cock: which one?
Hooked on Cock: my rectum goes all the way up and out my throat, kinda
Rahulz Net: putting your finger in and measuring it?
Hooked on Cock: well, it goes thru my lower and upper intestines, then into my stomach, then up my throat and out
Rahulz Net: you're a kid and can't take mine , cause you don't know what's invovlved!!!
Hooked on Cock: what do you mean i cant take yours?
Hooked on Cock: what, your car keys? i already took some from another pedo so i dont need yours
Rahulz Net: cause you're a kid and you should be reading fairy tales and not thinking about sex!!!
Rahulz Net: go to sleep honey
Rahulz Net: u need it bad
Hooked on Cock: i dont think about sex, i have it!
Rahulz Net: are u a hooker
Hooked on Cock: sometimes
Hooked on Cock: im only 12 so i dont need a real job
Rahulz Net: well i don't talk to under age kids and least of all have sex with them
Hooked on Cock: but if i want some money so i can get new clothes or something i do
Hooked on Cock: well, good for you
Hooked on Cock: why did you send me an im then?
Hooked on Cock: it SAID I was 12 right in my user profile.
Rahulz Net: to guide u
Hooked on Cock: to guide me where?
Rahulz Net: cause that's what your parents should be doing
Rahulz Net: avoid sex till you're physically developed i.e. 18
Hooked on Cock: guiding me to have sex?
Hooked on Cock: what?
Rahulz Net: yes
Rahulz Net: and bye
Hooked on Cock: most girls get developed like at 14
Hooked on Cock: BITCH
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