The Reason Hawaii has Interstate Highways
He wants it, but won't give it...
by: Kyodi Tae
Posted: 01/10/00         Score: 2.6         Votes: 42
I hate selfish pedophiles.
AvlisE: hi
Kyodi Tae: Hi.
AvlisE: you like older men?
AvlisE: where do you live?
Kyodi Tae: Yeah, I love older men. I live in Korea.
AvlisE: you like white men?
Kyodi Tae: Sure. They typically have bigger penises than Asian men, so I don't get bored so easily.
AvlisE: how much older?
Kyodi Tae: Doesn't matter. I've had sex with my teacher, who's like 40 or 50, so doesn't really matter.
AvlisE: i have a big penis
Kyodi Tae: Well, that's fabulous. Seriously
AvlisE: you like anal sex?
AvlisE: how old are you?
Kyodi Tae: Wow, you're right to the point, aren't you? Yeah, I love anal sex, but you have to really fuck me hard in order to rip my colon, otherwise I can't get off.
Kyodi Tae: 12.
AvlisE: i made love to a 12 year old once,it was great
Kyodi Tae: How old are you?
AvlisE: ever make love to a non-asian?
AvlisE: i am 29
Kyodi Tae: Yeah, a couple non-asians.
AvlisE: if you were here i would fuck you like you've never been fucked before
AvlisE: you have a pic?
Kyodi Tae: Oh, I've been fucked in some pretty interesting ways. Tell me how you would be different.
Kyodi Tae: Here:
Kyodi Tae: Hello?
Kyodi Tae: Look, if you can't indulge by fantasies of animal sex, torture, self-mutilation, and auto-erotic asphyxiation, just say so.
Kyodi Tae: ...rather than just staying silent.
AvlisE: sorry
Kyodi Tae: Alright, you're back.
AvlisE: i can't believe how pretty you are
AvlisE: i was masturbating over you
Kyodi Tae: Did you already jerk off to my picture? You were supposed to save the first one for me!
Kyodi Tae: Oh, my god - I read your mind. That's sexy.
AvlisE: no i didn't cum
AvlisE: you sure you live in Korea?
Kyodi Tae: Am I sure? Well, lemme look outside. Hot, muggy, mom's working in the rice field, sister's repairing her imported kimono.
AvlisE: haha
Kyodi Tae: So, yeah - pretty sure it's Korea.
Kyodi Tae: Unless Korea's moved and they didn't tell me.
Kyodi Tae: Damn it - I hate that when they move the whole fucking country and don't tell me.
AvlisE: you just sound so "American"
Kyodi Tae: I ended up in Pakistan once.
Kyodi Tae: Yeah. My dad was an American soldier.
AvlisE: sarcasm!
Kyodi Tae: Idiocy!
Kyodi Tae: What's your point?
Kyodi Tae: What's wrong with my dad being a soldier?
Kyodi Tae: Hello?
AvlisE: how does a 12 year old girl like fucking so much?
Kyodi Tae: Because I started over a year ago and I think it's great now that I've had some practice.
AvlisE: let's get along
Kyodi Tae: Get along? Like be friends, or get onto hot, raging anal sex?
AvlisE: you like cock in your mouth?
AvlisE: do you swallow?
Kyodi Tae: Sure - either in my mouth or my ass. Take your pick.
Kyodi Tae: I either swallow or kiss the guy I just blew and spit it back into his mouth - God, I think that's sexy
AvlisE: what about your pussy
Kyodi Tae: Your typical hairless, 12yr old Korean pussy.
AvlisE: sounds delicious to me
Kyodi Tae: Here's a knife and fork - eat up.
AvlisE: i love eating pussy
AvlisE: the younger the better
Kyodi Tae: Really? Me, too! Last cat I ate was in Mongolia when my mom went there for a couple years with my dad. It was nice, but there weren't many dogs to play with.
Kyodi Tae: So, if I was 8, that would be better for you?
AvlisE: hold it not that young
Kyodi Tae: 9, maybe?
AvlisE: fuck you
Kyodi Tae: Well, I was hoping.
AvlisE: slut
Kyodi Tae: Pedophile
Kyodi Tae: Hee hee...come on, now fuck me so I can fuck you back.
Kyodi Tae: Eat my pussy with a knife and fork and light orange sauce!
Kyodi Tae: Eat it like corn-on-the-cob! You know what that is, right?
AvlisE: do your parents know that their little girl is a slut?
Kyodi Tae: Do your parents know what a little pedophile their little boy is?
AvlisE: does your MOMMY need you in the rice field
Kyodi Tae: Nope, she's fine. She said I could get on-line and fuck pedophiles for the rest of the evening until I had to do my homework.
AvlisE: all you chinks eat is RICE
Kyodi Tae: Chinks are chinese, you fucking nigger. Gooks are Koreans. If you're going to call me a name, please use the correct one.
AvlisE: how can you afford a computer with the proceeds of a rice field
AvlisE: i am not a nigger
Kyodi Tae: And I am not a chink, but that didn't stop you from calling me that!
Kyodi Tae: Um, my dad's an American soldier. Five American dollars goes a long way in Korea.
Kyodi Tae: Five American dollars would get even you about six 12yr old Korean hookers to sleep with you at once.
Kyodi Tae: In Korea, that is.
Kyodi Tae: You have five American dollars, right? I'm not doing this for free.
Kyodi Tae: Kim and her five sisters don't work on charity around here. We have clothes and toothpaste to buy, ya know!
Kyodi Tae: Look, you fucking American, you no want sucky-sucky, you no get sucky-sucky! Me no love you long time!
AvlisE: look i am sorry about all the names,it's not in my nature to be like this i'll just end this discussion by saying good-bye
Kyodi Tae: No, end this discussion by sucking my dick.
Kyodi Tae: Come on, please!
Kyodi Tae: Just a little bit. Just suck it a little.
Kyodi Tae: Damn.
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