We put the "Phil" in Pedophilia.
Clueless Pedophiles - part one
by: Kyodi Tae
Posted: 01/10/00         Score: 0.8         Votes: 25
Why are pedophiles so damn stupid?!
mixpix3746: where r u fro,m
Kyodi Tae: Korea.
Kyodi Tae: Where are you from?
mixpix3746: New York
mixpix3746: US
Kyodi Tae: Cool. Why'd you IM me?
mixpix3746: arent u a little young in having sex
Kyodi Tae: Not anymore. Maybe when I first had sex when I was 11, but now that I'm 12, I'm not too young anymore.
mixpix3746: how old was your partner
Kyodi Tae: 22. How old are you?
mixpix3746: 16
Kyodi Tae: Cool.
mixpix3746: i guess u like cybering then
Kyodi Tae: Hell yeah - I love it.
mixpix3746: hmm
Kyodi Tae: Why do you ask?
mixpix3746: just wondering
mixpix3746: did u ever give a bj b4
Kyodi Tae: Sure. Lots.
mixpix3746: do u like it
Kyodi Tae: *shrug* Not the worst thing in the world.
mixpix3746: ic
Kyodi Tae: Well, if you're not going to violate me like a wild orangatuan, ...
mixpix3746: huh
Kyodi Tae: Didn't you IM me for sexy chat?
mixpix3746: umm ok??
mixpix3746: i guesss
Kyodi Tae: No, if you don't want it, I don't want it from you. I need a man who knows what he wants.
mixpix3746: ok i want it
Kyodi Tae: Ya know, it's not like I'm twisting your arm or something (which I would be doing if we were having sex).
mixpix3746: lol..k i want it
Kyodi Tae: I don't know. I feel wierd about forcing you into this.
mixpix3746: your not
Kyodi Tae: I don't want to be the one responsible for warping your young mind, though you are 4 years older than me.
mixpix3746: your not
Kyodi Tae: Alright, if you say so, but just so you know, I'll be recording this log just in case you or your parents ever decide to press charges.
Kyodi Tae: Anything you say here can and will be twisted, misquoted, then used against you in court.
Kyodi Tae: Ok, I'm kidding about that last part, but ..
Kyodi Tae: Alrighty, then - well?
mixpix3746: k
Kyodi Tae: I'm waiting...
mixpix3746: sure ok
mixpix3746: kk go on
Kyodi Tae: Right, ... see, when I say, I'm waiting, that means I'm waiting for my big strong man to take charge and start things off.
mixpix3746: well y dont u start it since your so sincere in your work
Kyodi Tae: Like it matters. We could both face serious criminal charges for this, doesn't matter who starts.
mixpix3746: huh
Kyodi Tae: You're in the US, right?>
mixpix3746: yeha
Kyodi Tae: Oh, then - never mind. If your president can get away with it, you can, too.
Kyodi Tae: Ok, .. well, what are you wearing?
Kyodi Tae: Hello?
mixpix3746: t-shirt
mixpix3746: jeans
Kyodi Tae: That's it? Don't you feel wierd?
Kyodi Tae: Oh...jeans, too.
mixpix3746: u
Kyodi Tae: Pink and white pajamas with blue butterflies on them.
mixpix3746: kk
Kyodi Tae: KK? Is that some sort of racist sect you belong to? Is it like the KKK, but not as good or what?
mixpix3746: kk= ok
Kyodi Tae: Ya know, I've suffered a lot of racial persecution in my country from your American soldiers who constantly rape me and beat me when I walk alone around the military bases.
Kyodi Tae: Just for being Korean. So, if you're a racist, I don't think I can do this with you.
mixpix3746: ok whatever
Kyodi Tae: Are you racist? I have to know before I can do this.
mixpix3746: no
mixpix3746: kk = ok
Kyodi Tae: Ok, good - so you know what I'm wearing, now what?
mixpix3746: its how i write it
mixpix3746: i dunno u start
Kyodi Tae: I already did! I told you what I was wearing. It's your turn!
Kyodi Tae: You're the guy, remember?
Kyodi Tae: Or aren't you?
mixpix3746: i am
mixpix3746: y do u think that this is a felony
Kyodi Tae: I've already fought off plenty of pedophiliac lesbians tonight, and I don't feel like any more. If you're not a guy, I don't want anything to do with you. Unless you get me really drunk first.
Kyodi Tae: A felony? Well, let's see: you are 16, trying to illicit cybersex from a 12yr old. That's illegal in 76 major countries, but not in Korea or the US, so you're OK. Oh, yeah - most major religions consider it immoral and sick, but I don't.
Kyodi Tae: Even if it was a felony, it wouldn't be one where you would go to a maximum-security prison or anything, probably one with tennis courts and hot chicks for guards, who would probably rape you a lot, so you might actually consider turning yourself in right now. I would if I could get raped by hot chicks every day.

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Kyodi Tae: Damn losers.

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