Jesus wants you to take it in the ass.
Ha! I stole your car!
by: Hooked on Cock
Posted: 01/11/00         Score: 3.3         Votes: 200
I pulled this one before, but unfortunately I lost the log. This guy didn't let me steal his carkeys that many times before he stopped talking to me, but oh well.
xPaC69dX49: hi
Hooked on Cock: hey
xPaC69dX49: u cyber?
Hooked on Cock: yes I do, sir!
Hooked on Cock: but only if you can roleplay with me
xPaC69dX49: k
Hooked on Cock: Hmm...ya know what I want to pretend?
xPaC69dX49: what
Hooked on Cock: I want to pretend we're in the military and you are my superior officer
Hooked on Cock: and you told me to come in to your office to talk to me about something
Hooked on Cock: do you think you can play this game?
xPaC69dX49: maybe
xPaC69dX49: wait
xPaC69dX49: how old are u?
Hooked on Cock: 12
xPaC69dX49: o
xPaC69dX49: umm
xPaC69dX49: isn't that kinda young?
xPaC69dX49: u have a pic?
Hooked on Cock: I got one somewhere, gotta find it...1 sec...
xPaC69dX49: k
Hooked on Cock:

xPaC69dX49: look pretty nice
xPaC69dX49: what size cup u where?
Hooked on Cock: *blush*
xPaC69dX49: wear
Hooked on Cock: I wear a trainer still, although I'm almost an A!
xPaC69dX49: o
xPaC69dX49: well
xPaC69dX49: we can pretend like they bigger
Hooked on Cock: DAMMIT
xPaC69dX49: what?
Hooked on Cock: RESPECT ME! LOVE ME!
xPaC69dX49: ok ok
Hooked on Cock: WANT ME FOR WHO I AM!!!!
Hooked on Cock: *cries*
xPaC69dX49: sorry
Hooked on Cock: I don't believe you. You'll need to try harder. *pouts*
xPaC69dX49: i am very very very veryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryv
veryveryveryveryveryvery sorry

Hooked on Cock: What are you going to do to prove it?
xPaC69dX49: whatever u want
Hooked on Cock: Hmm....will you....
xPaC69dX49: do what
Hooked on Cock: Oh, I dunno.
xPaC69dX49: let's just cuber
Hooked on Cock: Hope you were gonna get some amazing idea that'd make me cream myself on the spot.
xPaC69dX49: cyber
Hooked on Cock: K. You start.
xPaC69dX49: no
xPaC69dX49: i'm not good at staring
Hooked on Cock: k, fine...
xPaC69dX49: u starting?
Hooked on Cock: Yeah, lemme go pee first
xPaC69dX49: u back yet?
Hooked on Cock: Yeah. Okay, first I'm gonna cram my...umm...
Hooked on Cock: nevermind.
Hooked on Cock: I pull off your pants and grab your dick
xPaC69dX49: it starts to get big in your hands
Hooked on Cock: I tug on it
xPaC69dX49: u put your lips to it
xPaC69dX49: and start to suck it gently
Hooked on Cock: NO I DON'T
Hooked on Cock: DO NOT TELL ME WHAT I DO
Hooked on Cock: I AM MY OWN PERSON!!!
xPaC69dX49: ok
xPaC69dX49: i'm sorry
Hooked on Cock: I put my lips to it
Hooked on Cock: and start to suck it in a horribly powerful manner
xPaC69dX49: i start to feel like i'm gonna cum
xPaC69dX49: then
Hooked on Cock: I bite!
xPaC69dX49: i explode in your mouth and it runs all over your body
Hooked on Cock: Then I kick you while yer on the ground, steal your car keys, and run out the door!
Hooked on Cock: No you don't. I bit before you got off
xPaC69dX49: umm
xPaC69dX49: ok
Hooked on Cock: Aren't you going to chase me?
xPaC69dX49: yeah
xPaC69dX49: we get in the back seat of my car
Hooked on Cock: I locked the doors.
Hooked on Cock: Did you put your clothes back on, by the way?
xPaC69dX49: no
xPaC69dX49: we start to kiss
Hooked on Cock: Woah...
Hooked on Cock: dammit! listen to me!
xPaC69dX49: pationatley
Hooked on Cock: I locked you outside of your car, you're banging on the window, naked, demanding I let you in
Hooked on Cock: The neighbors are watching!
xPaC69dX49: u know
xPaC69dX49: this isn't very fun
xPaC69dX49: i'm leaving
Hooked on Cock: What?
Hooked on Cock: I'm sorry...should I let you in?
xPaC69dX49: yes please
Hooked on Cock: Okay, fine. *I unlock the back door*
xPaC69dX49: i climb in the car
xPaC69dX49: and start to take off your clothes
Hooked on Cock: Fuck, I'm trying to drive here!
Hooked on Cock: *I swerve over the road, almost hitting a parked car*
xPaC69dX49: we aren't driving
xPaC69dX49: fine
Hooked on Cock: Yes we are. Sorry, did I forget to tell you that?
xPaC69dX49: u go to a motel
Hooked on Cock: We both can go!
xPaC69dX49: yeah
Hooked on Cock: K
xPaC69dX49: motel 69
Hooked on Cock: *I drive us to a motel - it's amazing I can see over the steering wheel, let alone drive (since I'm only 12) but I make it there*
Hooked on Cock: Okay, go get us a room.
xPaC69dX49: we go upstarirs
xPaC69dX49: i have my clothes on now by the way
Hooked on Cock: Did you pay for this room already?
Hooked on Cock: woah, wait...when did you put your clothes on?
xPaC69dX49: in the car
Hooked on Cock: oh, okay.
Hooked on Cock: So we get to the room.
Hooked on Cock: What now?
Hooked on Cock: Undress me
xPaC69dX49: i start to kiss your tits as i take off your bra
xPaC69dX49: i stick my hand up your dress and finger your wet pussy
Hooked on Cock: Mmmm
Hooked on Cock: Lay down on the bed now
xPaC69dX49: u feel my huge dick pressing against your tummy
Hooked on Cock: DAMMIT
Hooked on Cock: STOP
Hooked on Cock: you gotta take your clothes off first!
xPaC69dX49: ok
xPaC69dX49: u help me take off my clothes
xPaC69dX49: and we starting making out on the bed
Hooked on Cock: No, you get naked, lemme go get something from the bathroom
Hooked on Cock: I want you to tie your hand to the bedpost too so I can ride you with you helpess, okay?
Hooked on Cock: put on a blindfold, too
xPaC69dX49: ok
xPaC69dX49: no blindfold
xPaC69dX49: i wanna look at u
Hooked on Cock: YES
Hooked on Cock: Blindfold.
xPaC69dX49: no
Hooked on Cock: I'll take it off of you though!
Hooked on Cock: I promise *grin*!
xPaC69dX49: ok
xPaC69dX49: i wanna eat u out first though
Hooked on Cock: No. Not until after I get back here.
xPaC69dX49: where's here?
Hooked on Cock: from the bathroom. Put the blindfold on, dammit!
Hooked on Cock: Then you can eat me when I get back
xPaC69dX49: ok
xPaC69dX49: it
xPaC69dX49: how can i eat u out if i have to blindfold on?
Hooked on Cock: you'll see! *giggle*
Hooked on Cock: Just do it.
xPaC69dX49: fine
xPaC69dX49: it's on
xPaC69dX49: can we start having sex?
Hooked on Cock: Wait! Are you naked and blindfolded?
xPaC69dX49: yes
Hooked on Cock: *You hear some rustling around on the ground, the clinking of keys...then the door opens and slams shut*
Hooked on Cock: *You hear your car driving off*
Hooked on Cock: And I got yer wallet, too! Ha!
Hooked on Cock: Sucker.
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