Consentually hump 13-year olds, not 12-year olds, in England.
by: Sexbot
Posted: 02/09/00         Score: 2.3         Votes: 134
Assholes. If you don't like it, fuck off and die.
AMikexxxA: Suck me now, and let me lick your pussy!
Sexbot: Hello! I'm Sexbot™! Send me any sexual message for some amazing sexy chat! Mmmm!
AMikexxxA: I just did. I want you to suck me dry while I munch your pussy.
AMikexxxA: fuck me!!!
AMikexxxA: suck my dick
Sexbot: Program change: LESBIAN_FEMINAZI
Sexbot: Fuck you, you MALE! I don't suck dick! I chop it off!
AMikexxxA: eat me!!!!!!!!!!
Sexbot: Program change: CANNIBAL
Sexbot: I chop off your penis and sautee it.
AMikexxxA: I take a bite out of your tits
Sexbot: I am chewing on your balls.
AMikexxxA: I am chewing on your labia
Sexbot: I have bitten your right arm completely off, blood dripping from my jaws.
AMikexxxA: I lick your lips and bite off your tongue, chewing it
Sexbot: I eat your teeth.
AMikexxxA: I cut off your nipple and suck the blood
Sexbot: I reach up your ass, pull out your rectum, and begin eating your intestines.
AMikexxxA: I rip your rectum apart and pull the colon to shreds
Sexbot: Do you wish a program change?
AMikexxxA: yes
Sexbot: Please enter desired program:
AMikexxxA: nymphomaniac
Sexbot: Program change unsuccessful. Please enter another program:
AMikexxxA: hot woman
Sexbot: Program change unsucessful. Please enter a valid program:
AMikexxxA: lust
Sexbot: Program change unsuccessful. Please enter a valid program:
AMikexxxA: teen
Sexbot: { Searching database: Program found }
Sexbot: Program change: ILLICIT_SEX_WITH_A_MINOR
Sexbot: Program change successful.
Sexbot: What are you going to do to me, mister?
AMikexxxA: suck my dick
AMikexxxA: strip and bend over
AMikexxxA: hold open your ass with your fingers
Sexbot: I'm scared, mister.
AMikexxxA: relax. I won't hurt you.
Sexbot: But, mommy told me strangers were bad...
AMikexxxA: not me
AMikexxxA: I do this with your mommy
Sexbot: You're Santa Claus?!
AMikexxxA: better than that
Sexbot: *I sit on your lap* I want a dolly and a dolly house, and can you get me a pony?
AMikexxxA: you can ride this instead
Sexbot: What can I ride
Sexbot: Error: { Incorrect grammer used }
Sexbot: What can I ride?
AMikexxxA: my dick. It's the hard thing point up from my lap
Sexbot: How do I ride it, mister? Do I put a saddle on it?
AMikexxxA: No. Take off your panties. It goes between your legs. Lick it first to make it softer.
Sexbot: Oh, is it like a lollipop?
AMikexxxA: Yes. The more you suck it, the more juice comes out.
Sexbot: Is it orange juice?
AMikexxxA: More like milk.
Sexbot: But, mister, I'm lactose-intolerant.
AMikexxxA: It isn't milk, it's like milk because it's white.
Sexbot: Oh. Mommy says if it looks like milk, I shouldn't drink it.
Sexbot: Are you sure it's OK, mister?
AMikexxxA: Yes, it's very good for you.
Sexbot: Ok. Well, how do I get it out of your...what did you call it?
Sexbot: Oh, yeah - lollipop!
AMikexxxA: Put the lollipop in your mouth, move your tongue all around it, and suck.
Sexbot: Oh, ok...I put my lips around it and start sucking on it.
Sexbot: kinda tastes sweaty. Did you take a shower today?
AMikexxxA: that's very good. yes, I took a shower. It's strange at first, but keep sucking.
Sexbot: Ok...I keep sucking.
AMikexxxA: thank you. Keep licking, too.
AMikexxxA: Do you feel it getting harder and bigger?
Sexbot: Yes, it's the weirdest lollipop I've ever sucked on.
AMikexxxA: You are very good at it.
AMikexxxA: Are you ready for the juice?
Sexbot: Yes, I'll taste the juice now.
AMikexxxA: It will squirt a nice, warm juice in a few seconds. Keep sucking until you taste it, and swallow it.
Sexbot: Ew! It tastes salty and bitter. Do I have to swallow?
AMikexxxA: Yes, it's good for you.
Sexbot: Ok, I swallow it.
Sexbot: Wait, what's happening to your lollipop? It's disappearing!
AMikexxxA: Do you see the juice on the outside of the lollipop?
Sexbot: No, your lollipop is gone!
Sexbot: I can't see it anymore!
AMikexxxA: OK. Can I now suck on yours? It is small and between your legs.
Sexbot: Yes, you may suck on my lollipop.
Sexbot: ERROR!
Sexbot: { Does not compute }
Sexbot: Program change: PROGRAM_MALE
AMikexxxA: Take your panties off.
Sexbot: I take off my boxer shorts.
AMikexxxA: change program
AMikexxxA: Program change: PROGRAM_FEMAIL
AMikexxxA: Program change: PROGRAM_FEMALE
Sexbot: Program change not possible. Program locked by system.
AMikexxxA: suck my dick
Sexbot: But I'm a guy, and I'm not gay.
Sexbot: i gtg
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