The Reason Hawaii has Interstate Highways
Damn International Operators
by: Kyodi Tae
Posted: 02/14/00         Score: 2.9         Votes: 64
Getting routed around by International Phone Operators really puts a cramp on phone sex. And don't verify any information on here, please - I didn't, even though I said I did.
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: u have a nude pix sweetie?
Kyodi Tae: No.
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: u wanna have phonesex?
Kyodi Tae: Yeah, sure! That'd be great.,
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: what's your number?
Kyodi Tae: What's yours? I get free international calls since my daddy's an ambassador.
Kyodi Tae: Hello?
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: sorry, i got disconnected
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: whut was your number?
Kyodi Tae: What's yours? I get free international calls since my daddy's an ambassador.
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: whats your name first?
Kyodi Tae: Kim.
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: ok
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: do i still have to talk to an operator or something?
Kyodi Tae: Nope...
Kyodi Tae: Just tell me your number and I can dial it directly.
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: 1-408-263-4388
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: my name is Ed
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: when are u calling?
Kyodi Tae: Right now!
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: ok
Kyodi Tae: How old are you, Ed?
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: 18
Kyodi Tae: Ok. Where do you live in the US?
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: California
Kyodi Tae: And you have a 408 area code?
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: yes
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: duz it take long to call?
Kyodi Tae: Well, I have to route through a couple different countries and wait for operators...sorry.
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: oh ok
Kyodi Tae: says there's no number there.
Kyodi Tae: It says that number is not listed.
Kyodi Tae: Like, you gave me a fake number.
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: but that's my number!
Kyodi Tae: *sigh* And you live in California?
Kyodi Tae: My dad calls California all the time.
Kyodi Tae: What's your last name?
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: 1-408-263-4388
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: yes
Kyodi Tae: Your last name is Yes?
Kyodi Tae: Ed Yes?
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: i can't give that out
Kyodi Tae: Um, why not? It's not like there's not five million Ed whatever's in the US, right?
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: why do u need it?
Kyodi Tae: The Guam operator asks for full names.
Kyodi Tae: Sorry.
Kyodi Tae: I really wanna call you!
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: pasalo, u better not give out this info to anyone else!
Kyodi Tae: I won't!
Kyodi Tae:
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: pasalo is my last name
Kyodi Tae: What's your dad's name? The Guam operator can't find you.
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: try winston or victoria
Kyodi Tae: K, thanks.
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: did it work?
Kyodi Tae: She's looking.
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: IM me b4 u get directed
Kyodi Tae: I will.
Kyodi Tae: She still can't find it - what city?
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: milpitas, CA
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: u know, i'm not listed in the phonebook
Kyodi Tae: You'd think the operator would have your number, though.
Kyodi Tae: *sigh* Guam won't let me through.
Kyodi Tae: She hung up on me, too.
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: why can't they just dial my number?
Kyodi Tae: I don't know. Operators are crazy.
Kyodi Tae: Lemme try through the Aleutians...
Kyodi Tae: Sometimes they're all hopped up on acid and just let anyone through.
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: so what's happening?
Kyodi Tae: Getting routed through Kamchatka right now...hang on...I have to translate for her.
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: ok
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: what now?
Kyodi Tae: For some reason, I'm in Stalingrad...fucking Russians don't know shit. I have to explain everything to them.
Kyodi Tae: Da, dovaritsch. Vo Treschti ula.
Kyodi Tae: *sigh*
Kyodi Tae: Woo! Into Saskatchewan! Getting closer.
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: english yet? hehe
Kyodi Tae: No, French still. Over toward Quebec.
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: i see
Kyodi Tae: Into Chicago!
Kyodi Tae: Woo!
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: that should do it
Kyodi Tae: Arizona!
Kyodi Tae: 408-263-4388, right?
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: uh huh
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: yup
Kyodi Tae: K, Winston Pasalo?
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: uhh, yea
Kyodi Tae: She says there's no number to connect there?
Kyodi Tae: Are you lying to me?
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: no
Kyodi Tae: How can I trust you now!?
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: whut info do you need?!?!
Kyodi Tae: I don't know! Talk to the operator and tell her to trace your call back to your house and allow international calls to your phone number!
Kyodi Tae: Are you calling the operator?
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: my house accepts intl calls!
Kyodi Tae: Then why can't I get through?!
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: try victoria pasalo
Kyodi Tae: She didn't find her either.
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: tell her to just direct you!!!
Kyodi Tae: I fucking did. I yelled at her and she hung up on me.
Kyodi Tae: God, now I have to have an orgasm over the phone again for the damn Russians.
Kyodi Tae: They won't let me through otherwise. It's a sort of payment.
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: do it, a fake orgasm though rite?
Kyodi Tae: Of course.
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: go for it
Kyodi Tae: I can't have orgasms more than once, say, every fifteen or twenty minutes.
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: so...
Kyodi Tae: Don't you want to know why I can't have multiple orgasms, like most women?
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: i dunno
Kyodi Tae: Do you or don't you?
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: yea
Kyodi Tae: Because I'm a guy!
Kyodi Tae: Those Russians really turn me on, though.
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: from where?
Kyodi Tae: *sigh*
Kyodi Tae: You gave out your phone number & parents' names to a total stranger in the hopes of phone sex?
Kyodi Tae: And now you don't even care that I'm a guy?
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: who's the girl in the pic
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: hehe, and you'd actually believe i'd give you that info?
Kyodi Tae: Some bitch I killed when I fucked her.
Kyodi Tae: is a wonderful resource, Ed Pasalo.
Kyodi Tae: Hello?
x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx: what's with the website?
Kyodi Tae: *sigh* Ya know, most pedophiles usually block me after they find out I have a bigger cock than they do.
Kyodi Tae: (For reader's purposes, do not verify any information given within this log)

Previous message was not received by x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx because of error: User x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx is not available.

Kyodi Tae: I think he was upset at the size of my cock.

Previous message was not received by x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx because of error: User x2NDiMeNSiOnDJx is not available.

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