Does This Look Like Syphilis To You?
The Clouds and the Rain
by: Kyodi Tae
Posted: 02/16/00         Score: 3.2         Votes: 221
I realize everything in here was Japanese, not Korean, but he didn't. Anyway, virtually everything fucked up in this log is from Feudal Japanese Society, so you can't say this site isn't educational anymore.
Cyberdude4girls: is your profile real?
Kyodi Tae: Yes. Of course.
Kyodi Tae: Is yours?
Cyberdude4girls: yes
Kyodi Tae: Ok, then. Given your name and profile, I assume you'd like to have cybersex?
Cyberdude4girls: Yes
Kyodi Tae: Sweet! Man, I'm horny tonight, too. I'm glad you came along.
Cyberdude4girls: You know, you dont have to speak with perfect grammar if you don't wnat to
Cyberdude4girls: so tell me about yourself a little
Kyodi Tae: Thanks for noticing! Actually, I'm just very-well learned about your language and culture.
Kyodi Tae: My profile pretty much tells it all.
Cyberdude4girls: How about physically?
Kyodi Tae: I'm 12, Korean, horny, I like older men.
Kyodi Tae: My picture, I think, is in my profile. Click the link and you should see a picture of a 12yr old Korean girl smiling back at you.
Cyberdude4girls: i couldnt get it but i did get your icon
Kyodi Tae: Well, that's me.
Kyodi Tae: How old are you?
Cyberdude4girls: since your developed are you?
Cyberdude4girls: I am 15.
Kyodi Tae: I was actually developed in low-light, so some of my features are blurred, but they could be fixed by a skilled photo-lab technician, say from Kodak or something.
Cyberdude4girls: I meant like your bra size...things like that.
Kyodi Tae: Oh.
Kyodi Tae: Um, .. I wear a B-sized Bra, by American standards, my hips are slightly narrow from swimming, but I have a nice, tight ass.
Cyberdude4girls: cool
Cyberdude4girls: not bad for a 12 year old
Cyberdude4girls: do you have pubic hair?
Kyodi Tae: Luckily, my breasts were developed with silver nitrate, so they came out just fine, not at all blurred, too dark, or completely black.
Kyodi Tae: Yes, I do. Thank you for asking.
Kyodi Tae: How big is your cock?
Cyberdude4girls: I'm not sure what you mean about your breast development, but it is 7.5 inches by 2.5 inches when hard
Kyodi Tae: You're so exact! That turns me on!
Kyodi Tae: Could you actually convert that to metric for me? We just kicked the Empire out, so I'm a little fuzzy on inches and feet and stuff.
Cyberdude4girls: it is 2.54 centimeters to the inch
Kyodi Tae: I believe so, yes.
Kyodi Tae: So, you're like ... 7.5x2.54 = ... 18cm?
Cyberdude4girls: 19.05
Kyodi Tae: Ah, well, I was close.
Kyodi Tae: ...for doing it in my head.
Cyberdude4girls: thats what the calculator says, and yes you were
Kyodi Tae: Thanks! *blush* You're so sweet!
Kyodi Tae: *giggle*
Cyberdude4girls: lol
Cyberdude4girls: Are you alone?
Kyodi Tae: So, are we going to have sex or what? I'm like mostly naked here and masturbating. I need you to do something to make me hornier.
Kyodi Tae: Yes, of course. I don't normally get naked in front of other people.
Cyberdude4girls: Okay
Kyodi Tae: Except those who I'm having sex.
Kyodi Tae: ...with,
Cyberdude4girls: Imagine that I am naked, semi-hard and sitting on your bed.
Kyodi Tae: Ok, imagine me the same way.
Cyberdude4girls: how could you be semi-hard?
Kyodi Tae: Oh. Well, I meant naked and sitting on your bed.
Kyodi Tae: Of course, this won't work if you're on my bed, and I'm on yours.
Cyberdude4girls: true
Kyodi Tae: That'd be like three thousand or more miles apart.
Cyberdude4girls: yep
Kyodi Tae: And my nipples are hard. Does that help?
Cyberdude4girls: yes
Kyodi Tae: Ok, sweet.
Cyberdude4girls: my cock is almost fully hard now
Kyodi Tae: Well, ... I'm sitting on -my- bed next to you. What are you going to do to me?
Cyberdude4girls: I'll get off the bed and kneel down in front of you...
Kyodi Tae: I draw my sword, touching it to both of your shoulders in turn, and dub thee Sir Knight.
Cyberdude4girls: I start hungrily lapping at your pussy and massaging your clit between my thumb and forefinger
Kyodi Tae: This is weird knighting someone when I'm completely naked, though.
Kyodi Tae: Are you hungry? I could make you a sandwich.
Cyberdude4girls: Do you want to have cybersex or not?
Kyodi Tae: Yes, of course. But in Korea, we have to make sure our men are completely comfortable before we have sex, otherwise they may not achieve the Clouds and the Rain.
Kyodi Tae: If you are hungry, I must make you something to eat.
Cyberdude4girls: Oh.
Cyberdude4girls: Don't worry about that with me.
Cyberdude4girls: I'm comfortable
Kyodi Tae: Well, I offered. If you don't achieve the Clouds and the Rain, you have to fake it, otherwise I will be dishonored completely, my head shaved by my parents, and kicked out of the province.
Cyberdude4girls: Ok.
Kyodi Tae: Thank you. Now, then you are lapping at my pussy, correct?
Cyberdude4girls: Yes.
Cyberdude4girls: You start to gyrate your hips adn I can tell that you are close to orgasm so I stop adn stand up
Kyodi Tae: You would deny me the Clouds and the Rain?
Cyberdude4girls: Don't worry...
Kyodi Tae: That is also dishonorable.
Cyberdude4girls: my cock is rock hard now from tasting your twat...
Kyodi Tae: You would stripped of your shozuki, cast out into the courtyard, and chased out of the town by dogs and samurai.
Kyodi Tae: Ok, but you must bring me to the Clouds and the Rain.
Cyberdude4girls: I will.
Kyodi Tae: Very well. Continue, O Honorable One.
Cyberdude4girls: I slowly slide my cock into your warm, inviting pussy and you squeal
Cyberdude4girls: I keep going until I am all the way in and then I start to move out
Kyodi Tae: More like a moan of ecstasy but you may interpret my sounds as you wish, my lord.
Kyodi Tae: My Lord Samurai, I mean.
Kyodi Tae: I move your katana just out of reach.
Cyberdude4girls: what is my katana?
Cyberdude4girls: and please, stop calling me a lord
Kyodi Tae: I love the way you slide your wakizashi in and out of my Jade Gate.
Kyodi Tae: A katana is a really long sword.
Cyberdude4girls: when only my head (of my penis) is still in, I go back in again, faster...
Cyberdude4girls: oh.
Kyodi Tae: But you are a samurai, aren't you?
Cyberdude4girls: Am I?
Kyodi Tae: Why wouldn't I call you my lord, since I do not want my head cut off?
Kyodi Tae: Only a samurai would visit a geisha like myself.
Cyberdude4girls: I'm not going to hurt you.
Cyberdude4girls: And I don't demand all this respect
Kyodi Tae: I do not wish to anger you, Lord Samurai.
Cyberdude4girls: Don't be so uptight.
Kyodi Tae: As you wish, Lord Samurai. I can be less....respectful, if you wish.
Cyberdude4girls: Don't call me "Lord Samurai"
Kyodi Tae: Very well. I will not ... respect you as a samurai then.
Cyberdude4girls: I am just a normal, horny 15 year old american kid
Kyodi Tae: *sigh* This means even less respect than I would give a ronin. Do you understand that?
Cyberdude4girls: I don't care (although I don't know what a ronin is).
Kyodi Tae: Very well. Stand up.
Cyberdude4girls: ok.
Kyodi Tae: I kick your left knee out and as you fall to the hard, wooden floor, I elbow you to change your path, landing you squarely on the bed.
Kyodi Tae: I jump on top of you.
Kyodi Tae: I stroke your cock slightly, making it hard.
Kyodi Tae: Does this please you?
Cyberdude4girls: It is already hard.
Cyberdude4girls: Yes it does.
Cyberdude4girls: On request, though.
Cyberdude4girls: I do not know about all teh social classes of modern day Korea...Could I just be an equal?
Kyodi Tae: Now, then I lower myself onto your Ivory Tower, thrusting my young, nubile body onto it in raging passion, bringing myself to the Clouds and the Rain with no regard to whether you achieve it or not.
Kyodi Tae: No. We are not equals. How dare you even suggest such a thing!
Kyodi Tae: As I climax, you feel warm liquid sliding down your cock to your scrotum.
Kyodi Tae: Leaving you on the bed, I walk over to your katana, that now I realize you carry it dishonorably, and walk back to the bed, dragging the razor sharp point across the wooden floor, leaving a long scratch on the finish.
Cyberdude4girls: Okay...
Kyodi Tae: Raising it high above my head, I scream something incoherent in Japanese and bring the blade down at a diagonal, severing your penis from your body so quickly that you do not even feel it until I hold your quivering member in my hand before your now-wide eyes.
Kyodi Tae: Does this please you, O Dishonored One?
Cyberdude4girls: Okay, this is fucked up
Kyodi Tae: You are dishonored! I should not even let you commit seppeku, you dog!
Kyodi Tae: I throw your wakizashi to you and tell you to be quick.
Cyberdude4girls: Umm...this is online cybersex...I am American...I don't know what many of these words mean.
Kyodi Tae: (Seppeku is when you cut your belly open to disembowel yourself. I will be your second)
Kyodi Tae: We would have had great sex, but you are dishonored by your own mouth.
Cyberdude4girls: whatever.
Kyodi Tae: You have proclaimed your own dishonor and now I allow the least honor I can allow. Now commit seppeku.
Cyberdude4girls: no
Cyberdude4girls: fuck you
Kyodi Tae: Or I will kill you myself, and your family will be dishonored and set to work in the rice fields for ten generations.

Previous message was not received by Cyberdude4girls because of error: User Cyberdude4girls is not available.

Kyodi Tae: I was just about to cut off his head with my cock, too.

Previous message was not received by Cyberdude4girls because of error: User Cyberdude4girls is not available.

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