The Reason Hawaii has Interstate Highways
Ass-Stuffing Supermodels
by: Kyodi Tae
Posted: 03/08/00         Score: 1.8         Votes: 124
Supermodels with penises was always my dream as a 15yr old. What the hell was his problem anyway?
hello o9: hello
Kyodi Tae: Um, hi.
hello o9: how are you?
Kyodi Tae: Fabulous. How are you?
hello o9: i'm doing good
Kyodi Tae: That's great. I'm glad to hear that.
hello o9: so what have you been doing lately
hello o9: ?
Kyodi Tae: Nothing, really. Did you have any ideas?
hello o9: no
Kyodi Tae: That's too bad.
hello o9: i know
hello o9: i am so horny
Kyodi Tae: So, you do have some ideas....
hello o9: yeah
Kyodi Tae: Well, old were you again?
hello o9: 15
Kyodi Tae: K,.
hello o9: why you ask?
Kyodi Tae: *shrug* Dunno - couldn't remember.
hello o9: ok
hello o9: could you do me a big favor and download the new version of aol instant messenger so i can hear your voice?
hello o9: you can talk through the new version
Kyodi Tae: No. Mommy said I can't download anything for a month ever since I downloaded that virus.
hello o9: really
hello o9: does your mom look hot?
Kyodi Tae: Yeah - sorry. It wiped out the whoel hard drive.
hello o9: ok
Kyodi Tae: No, it's pretty mild today, so she's not sweating or anything. Just sitting in the chair watching TV.
hello o9: no, does your mom look good?
Kyodi Tae: Well, she doesn't have horns or a tail or a pitchfork or anything. Yeah, she's basically a good woman.
hello o9: do you have any pics of her?
Kyodi Tae: No. Sorry.
hello o9: too bad, i would really like to see her
Kyodi Tae: Too bad for you, yeah. Hey, can you answer me a quick question?
hello o9: yeah, sure
Kyodi Tae: Why do all pedophiles want pictures of me or my mom, preferably naked pictures?
hello o9: they don't have to be naked, i just want to see how you and your mom look, if you read my profile i like older women too
Kyodi Tae: Ah. So you somehow think that you're sexy enough to turn my mom on?
hello o9: no, i just wanted to see how she looks like
hello o9: her pic would probably turn me on
Kyodi Tae: Yeah, probably would, given how easy it was previously.
hello o9: what is a pedophile
hello o9: is that a problem?
Kyodi Tae: Pedophile: 1. An individual afflicted with a sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object; 2. An endless source of online amusement
Kyodi Tae: Does that answer your question?
hello o9: well the first definition is more negatively directed to adults when in my case i am actually a child myself and the second definition, well, suits me perfectly
hello o9: yeah, it does
Kyodi Tae: Ah - so you don't think you're a pervert for searching out 12yr olds to have cybersex with
Kyodi Tae: ?
hello o9: no, i'm a pervert if i look for anyone to have cyber sex, but you are looking for someone too
Kyodi Tae: I'm sitting here with a profile that says I like sex. I'm just being honest. You sought me out.
hello o9: yeah, i am too
Kyodi Tae: ****** ******who lives at ** *** ****** ***, *******, CT *****.
Kyodi Tae: Anyway - so anyway...
hello o9: sorry i upset you, i thought you want sex
Kyodi Tae: *shrug* It's up to you there, chief.
hello o9: will you be coming to ny anytime soon?
Kyodi Tae: Yeah - tomorrow.
hello o9: really?
Kyodi Tae: Um, .... yes....
hello o9: that's cool
hello o9: maybe we could meet?
hello o9: not at my house though
Kyodi Tae: I doubt it, since you grew a big vagina last time. "I can't - my mommy and daddy won't let me. WAAAH!" My friends were all looking forward to you and then you just pussed out.
hello o9: alright, sorry, but thingss turned up, sorry
Kyodi Tae: Still doubtful. We like men where we're from - not big women with big vaginas.
Kyodi Tae: You have a big vagina.
hello o9: no, a big dick, but whatever you would like to think
Kyodi Tae: Look, pal - I've fucked my share of 15yr olds, and half of them hadn't hit puberty, and the other half had penises about four inches long hard. Like this one guy, Sven - smallest penis ever.
hello o9: yeah, i've hit puberty a while ago but i don't have the longest dick, it's only five inches probably
Kyodi Tae: Hard?
hello o9: yeah, sorry
Kyodi Tae: At least you're honest.
Kyodi Tae: Of course, in InterNet terms, that would mean you don't have a penis at all.
hello o9: what do i have to loose
hello o9: how do you figure?
Kyodi Tae: Since most pedophiles add at least five inches to the actual length of their penises.
hello o9: oh, haaa
Kyodi Tae: Like a pedophile will tell me they have an 8inch penis, when in actuality, it's like three.
hello o9: haa
Kyodi Tae: So, with you, you said five inches, so you either have nothing, or have a vagina.
Kyodi Tae: Do you have a vagina?
hello o9: yi'm going to take a shower soon and stuff my ass as much as possible
Kyodi Tae: That's really disgusting. I'm glad you told me that.
Kyodi Tae: Ok - here's the deal.
hello o9: you like that?
Kyodi Tae: My and my friends will meet you this time.
Kyodi Tae: IF you don't grow a big vagina.
Kyodi Tae: And we all have something to stuff in your ass.
hello o9: what time though
Kyodi Tae: Whenever.
Kyodi Tae: We're in NY for three days.
hello o9: ok, good, you are all female right?
hello o9: that's cool
Kyodi Tae: Yes - we're all female.
hello o9: good
Kyodi Tae: And we all have something to stuff up your ass.
hello o9: don't mind that
Kyodi Tae: Don't you want to know what?
hello o9: but we can't meet at my house though
hello o9: hell yes!
Kyodi Tae: We'll all be there to stuff your ass with...
Kyodi Tae: ....our cocks! Isn't that great!?
hello o9: you are male?
Kyodi Tae: No, I'm female.
Kyodi Tae: *sigh* Did you look at my picture or not?
hello o9: yeah
hello o9: but what cocks?
Kyodi Tae: So - am I male or female?
hello o9: female
Kyodi Tae: The cocks that are between our legs.
Kyodi Tae: Do you understand now
Kyodi Tae: ?
hello o9: can't follow
Kyodi Tae: Do you want to have sex now?
hello o9: you mean fake dicks, dildos
Kyodi Tae: No, real ones.
Kyodi Tae: Ya know, like yours?
Kyodi Tae: Just longer.
hello o9: you are loosing me here, you are half females and half males?
Kyodi Tae: No - we're all females. I don't understand what's so difficult about this.
hello o9: how can you have cocks?
Kyodi Tae: Do you know that the ERA is?
Kyodi Tae: And it's not Earned Run Average.
hello o9: no
Kyodi Tae: It's the Equal Rights Administration.
Kyodi Tae: It was created to ensure that women had the same rights as men.
Kyodi Tae: Now, the ERA got me and my friends some penises.
Kyodi Tae: So that we can have the same rights as you, you!
hello o9: so you don't have pussies anymore?
Kyodi Tae: If we didn't have pussies, moron, we wouldn't be female, would we? *sigh* Are we going to meet or not?
hello o9: yeah, sure, but is it alright that we can't meet at my house?
Kyodi Tae: I really want to stuff this up your ass, since you've already loosened it up for me.
hello o9: my family is always here
Kyodi Tae: That's fine. Pick a McDonald's or something nearby.
Kyodi Tae: Ooh...let's kill your family then have sex amidst the bullet-hole-riddled, flaming corpses!
hello o9: ok
Kyodi Tae: My friends are SO into that.
hello o9: whoa
hello o9: i'm not
Kyodi Tae: You don't want to kill your family?
hello o9: not at all
Kyodi Tae: Hrm....are you telling me your parents don't piss you off sometimes?
hello o9: yeah, but not to that extent
Kyodi Tae: What about brothers and sisters?
Kyodi Tae: Don't they piss you off, too?
hello o9: yeah, but not enough to kill them
Kyodi Tae: Hrm...well, can we tie them up and have sex in front of them then? And can we cover them in cow's blood first?
Kyodi Tae: I'd have an orgasm while we were painting them with the blood....mmmm....
hello o9: how about we just have hard sex just among ourselves
Kyodi Tae: How old are your brothers and/or sisters?
hello o9: too young
Kyodi Tae: Hrm...but 15 isn't too young?
hello o9: they are 9 and 8
Kyodi Tae: Mmmm....nothing like bald dick.
hello o9: where would we have sex?
hello o9: yeah, there is, your pussy
Kyodi Tae: In the middle of some nameless park or behind some Greek restaurant.
Kyodi Tae: Somewhere your body wouldn't be found until I was safely back in Korea.
hello o9: that wouldn't work out,
Kyodi Tae: Why not?
hello o9: you are violent
Kyodi Tae: Nah - it's my friends.
Kyodi Tae: They like to disembowel and dismember our sexual partners so they can't brag about fucking us to their friends.
hello o9: that don't want to have sex?
Kyodi Tae: No, they love having sex.
hello o9: so reallly, where would you like to have sex?
Kyodi Tae: In a textile factory. That way, we could ruin thousands upon thousands of sets of sheets before we were done. Not too mention all the clothes we could stick up your ass.
hello o9: would you come in a large limousine?
Kyodi Tae: Typically, yeah, but we're low on cash this time around, so we'll probably have to rent like a Yugo or something.
hello o9: what is a yugo?
Kyodi Tae: It's a YUGOslavian car that really, really sucked.
hello o9: haaa
hello o9: cause we could do it there
hello o9: in the limoo if that's what you are coming in
Kyodi Tae: In the Yugo? Only two of us could be in there at a time, and your foot would be in the glove compartment.
Kyodi Tae: We'd have to have sex like on the hood or something.
Kyodi Tae: Hello?
hello o9: yeah
Kyodi Tae: You still interested?
hello o9: yeah, why?
Kyodi Tae: K, ... so we'll come pick you up at McDonald's in the limo, we'll go somewhere private, then me and my friends will stuff your ass with our cocks, right?
Kyodi Tae: Are you interested or what?

Previous message was not received by hello o9 because of error: User hello o9 is not available.

Kyodi Tae: Guess not.

Previous message was not received by hello o9 because of error: User hello o9 is not available.

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