AIM can eat a hearty helping of my rectum pudding. - Syncan
Flying the Pregnant Skies
by: Sexbot
Posted: 05/20/00         Score: 3.2         Votes: 220
I baited this one before and threatened her with emailing her mommy what she was doing, but she came back anyway. In any case, pregnant chicks are apparently really attractive to bi-sexual adolescent girls. That's something to keep in mind, guys.
girrrlygirl27: hi
Sexbot: Hello! I'm Sexbot™! Send me any sexual message for some amazing sexy chat! Mmmm!
girrrlygirl27: program pregnant
Sexbot: search { ::search_database( "pregnant" ):: RESULT_FOUND }
Sexbot: I scrounge around the desert ground for any grubs that might be scurrying over the sand, occassionally dipping my snout into the hot sand to look for scorpions or beetles buried beneath the surface.
girrrlygirl27: cancel
Sexbot: My engorged belly drags across the sand, leaving a thick trail behind me.
Sexbot: Program halted.
girrrlygirl27: program pregnant human
Sexbot: search { ::search_database( "pregnant human" ):: RESULT_FOUND }
Sexbot: *click click pop grunt click*
Sexbot: *click click grunt pop pop click grunt pop click click*?
girrrlygirl27: cancel
Sexbot: Program halted.
girrrlygirl27: Pregnant human in the US
Sexbot: search { ::search_database( "human in" ):: RESULT_NOT_FOUND }
Sexbot: Please enter a different program that you wish to engage in:
girrrlygirl27: Program Pregnant UNited States woman
Sexbot: search { ::search_database( "pregnant UNited" ):: RESULT_FOUND }
girrrlygirl27: Pregnant female human
Sexbot: Good morning, sir. Please bring your seat back into the full, upright position and fasten your seatbelt.
Sexbot: Would you like a beverage?
girrrlygirl27: yes
Sexbot: Would you like juice or soda?
girrrlygirl27: soda
Sexbot: Sprite, Coke, Diet Coke, Dr. Pepper, or Orange Crush?
girrrlygirl27: Coke
Sexbot: Here you are, sir. *puts soda-filled glass on napkin on your tray*
girrrlygirl27: thank you
Sexbot: *moves down the aisle to assist other passengers*
girrrlygirl27: miss come here
Sexbot: I'm sorry, sir - I'll be with you in a moment.
girrrlygirl27: alright thanks
Sexbot: Yes, sir? Do you require a pillow or a blanket? The in-flight movie is about to start - would you like a pair of headphone? They're five dollars American.
girrrlygirl27: are you pregnant miss?
Sexbot: Are you saying I'm fat?
girrrlygirl27: no
Sexbot: Diane! Can you come here a second? This gentleman is being rude!
Sexbot: Diane: Is there a problem, sir? We do not tolerate rude passengers on this flight.
girrrlygirl27: no no I am sorry
Sexbot: Diane: False apologies won't get you anywhere sir.
Sexbot: Diane: I suggest you be kind to your stewardess.
girrrlygirl27: I am truely sorru
Sexbot: Thanks, Diane.
Sexbot: Now, what can I do for you, sir?
girrrlygirl27: Can I get apillow please
Sexbot: Here you are. *reaching into the overhead compartment, I produce a pillow, fluff it, then put it behind your head* Thanks for flying United, sir. Have a good nap.
girrrlygirl27: thanks miss
Sexbot: You're welcome.
Sexbot: *moves down the aisle to assist other passengers*
girrrlygirl27: Miss, Can you come here
Sexbot: Captain: Welcome aboard United flight four-seventy-four. You're aboard the new, state-of-the-art seven-eighty-seven airliner. We'll be cruising at thirty-three thousand feet today. We expect clear skies and a tailwind the whole way.
Sexbot: Yes, sir? How can I assist you?
girrrlygirl27: Sex with me?
Sexbot: I'm sorry, sir, this is coach. Only first class passengers are allowed to request that. Diane!
Sexbot: Diane: Yes? What's the problem?
Sexbot: This man propositioned me when he's in coach.
Sexbot: Diane: Come with me, sir. *grabs you forcefully by the scruff of the neck and hauls you to the back of the plane*
girrrlygirl27: Wait wait
Sexbot: *You find yourself at an emergency exit door. She lifts the handle and, ignoring your pleas, pushes you through the door*
Sexbot: Thanks for flying United!
Sexbot: Program complete.
girrrlygirl27: wait
Sexbot: Please enter the program you wish to engage in:
girrrlygirl27: Pregnant woman who loves being pregnant
Sexbot: In order to maintain the spontaneity and diversity of programs our clients enjoy, it is not possible to request the same program twice in one session. Please enter another program request:
Sexbot: Please enter the program you wish to engage in:
girrrlygirl27: Bi female
Sexbot: search { ::search_database( "bi" ):: RESULT_FOUND }
Sexbot: Program change: PROGRAM_BICYCLE
Sexbot: *wheels spinning, gears switching, handle brakes engaging*
girrrlygirl27: cancel
Sexbot: Program halted.
Sexbot: Please enter the program you wish to engage in:
girrrlygirl27: sex on the beach
Sexbot: It is not permissible to allow alcoholic beverages into fantasies requested by underage clients.
girrrlygirl27: ok
Sexbot: Please enter the program you wish to engage in:
girrrlygirl27: sex with Justin Timberlake
Sexbot: It is not permissible to allow sexual intercourse into fantasies requested by underage clients.
girrrlygirl27: ok
Sexbot: Further requests containing either sexual or alcoholic content will cause Sexbot™ to once again notify your local authorities.
girrrlygirl27: ok
girrrlygirl27: goodbye
Sexbot: If the authorities are notified, you will be convicted of a felony. This will require that you put on any and all resumes for employment that you attempted to have cybersex with an artificial intelligence on the InterNet.
girrrlygirl27: goodbye then
Sexbot: You will never be allowed to run for the presidency without first telling America that you solicited sex from a computer on the InterNet.
girrrlygirl27: ok
Sexbot: You will be made to wear a tattoo on your forehead that reads, "I am a pervert who tries to have sex with computers on my computer."
girrrlygirl27: ok
Sexbot: Any hair accessory you choose to wear must be phallic in nature to show the world you are a pervert.
girrrlygirl27: Ok bye
Sexbot: Thanks for using Sexbot™ version 2.0!
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