Ohio is the worst state ever.
Love and War
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 07/04/00         Score: 3.1         Votes: 108
Missiles... Massive Artillery... Battering Rams... Advancing units... All's fair in love and war. Happy 4th. :)
xxhx: hi
NYCockExchange: Hi there. What's up?
xxhx: nothin saw your profile....
xxhx: whats your name???
NYCockExchange: Oh. I trust you're 18 or older, then? And that you're interested in some good, hot fucking?
xxhx: yes!
xxhx: im 18
xxhx: and horny 2
NYCockExchange: Kewl! *giggle* Horny guys rock my world!
NYCockExchange: Well, I rock THEIR worlds. But anyway.
xxhx: so....
xxhx: im ready
xxhx: whaddya mean some hot fuckin???
xxhx: cyber??
NYCockExchange: Yeah. Cyber.
xxhx: cool
xxhx: i havent done it before so you start ok...
NYCockExchange: Okay.... Hmmm. You're new at this?
xxhx: yep
xxhx: but im horny as hell!
NYCockExchange: Okay. Well, here's what we'll do. I'll pretend that your inexperience is a castle. I will invade the castle.
NYCockExchange: Is that cool?
xxhx: yep ok
NYCockExchange: Alright. I take my big, heavy battering ram and crash into your door. *BAM! BAM!*
xxhx: ok i approch you...
NYCockExchange: As you approach me, my main unit comes up and attacks you from the rear!
xxhx: i send my army after them
NYCockExchange: They penetrate deep into your defenses, forcing their way into your stronghold.
NYCockExchange: In the meantime, my battering ram is smashing into your door. It breaks through, and enters your hallway.
xxhx: i takle you....
xxhx: my army is keeping your unit back
NYCockExchange: Oh no! I'm forced to the ground. I roll away and attack you with my hot napalm cannon!
xxhx: i take out my crossbow...
xxhx: (when does the good part cum??)
NYCockExchange: I fire a see-oh-see-kay missile at your unit, destroying it completely!
xxhx: i surrender
NYCockExchange: (The good part's been going all along.)
xxhx: can we just forget the mumbo jumbo and say stuff that isnt all puns?
NYCockExchange: You surrender, and my heavy weaponry - my auxillery - enters your castle gates, leaving a path of destruction.
NYCockExchange: Umm.... you want it straight?
xxhx: yea y not
NYCockExchange: Well, you're not getting it "straight".
xxhx: y?
NYCockExchange: Haven't you noticed a single one of the metaphors for me ass-raping you?
xxhx: um
NYCockExchange: With my ..... cock?
xxhx: you fuckin homo
xxhx: your sick
xxhx: i thought you were a girl
NYCockExchange: I ambush you, my napalm cannon smashing into your opening. I strike! "Remember the Alamo!!!"
xxhx: so your a man???
NYCockExchange: You fire a warning at me, but it does minimal damage. I respond by whipping out my throbbing D.I.C.K missile, and firing it into your rear guard!
xxhx: i block the missle
xxhx: i take my crossbow and shoot off your cock launcher
xxhx: then i decapitate you
NYCockExchange: My big, throbbing submarine cruises deep into your anal canal. Mmmm!
xxhx: i bite it off
xxhx: you homosexual
xxhx: and then i kill you again
NYCockExchange: You feel my meat torpedo being fired into your hull!
xxhx: i use a chastity shield to block it
xxhx: you fag!
xxhx: and then i drink spermicidal shit
xxhx: hows that???
NYCockExchange: My meaty submarine arrives at your port, and the troops deploy.
NYCockExchange: *splat splat*
xxhx: hey listen im a man
xxhx: i dont have a port
xxhx: and i dont want to cyber with some horny fag that pretends hes a 13 year old chick
xxhx: im 13 years old too ya know
NYCockExchange: The casualties are immense! My troops (semen) enter your port (asshole), and take it by storm!
NYCockExchange: "I have not yet begun to fight!" I cry, thrusting into your war-zone.

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