A friend is not someone who asks you to stick his penis in your mouth. - Dr. Phil
Cock Surfin' Safari
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 07/22/00         Score: 3.1         Votes: 90
Cowabunga, dude... this guy made me want to break out the sex wax.
EvenFlowSurfer: do you have a picture?
NYCockExchange: Not on my computer.
EvenFlowSurfer: what do you look like?
NYCockExchange: I'm 5'3", blonde, with brown eyes.
EvenFlowSurfer: how much older do you like your guys?
NYCockExchange: Hmm. How much older are you?
EvenFlowSurfer: 39/m
NYCockExchange: Wow, I bet you could teach me some new things!
NYCockExchange: Are you really a surfer?
EvenFlowSurfer: no this is my sons computer
EvenFlowSurfer: he surfs
NYCockExchange: Oh. ...I'm disappointed. I thought you'd be one of those hot middle-aged surfers with a mullet.
EvenFlowSurfer: I'm [pretty hot
EvenFlowSurfer: are you a virgin?
NYCockExchange: Are you hot? I'm not a virgin. If I could have done it again, it would have been with a hot middle-aged mullet-headed surfer man!
EvenFlowSurfer: I can send you my sons pic
EvenFlowSurfer: but I don't have one
EvenFlowSurfer: sorry
NYCockExchange: Okay. I'll see his pic!
EvenFlowSurfer: I am very hot though
EvenFlowSurfer: ok
EvenFlowSurfer wants to directly connect. EvenFlowSurfer is now directly connected.
NYCockExchange: Oh my God. Do you look like him at all?
EvenFlowSurfer: yeah he takes after his dad
EvenFlowSurfer: but I am hotter
EvenFlowSurfer: but older
NYCockExchange: Mmmm... just thinking about your son with a little beer gut and a mullet is making me hot 'n' wet.
EvenFlowSurfer: whqats the oldest guy you have ever fucked?
NYCockExchange: 28. What's the youngest you've been with?
EvenFlowSurfer: 27
EvenFlowSurfer: well my wife was 15 when I had sex with her first
EvenFlowSurfer: but that doesn';t count
NYCockExchange: Wow... you must be really good if she wanted to stay with you! Had to have your big mullet cock every

EvenFlowSurfer: yeah I am good
EvenFlowSurfer: am I too old for you?
NYCockExchange: No, you're not too old. ...You can see your penis past your gut, right?
EvenFlowSurfer: yeah
EvenFlowSurfer: I'm in good shape
NYCockExchange: And you know how to program VCR's?
EvenFlowSurfer: yeah
EvenFlowSurfer: do you like to be taped?
NYCockExchange: Sweet! Yeah, I like being taped. I feel like a porn star. Like Ron Jeremy!
EvenFlowSurfer: won't I feel like your dad or something if you did me?
NYCockExchange: My dad falls asleep early and has back pains and a receeding hairline. ...Do you feel like him?
EvenFlowSurfer: no not at all
EvenFlowSurfer: I was just wondering cause you are so young
NYCockExchange: Yeah, I'm a young girl. So... you never, ever surfed?
EvenFlowSurfer: yeah I have
EvenFlowSurfer: have you?
NYCockExchange: Sweet! I have! Have you ever met any of the Beach Boys?
EvenFlowSurfer: no
EvenFlowSurfer: have you?
NYCockExchange: Nah, I haven't. I just figured you might have sought them, since they were popular and from your generation and stuff.
EvenFlowSurfer: nope
EvenFlowSurfer: I love zeppelin
NYCockExchange: What about Dwight Eisenhower? Have you ever met him?
EvenFlowSurfer: never met them though
EvenFlowSurfer: no
EvenFlowSurfer: never met anyone famous
NYCockExchange: Charlie Chaplin?
EvenFlowSurfer: nope
NYCockExchange: Abraham Lincoln?
EvenFlowSurfer: what??
EvenFlowSurfer: damn you must really think I am too old
NYCockExchange: Umm... never mind. So... you can hang ten, right?
EvenFlowSurfer: no
EvenFlowSurfer: I am bad at surfing
EvenFlowSurfer: my son is good
EvenFlowSurfer: he goes to pipeline in hawaii
NYCockExchange: Oh, wow. I can hang ten!
EvenFlowSurfer: do you dress cute?
EvenFlowSurfer: my wife and me might get a divorce soon
NYCockExchange: Oh, really? *wink*
NYCockExchange: I can really hang ten, you know.
EvenFlowSurfer: are you good in bed?
EvenFlowSurfer: I could teach you a lot I bet
NYCockExchange: Yeah... that fits right in with my hanging ten!
EvenFlowSurfer: do you wear cute little skirts?
NYCockExchange: Well, I can't wear them too short... My hangin' ten kind of gets in the way.
EvenFlowSurfer: whats with you and hanging ten?
EvenFlowSurfer: you want me to let you go?
NYCockExchange: Sorry... My ISP wiped out.
EvenFlowSurfer: its ok
EvenFlowSurfer: just don't want to bother you
NYCockExchange: Alright, where were we?
EvenFlowSurfer: you keep talking about hanging ten
EvenFlowSurfer: but i don't like surfing too much
NYCockExchange: Well, to be honest... I only surf the internet.
EvenFlowSurfer: alright
EvenFlowSurfer: so why hang ten?
NYCockExchange: Well, I was lying about that, too.
EvenFlowSurfer: oh
EvenFlowSurfer: sorry I'm confused
EvenFlowSurfer: would you have sex with me?
NYCockExchange: Well... yeah.
EvenFlowSurfer: what are you wearing?
NYCockExchange: I wish I had a pic of you. I'll just have to use Kai's Power Goo to give your son a beer gut and mullet. *sigh*
EvenFlowSurfer: do you think my son is cute?
NYCockExchange: Maybe a sexy hawaiian shirt, too.
EvenFlowSurfer: hes too young for you!!
NYCockExchange: Heehee. You're a funny guy.
EvenFlowSurfer: i'm wearing my boxer shorts
EvenFlowSurfer: chgest is kind of hairy
NYCockExchange: Me too. I'm hanging ten.
EvenFlowSurfer: hanging ten again?
EvenFlowSurfer: you want me to let you go?
EvenFlowSurfer: your not being serious with me
NYCockExchange: Referring, of course, to my hanging 10" cock. It's starting to get erect, though.
EvenFlowSurfer: huh?
EvenFlowSurfer: your a guy?
NYCockExchange: Umm... No!
EvenFlowSurfer: oh I thought you were a girl
EvenFlowSurfer: sorry
NYCockExchange: Just trust me, and keep talking about your hot body. I really am a girl!!
EvenFlowSurfer: why did you say that then?
EvenFlowSurfer: 10" cock?
NYCockExchange: Just rounding it off. "Hanging ten" sounds a lot better.
NYCockExchange: 8.5" is pretty close to 10", right?
EvenFlowSurfer: ok
EvenFlowSurfer: thought you were a girl
EvenFlowSurfer: bye
NYCockExchange: Wait!!! Hook up with me after the divorce? Gay marriage is legal in California now!!!
EvenFlowSurfer: sorry not into guys
EvenFlowSurfer: thanks anyways
NYCockExchange: I'm not, either. I just like plunging my 10" cock into pedophiliac asses.
NYCockExchange: Let's pretend your asshole is a wave, and my cock's a big, hairy boogie board, okay?
EvenFlowSurfer: not gay
EvenFlowSurfer: sorry
NYCockExchange: I'm not asking you to BE GAY, I'm just asking you to spread your middle-aged ass cheeks for me, so I can body-surf it with my boogie-boner!
EvenFlowSurfer: not gay
EvenFlowSurfer: sorry
NYCockExchange: I don't want a gay man! I want to do a straight, middle-aged man with a mullet! I want to give you an organic "wetsuit"!
EvenFlowSurfer: I'm not gay buddy
EvenFlowSurfer: just leave me alone please
NYCockExchange: At least let me tell you about how the show "Thirty Something" gives me a raging hard-on!

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