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Hand Humpin'
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 08/04/00         Score: 3.0         Votes: 66
It seems there's a fine line between misleading someone & butt-fucking them.
jasicard: hey
NYCockExchange: Hey.
jasicard: looking for hat chat?
jasicard: make that hot chat
NYCockExchange: Serious? Dammit. I was looking forward to talking about various headgear.
jasicard: really???
jasicard: u really 13?
NYCockExchange: Well, I guess I'll go for some sexy chat.
jasicard: done much?
NYCockExchange: Yeah. You?
jasicard: plenty
jasicard: enough to make your little pussy quiver
NYCockExchange: Okay. Do you have any samples?
jasicard: samples???
jasicard: lets just do it
NYCockExchange: Wait. I want some samples. Have you saved any?
jasicard: no, every one is new, based on the pleasure i want to give or get
jasicard: you looking to give pleasure as well as get it
NYCockExchange: So you DON'T SAVE YOUR HOT CHAT?
jasicard: no
jasicard: you'll see why? it's not a 5 minute thing
NYCockExchange: Wow. You don't look it over to see how you could be better?
jasicard: no, i just make it better each time
NYCockExchange: Okay. Tell me what you'd say to get me all hot and wet.
jasicard: well first off you have to describe yourself, and your pleasure points to me.
jasicard: what color is your nipples, and your pubic hair
jasicard: your hair and eyes
NYCockExchange: Holy fuck. Can you just e-mail me a form to fill out?
jasicard: no, but i want to tell you how i'm gonna suck your nipples until they get rock hard
NYCockExchange: You wanna suck me until I'm rock hard?
jasicard: your nipples silly
NYCockExchange: Sure, you can do that, too.
jasicard: i'll slowly lick your nipples, teasing them with my tongue
jasicard: round and round,
NYCockExchange: Reach down and cup my scrotum in your hands too, okay?
jasicard: oh i'm sliding my hand down there now, and i playing with your hot little pussy, rubbing your clit just so softly
jasicard: can you feel it
NYCockExchange: Huh? Oh. Yeah, anyway give my scrotum a gentle squeeze. I can feel it!
jasicard: here is a little squeeze for that hot little pussy
jasicard: now i'm running my tongue down to your navel
jasicard: oops, it's time you get rid of your pants and panties
jasicard: lets take them off now
jasicard: what color are your panties?
NYCockExchange: Umm. I don't get off on guys squeezing my "pussy". I just want you to lightly cup my scrotum.
NYCockExchange: They're white & lacy!
jasicard: cool
NYCockExchange: Yeah. Now lower your head, and fellate me. Show me how you'd work it!
jasicard: it's a light squeeze, and i can feel you humping my hand now
jasicard: now i'll running my hot tongue down your stomach to the top of your pussy
NYCockExchange: *hump hump* Mmm, your hand is tightly curled around me!
jasicard: yes
jasicard: i'm licking the top of your pussy and your so very hot and wet
NYCockExchange: Start lickin' my hot, hard man-clit, while I push your head closer.
jasicard: now i'm licking the outside of your pussy, from the bottom to the top
jasicard: stroking you clit with my tongue
jasicard: softly at first, can you feel it
jasicard: back and forth
NYCockExchange: Yeah! Mmm! Stroke my he-clit with your tongue; run it up and down & back and forth!
jasicard: back and forth
NYCockExchange: Yeeaahhh.
NYCockExchange: Just like that.
jasicard: a little faster now, but don't cum yet
jasicard: your hot pussy juices and flowing into my mouth
jasicard: they so very sweet
NYCockExchange: No, I'm not gonna cum yet; I'm trying to keep all of my semen back. Letting it build up, you know?
jasicard: now i'm licking faster, and faster
jasicard: and i'm shoving my tongue deep into your pussy
jasicard: back and forth over your clit
jasicard: faster and faster
jasicard: take my hard cock
jasicard: you have it yet?
NYCockExchange: Yeah, like you've been taking mine. God, I don't know if I can hold my semen back any longer!
jasicard: suck my hard cock, make it larger and larger so i can fuck you right
jasicard: cause once i fuck you, you'll never want any other dick
NYCockExchange: Okay, I'll jerk it first, but I'll do it from behind you, K?
jasicard: suck it
jasicard: tell me what your doing?
NYCockExchange: Okay, right now I'm behind you, stroking your dick with one hand.
jasicard: and?
NYCockExchange: I have my other hand on your hip, and I'm massaging your colon with my love-tool.
NYCockExchange: IRL, I'm just jackin.
jasicard: explain yourself
NYCockExchange: Okay... I have a half-curled hand strokin' my member up and down. It's starting to get wet, 'cause I'm so horny.
NYCockExchange: What are you doing?
jasicard: stokin' my member, what happend to you hot little pussy
NYCockExchange: Weren't you eating it just a while ago?
jasicard: yes, i feel it now
jasicard: keep stoking my hard cock
jasicard: now what r u doing with my large hot cock
NYCockExchange: Yeah... Your lips are pressed against it, lickin' my he-pussy. I am stoking your hard cock.
NYCockExchange: Stoking it.
jasicard: lick it baby
NYCockExchange: And with mine, I am sliding it in and out of your crap-canal very slowly.
jasicard: slide it deep into your mouth
NYCockExchange: Mmm...
NYCockExchange: I can't hold it back anymore.
NYCockExchange: I have to shoot my semen now!
jasicard: then suck me hard
jasicard: you cumming baby?
NYCockExchange: I can't! I'm too busy pulling my manrod back out of your man-cunt, getting ready to blow a hot load of semen all over your back!!
NYCockExchange: Here goes!!
NYCockExchange: *splat splat*
NYCockExchange: Are you cumming yet?
jasicard: no baby cause i want to fuck you hot little pussy
NYCockExchange: Oh, okay. Let me keep stroking to get the last few drops of my man-seed out, okay?
NYCockExchange: Okay... you ready for this?
jasicard: yeah
jasicard: what about u
NYCockExchange: I'm going to let you fuck my he-pussy, but I would really love it if you licked the last of the semen (man-seed, cum, sperm) off of my cock.
NYCockExchange: I don't like my cock just sitting there, being dirty, while another guys takes me from behind... Much like I just did to you a second ago.
jasicard: you mislead me
NYCockExchange: No, I butt-fucked you. Haven't you been reading?
jasicard: yeah, that's what i figured you were up to
NYCockExchange: Of course, that was after you were sucking and licking my he-clit (cock, dick, penis).
jasicard: why not just be honest
NYCockExchange: Yeah, you're the sharp one, alright. You were onto me from the start.
jasicard: fuck you asshole
NYCockExchange: That's why you were wanting to fuck my "pussy" after I got through sticking my cock into your asshole and shooting hot sperm-wads all over your back?

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