Just When You Thought It Was Safe to Molest Children...
Hooked On Info
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 08/05/00         Score: 3.6         Votes: 500
If you're not gettin' any cybersex, it's probably because you're not using the right info.
mooneyhan 13: hello baby'
mooneyhan 13: 18/m/nc
NYCockExchange: Hello. 13-F-UT.
mooneyhan 13: do u got a pcture
NYCockExchange: Nah, I don't have a pcture. Srry.
mooneyhan 13: thats ok
NYCockExchange: Thanks a lot. I feel adequate now.
mooneyhan 13: what is up with the name
NYCockExchange: *blank look* What don't you understand?
mooneyhan 13: yeah i under stand
NYCockExchange: Then why are you asking?
mooneyhan 13:
mooneyhan 13: u said on your infomation that u want some hot chat
NYCockExchange: Goddamn you! Give one tenth of your earnings to God and pray to be a better conversationalist!!!
mooneyhan 13: ok
NYCockExchange: Sweet. Are you better yet?
mooneyhan 13: yep
mooneyhan 13: u said on your infomation that u want some hot chat
mooneyhan 13: right
NYCockExchange: That's right. I see you don't have any information in your profile.
NYCockExchange: You should have some!
mooneyhan 13: here i my info
mooneyhan 13: 18/m/nc
mooneyhan 13: love sex
mooneyhan 13: love to drank
NYCockExchange: Goddamn it. I don't think you prayed earnestly enough.
mooneyhan 13: hahaha
NYCockExchange: You know how to put info in your profile, right?
mooneyhan 13: nope
NYCockExchange: Here, I'll make it easy. Go to "My AIM" in the AIM messenger window, and select "Edit Profile".
mooneyhan 13: ok then what
NYCockExchange: Then... start filling out your info.
mooneyhan 13: i have done that all ready
NYCockExchange: No you haven't. I don't see shit in the window. Click on "next" twice, and there should be a white box for you to type in. That's your info.
mooneyhan 13: ok
NYCockExchange: Try something like, "Hi! I'm 18-M-NC! I like being sodomized by 13-year-old girls. IM me for some hot chat - I can take better than give."
NYCockExchange: Hey, Gump?
mooneyhan 13: yes dear
NYCockExchange: Is your info filled out yet?
mooneyhan 13: yes sweetey
mooneyhan 13: are u ther
NYCockExchange: age/ 18 sex/ male loctation/ noth carolina hobbies/ ask me im me for lots of great chat
mooneyhan 13: that is it
NYCockExchange: What the hell is that? How can you expect to get lots of hot young pussy over the internet with that kind of info?
mooneyhan 13: u write me some thang then
NYCockExchange: Here, try this: " 18/M/NC - I like netsex. I'm a ragin' pedophile that LOVES being sodomizes. Ladies, IM me, and I'll lick your sweet scrotums! *wink*"
NYCockExchange: There. Try that.
NYCockExchange: Are you changing it now?
mooneyhan 13: yes dear
NYCockExchange: Sweet! Then, at the end, add this - "Bait me! "
mooneyhan 13: it is time for u to give me so hot chat
NYCockExchange: So you changed it? Let me see....
NYCockExchange: " 18/M/NC - I like netsex. I'm a ragin' pedophile that LOVES being sodomizes. Ladies, IM me, and i lick your sweet scrotums! *wink*"
mooneyhan 13: see
NYCockExchange: Yeah! There it is! You just need to do two things, now... It's my mistake - sorry.
NYCockExchange: You need to change "sodomizes" to "sodomized" and then add "Bait me!" at the end.
mooneyhan 13: let me hear some hot chats
NYCockExchange: I guarantee you, you'll get more pussy than should be legal if you make those changes.
mooneyhan 13: ok hold on
NYCockExchange: Sure! I'll be writing hot chats!
mooneyhan 13: ok i am here
NYCockExchange: Okay. Let me check out that info.
mooneyhan 13: where are the hot chats
NYCockExchange: Um. You messed up. "Sodomizes" is still there... You need to change that to "sodomized".
NYCockExchange: You don't want to give people the wrong impression - young ladies like me love hot, intelligent young men.
mooneyhan 13: ok
mooneyhan 13: i changed it
NYCockExchange: Sweet! Let me look!
mooneyhan 13: still no hot chats
NYCockExchange: " 18/M/NC - I like netsex. I'm a ragin' pedophile that LOVES being "sodomized." Ladies, IM me, and i lick your sweet scrotums! *wink*" Bait me
mooneyhan 13: ok
mooneyhan 13: see
mooneyhan 13: let me see those chats now baby
NYCockExchange: God, that is a fuckin' masterpiece. Are you sure you can handle all of the wild young pussy?
mooneyhan 13: dont worry
NYCockExchange: Okay, hot chats. Here we go:
NYCockExchange: Mmmmmmm r u orgasm?
NYCockExchange: Sexy chat?
mooneyhan 13: ummmmmm
mooneyhan 13: yes
NYCockExchange: Right on!
mooneyhan 13: let me hear some more
NYCockExchange: You can cut-an-paste, right?
mooneyhan 13: yeah
NYCockExchange: Okay, one second, please....
NYCockExchange: Okay! Cut-and-paste my info into our chat!
mooneyhan 13: cum on baby
NYCockExchange: It will be cute and sexy!
mooneyhan 13: 13-f-UT here! There's nothing I love more than being fellated by 18-M-NC guys! Mmmm!
mooneyhan 13: ummmmmmmm
NYCockExchange: Sweet! Mmmm yeah... Will you fellate me now?
mooneyhan 13: i am fucking u real hard right now
mooneyhan 13: ohhhhhhh
mooneyhan 13: ummmmmm
NYCockExchange: Yeah, me too... I haven't been turned on by a raging pedophile in aaages!!
NYCockExchange: You know I like being fellated, right?
mooneyhan 13: yep
NYCockExchange: Sweet! Then, will you fellate me?
mooneyhan 13: how do u like it
mooneyhan 13: i hate to sound stupid
NYCockExchange: I'd like it if you wrapped your lips around the head of my cock, then started moving your head back and forth along it's length. Sliding your tongue around the bottom helps a lot, too.
mooneyhan 13: i am licking your cock
mooneyhan 13: back and forth
mooneyhan 13: ummmm
mooneyhan 13: oh
mooneyhan 13: ohhhhh
NYCockExchange: Really? Wow! I like how your are sucking my DICK. That's fine with you, right?
mooneyhan 13: what dick
mooneyhan 13: thought u waz female
NYCockExchange: Umm... the one in your mouth, against the back of your throat.
mooneyhan 13: go to hell
mooneyhan 13: u are female roght
NYCockExchange: Yeah! I'm a 13-year-old girl!
NYCockExchange: Now suck my D-I-C-K.
mooneyhan 13
: then what the hell are u doing with dick
NYCockExchange: Shoving it into your mouth.
mooneyhan 13: why do u have a dick if u are a female
NYCockExchange: It doesn't matter! Just suck on it! I'm about to cum, so grab my nutsack, too! Mmmm!!!
mooneyhan 13: go to fucking hell
mooneyhan 13: i ant no fagit
NYCockExchange: You were sucking my cock, though! How can you not be a "fagit"?

Previous message was not received by mooneyhan 13 because of error: User mooneyhan 13 is not available.

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