Say Yes to Drugs
Big Red
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 08/15/00         Score: 3.2         Votes: 72
Some people don't appreciate it when you try to help them improve their dental hygiene.
XenomorphL: Chat?
XenomorphL: ?
NYCockExchange: Um, sure.
XenomorphL: A/S/L?
NYCockExchange: Holy shit. What took you so fucking long?
XenomorphL: Sorry
NYCockExchange: Being sorry took you so long? Ummm... I can see that.
XenomorphL: Really
NYCockExchange: If you want my A/S/L, click on my info.
XenomorphL: I mean it
XenomorphL: What do u look like?
XenomorphL: Im 24 m
NYCockExchange: I'm on the left.
XenomorphL: Nice
XenomorphL: U have mic?
NYCockExchange: Thanks. I don't have a mic.
XenomorphL: Ur just 13?
NYCockExchange: Yeah, I'm "just thirteen", whatever that means.
XenomorphL: Have boyfriend?
NYCockExchange: Umm... you do brush your teeth often, right?
XenomorphL: Yeah
XenomorphL: ?
NYCockExchange: OK, if you say so. I'm just kind of picking up an odd smell over here.
NYCockExchange: Last time this happened, I had to make the guy brush his teeth.
XenomorphL: ?
XenomorphL: What r u wearing?
NYCockExchange: What are you so confused about? I just can't stand bad breath, that's all.
XenomorphL: Dont have it
NYCockExchange: Well, my nose has been kind of wrinkling up since I've been chatting with you.
NYCockExchange: I can't think of any other explanation.
XenomorphL: Sorry baby
XenomorphL: What r u wearing?
NYCockExchange: Well, halitosis isn't an extremely rare thing. It's nauseating, though. Makes my stomach churn.
NYCockExchange: I'm wearing a t-shirt and panties.
XenomorphL: Better explanation?
NYCockExchange: ...When was the last time you brushed your teeth? Like, honestly? I'm starting to cringe over here.
XenomorphL: 1 hr ago
NYCockExchange: An hour ago? Hmmm. Do you have any gum around, or any breath fresheners, or anything?
XenomorphL: R U a Virgin?
NYCockExchange: No. I've had sex with a couple of guys.
NYCockExchange: Both of their fathers were dentists though, so it was okay.
XenomorphL: OK
NYCockExchange: Okay. Hold on, let me take my shirt off.
XenomorphL: Good
XenomorphL: Let me
NYCockExchange: ...There. I have it wrapped around my head now, to try to block out the bad-breath smell.
NYCockExchange: And then, if I puke, the shirt will catch it.
XenomorphL: Maybe u should brush YOUR teeth
XenomorphL: It must really smell
NYCockExchange: No, that's definitely not the case. I know my own breath. This utterly nauseating feeling started when you IM'ed me.
NYCockExchange: But anyway, what are you wearing?
XenomorphL: Boxer shorts and a t shirt
NYCockExchange: Horny? I am, kind of. I'm a little... distracted, though. I'm sure we can manage somehow!
XenomorphL: U seem to have a prob with ur nose
NYCockExchange: Well, unless you have a severe nose fetish, that shouldn't be a problem, should it?
NYCockExchange: *gagging a little*
XenomorphL: Have u tried Voice sex?
NYCockExchange: Oh God... not that... please! Last time I tried, the guy made me puke, then dry-heave for hours. He seriously had the worst breath.
XenomorphL: My breath smells great
XenomorphL: Like Fresh mint
NYCockExchange: Well, I'm glad you think so. Umm. Let's move on to those boxers of yours... anything sticking out?
XenomorphL: Not yet
NYCockExchange: Maybe I can help you with that, eh?
XenomorphL: Lets see
XenomorphL: Can u?
NYCockExchange: Yeah... hold on, my eyes are starting to tear up, though.
XenomorphL: Is it the name?
NYCockExchange: No... *gag* ...It's... the breath.
NYCockExchange: I'll be okay, though, one second, alright?
XenomorphL: Ur being inmature
XenomorphL: Laterz
NYCockExchange: Alright, there we go.
XenomorphL: ?
NYCockExchange: Nothing a little Lysol air freshener couldn't handle!
NYCockExchange: Well, it was more than a little.
XenomorphL: What r u going to do for me?
NYCockExchange: Well, let me slide off these panties.
XenomorphL: Thats a start
NYCockExchange: And before we really get into it, I'd like to offer you a stick of Big Red.
XenomorphL: Chewing
NYCockExchange: I usually keep a stick of Big Red in my pants.
NYCockExchange: AUGH!! Don't chew on it!!!
NYCockExchange: Just take it into your mouth first, okay?
XenomorphL: k
NYCockExchange: *whew* Alright... it kind of hurts when you chew on it. You gotta do it right.
NYCockExchange: Lay your tongue across the bottom, K?
XenomorphL: k
NYCockExchange: Okay, lick it around in little circles. (I like a man who's good with his tongue!)
XenomorphL: Im ver y good
NYCockExchange: You are? Tell me how you're licking it!
XenomorphL: Slow Rythmatic around the very top of
XenomorphL: ur nipple
NYCockExchange: Mmmm... that really gets me off, the way you're licking my Big Red. *giggles*
NYCockExchange: You're great with your tongue!
XenomorphL: Where r those panties
NYCockExchange: Oh, they're off - laying on the floor now.
XenomorphL: Y dont u play with it
XenomorphL: Me that is
NYCockExchange: Will you slide the Big Red in and out of your mouth? That will really, really get me off!!
XenomorphL: U get me of
NYCockExchange: Sure - but tell me how you're sliding it in and out, okay? I need a man with good oral skills.
XenomorphL: U start
NYCockExchange: Alright, you want me to tell you what I'm doing right now?
XenomorphL: Yes
NYCockExchange: Okay, I'm sliding my big red cock in and out of your mouth.
NYCockExchange: As I'm about to cum, I realize what the stench is - it's the semen of the 1,000 men you sucked off before me without brushing your teeth.

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