The Best Thing to Happen To Pedophiles Since Children
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 09/20/00         Score: 3.3         Votes: 297
No lifeguard on duty. Swim at your own risk.
rode03: hello
NYCockExchange: Hi there cowboy.
rode03: hey
NYCockExchange: Howdy.
rode03: u cyber?
NYCockExchange: Yes, I cyber. Do you?
rode03: yea
NYCockExchange: Are you good at it?
NYCockExchange: Don't think 'bout it too hard.
NYCockExchange: I guess you're no good at it. *sigh*
rode03: sorry
rode03: got distracteed
rode03: im aight
rode03: hello?
rode03: sorry i had to call someone
NYCockExchange: To ask for cyber instructions?
rode03: no, i had to call a pal to get him on line cuz his gal is on
rode03: so... u wanna give it a try
NYCockExchange: Sure... what's his number? I'll try letting him know his gal is on, too.
rode03: no no, hes on do uwanna give it a go between u and me?
NYCockExchange: Unless he has two phone lines, it probably wouldn't help much if we both called your pal.
NYCockExchange: And you didn't even give me his number yet.
rode03: thats not what i mean
rode03: hes gonna get on
rode03: do u want to cyber?
NYCockExchange: Sure! Are you any good at it?
rode03: im aight
rode03: how bout i give tha location and u start it off
NYCockExchange: Give me the location.
rode03: ok, swimmin pool?, i have on boxers, u have on panties and a tee shirt
NYCockExchange: Is this an indoor, or outdoor swimming pool?
rode03: ur choice
NYCockExchange: Um. You're supposed to give me the location, though.
NYCockExchange: ...But I guess an indoor swimming pool would be great.
rode03: im reallty sorry my puter wen tcrazy
NYCockExchange: Oh, okay. Where did we leave off?
rode03: uh we were decidin on indoor or outdoor
NYCockExchange: Alright. Indoor would be okay, I think. One with lights in the pool.
rode03: cool
rode03: ok go ahead
NYCockExchange: Except, all of the covers to the lights would be busted, and none of the bulbs would be screwed in. It would be nice and dark that way.
rode03: ok
rode03: thats coool
NYCockExchange: Coool?
rode03: too many os
NYCockExchange: Are we alone?
rode03: yes
rode03: for now
NYCockExchange: Really? Are you planning on having friends show up later?
rode03: maybe
rode03: u an me for now
rode03: its our time
NYCockExchange: What kind of friends would we be talking about?
rode03: none rite now
rode03: another gal maybe, just one thats enuff
rode03: but its u and me rite now
rode03: jsut us
NYCockExchange: Well, I feel the need to plan ahead. ...Oh, one gal? I guess I'm not enough for you.
rode03: no
NYCockExchange: Unless.... she's kind of a present from you to me!
rode03: yea thats it
NYCockExchange: Goody! What's she look like?
rode03: blonde hair, blu eyes, nice bod,(not as noce as urs tho)
rode03: what ever else uw ant her to be
NYCockExchange: Sounds great to me. What's her name?
rode03: sandra
NYCockExchange: Sandra, eh? Does Sandra like long, thick, hard cock?
rode03: yes
rode03: but she duznt get it yet
NYCockExchange: Great! Her & I will get along just fine, then.
rode03: its u rite now
rode03: so lez go
rode03: go ahead
NYCockExchange: Um. I wouldn't want to get started without Sandra.
rode03: well then thats cool
rode03: ok shes wit us
rode03: go ahead
rode03: she just jumped in tha pool
NYCockExchange: What's she wearing?
rode03: same thang as u
NYCockExchange: Oh. Simple enough.
rode03: yea
NYCockExchange: Okay, I jump into the pool.
rode03: so u ready?
rode03: ok
NYCockExchange: *splash*
rode03: ..
rode03: ok... good..
NYCockExchange: Come on in! The water's not cold at all!
rode03: ok imin
rode03: splash
NYCockExchange: Yaayy! We're all in the water, splashing around, having a great time.
rode03: yea
NYCockExchange: Yeah!
NYCockExchange: Are you a really good swimmer?
rode03: yea
rode03: reallly good
NYCockExchange: Really, really good?
rode03: yea
rode03: im good at everythn
NYCockExchange: Could you swim with your hands and feet tied? Like Navy SEAL training?
rode03: uh maybe
rode03: ok so we;re in tha pool
rode03: ....
NYCockExchange: I wanna find out!! Now that we're out of the pool, I'll tie your hands and feet together, then I wanna see you swim.
NYCockExchange: Good swimmin' guys get me off.
rode03: ok
rode03: now lets have some fun!!!!
rode03: yea
NYCockExchange: *I tie your hands and feet together, near the poolside* Ready to swim to the other side and back?
rode03: yea
NYCockExchange: Alright! Jump in! I wanna hear a big splash!
rode03: SPLASH
NYCockExchange: You jump into the pool, attempting to swim to the other side. As you're halfway across, I walk over the the wall and flip the light switch. The uncovered light sockets suddenly come to life, and 45,000 volts of electricity run through your body. You spasm for a while, then your dead body floats limply on the surface of the pool.
rode03: u psycho
rode03: that wasnt nice
NYCockExchange: Sandra and I hop into my car, and we go to my house. I fuck the shit out of her, stuffing my hard cock into every hole in her body. She licks my semen off and I kick her out.
rode03: ouch
NYCockExchange: Then I drink bourbon, smoke a joint, and go to sleep.
rode03: thats nice, and that wasnt cool
rode03: peace
NYCockExchange: Happily for me, I hired some illegal alien named Jorge to dispose for your body for cheap. He sneaks it into the local slaughterhouse where he works, and has your corpse run through the hambuger-makin' machine. Folks all over town eat your A-1 saturated remains as they wondered what happened to the small-cocked swimmer boy.
rode03: ok
rode03: what tha fuck?
rode03: whats up wit dat
NYCockExchange: Meanwhile, Sandra and I are fucking all over the town... in dressing rooms, the back seat of my car, her parent's bedroom, and the room where you used to live. In the latter, I've shot my hot, sticky semen all over your blankets. Your mom knows what the stains on your sheets are, but she still launders them and makes your bed for sentimental reasons.
NYCockExchange: One particular evening, after I've fucked the living daylights out of her, Sandra rolls over toward me. "Hey... remember rode03?" she asks.
"What about him?" I ask, looking into her sparkling blue eyes.
"Exactly...!" she says with a grin, before lowering her head to my long, plump cock.

rode03: ok, can u please explain
NYCockExchange: Sure. She wraps her lips around the head of my cock, and then starts moving her head up and down while fondling my nutsack with her soft, small hands.

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NYCockExchange: Um. I did NOT block him! Dammit!
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