Cock - the other white meat
Bell Boy Bondage
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 09/24/00         Score: 3.6         Votes: 500
I guess some people just can't be tormented enough, they have to come back for more.
sexymaster21: hey babt
sexymaster21: oops baby
NYCockExchange: Dammit! Typos make me limp. Stop doing that.
sexymaster21: im sorry.. so ur 13 huh ?
NYCockExchange: Yeah, I'm 13. You?
sexymaster21: im 21 ... so.. what r u lookin 4 net sex 4
NYCockExchange: I'm looking for netsex, because I like sodomizing pedophiles. Mmmm!
sexymaster21: r u a guy
NYCockExchange: What the fuck?!?!?!
NYCockExchange: I'm 13-F-UT, goddammit. It says so in my info. *sigh*
sexymaster21: sorry u must just not no... guys sodomise... so whats up.. u like older man? u want to bondage?
NYCockExchange: Yeah, I like older men. They're more experienced at handling cock.
sexymaster21: ok sorry honey dont get too angry i think u just used the wrong word ... no offense
sexymaster21: yeah i got a big one its 8 and a half inches
NYCockExchange: So you've got training handling big cock, eh? I like that!
sexymaster21: yah i handle mine a lot.. do u like bondage ??
NYCockExchange: Oh yeah. How did you know?
sexymaster21: i dont no i just figgered so .. do u like to obey men ??
NYCockExchange: Well, you're a pretty intelligent bugger, aren't you?
NYCockExchange: I only like obeying intelligent men, like you.
sexymaster21: yeah ive been told that
NYCockExchange: That's not a big surprise!
sexymaster21: cool thats good so... u want to play a fantssy baby ??
NYCockExchange: Sure... do you have one set up?
sexymaster21: not realy i like to let my partners pick so they r sastisfied
NYCockExchange: That's probaby a good thing, because you are way smarter than me, and I probably couldn't even fathom any fantasy scenario you initiated.
sexymaster21: yeah
sexymaster21: so what do u want to play
NYCockExchange: Okay - let's start off in a hotel room.
sexymaster21: ok were in a hotel room and were all alone and im puttin down our bags "like the room honey ??"
NYCockExchange: "Yes, I love the room.... But I think we're missing something!"
sexymaster21: "whats that" i ask
NYCockExchange: *giggle* "We need some champagne! Should I call room service?"
sexymaster21: "oh ok that sounds good i like chapane" i say so i call the room service and they bring it up
NYCockExchange: Okay, so the bell boy is knocking on the door.
sexymaster21: i got and open the door and tip him
NYCockExchange: He smiles, walks into the room, and starts unbuttoning his shirts. He's smiling at you seductively.
sexymaster21: uh im not gay ..
sexymaster21: oh wait he wants a 3some huh
NYCockExchange: He doesn't know you're not gay. He's winking at you, and has removed his shirt. He starts dancing, thrusting his hips at you.
sexymaster21: "ecuse me i am not gay" i tell him " and i want to fuck this girl here not u"
sexymaster21: so he leaves
NYCockExchange: I pop open the bottle of champagne and have a few sips. Then I hand the bottle to you.
sexymaster21: i sit down on the bed next to u and sip at the bottle mmmm this is some good stuff i say ... i'm gettin hard
NYCockExchange: Then the bell-boy comes back, just barging into the room. He's holding a dozen roses. "I know you're not gay, but when I saw you in the lobby.... I just... couldn't help myself. Please take these flowers."
sexymaster21: i take them and give them to u because i love u
NYCockExchange: Awww! Thanks!
sexymaster21: now u have to pay me back i say.. and get out a pair of cuffs and wink at u
NYCockExchange: The bellboy jumps up on the bed, running the shirt between his legs. He looks at you and sings, "I've been really tryin', babe.... to hold back my feelings for soooo looong..... but if you feel... like I do...."
sexymaster21: "look pal" i say "i am not gay and i want this girl here so if u dont leve i'll cal the manger."
NYCockExchange: He responds by pulling down his zipper. His 9" cock emerges from his fly, and he jumps at you, attempting to hump your leg.
NYCockExchange: I take another sip of champagne.
sexymaster21: look this fantasy is not going good i dont want to fuck the bellboy lets change it ok??
NYCockExchange: Okay - it's time to change things, I guess.
sexymaster21: ok
sexymaster21: i really want to fuck you.. i am sittin here strokin it .. mmmm..
NYCockExchange: Can you start this time? I don't think I did too well.
sexymaster21: lets just go back to when the bellboy left and i get out the cuffs
NYCockExchange: Oh, okay....
sexymaster21: so little girl do u want to obey me ??
sexymaster21: obey ur elders
NYCockExchange: I smile as you take out the cuffs. "Oooh, sexymaster21! You're not going to punish me in any way, are you?"
sexymaster21: i just might if u r a bad girl.. have u been bad ?
NYCockExchange: Then the bell-boy comes back, just barging into the room. He's holding a box of chocolates. "I know you're not gay, but when I saw you in the lobby.... I just... couldn't help myself. Please take these chocolates."
sexymaster21: goddamnit stop it with the fucking bellboy
NYCockExchange: "Um, yes! I've been real naughty!"
sexymaster21: ok.. what have u done bad my little pet? tell me all bout it
NYCockExchange: The bellboy jumps up on the bed, running the shirt between his legs. He looks at you and sings, "Oooooooooohhhh, my love..... I hunger for your touch.... "
sexymaster21: stop it bitch!! im fuckin sick of the bellboy.. and i will stop chattin with u if u continue with this
sexymaster21: do u understand ??
NYCockExchange: "I don't know if I should tell you! You'll punish me!"
sexymaster21: i rub my hand against your bottom and laugh "u must tell me.. i am ur master.. obey.."
NYCockExchange: "Well... I... umm.... I've been a really hot, horny, and fictional little girl lately..."
sexymaster21: mmmm i like that baby... but u need a spanking.. *spank* *spank*
NYCockExchange: "Ouch! That hurts! I haven't been spanked like this since my mom found those Playboys under my mattress! Ouch!"
sexymaster21: you naughty little bitch" i say ... *spank* *spank* .. u shouldnt be readin playboy.. thats 4 men unless.. r u bi??
NYCockExchange: "Ouch! No, I am not bi! I am straight! I just... ummm... read them for the articles!! Ouch!"
sexymaster21: hahaha lol ur funny
sexymaster21: ok now what r u wearing ??
NYCockExchange: The bellboy doesn't like being ignored. He responds by pulling down his zipper. His 9" cock emerges from his fly, and he directs it toward your mouth.
sexymaster21: i cut off his dick and kill him with a knife!
NYCockExchange: I guess he's dead now.
sexymaster21: yeah hes dead.. so what r u wearing ??
sexymaster21: look im really hard and im goin to cum stop the funny stuff plz.
NYCockExchange: I'm wearing a black t-shirt with a couple of holes in it. Green cotton boxers, too.
sexymaster21: thats not very sexy
NYCockExchange: Okay... should I take them off? The boxers are kind of constricting my growth, anyhow.
sexymaster21: yeah .. please do.. were are the holes in ur shit ?? can i see ur tits.. r they big..
NYCockExchange: Umm, I'm not sure where the holes in the shirt are at. I took it off, and don't remember.
sexymaster21: oh baby .. mm u r nakie???
NYCockExchange: Yes, I'm naked and ready for you! You said you were really good at handling large cock, right?
sexymaster21: yes!! ok on the bed .. i put the cuffs on the bedpost
NYCockExchange: Suddenly, the undead bellboy rises from the floor! His cock has been severed, and there's a hole there. It's dripping thick, dark blood. He stumbles toward you, groaning. He stares at you with lifeless eyes, and gestures.... He wants your dick! To replace the one you cut off!
sexymaster21: stop it!!!!
sexymaster21: look if u dont cut it out i will block u do u understand ??
NYCockExchange: Okay, okay... I'll make him go away. I just want you to do one thing for me, okay?
sexymaster21: ok
sexymaster21: what do u want honey
NYCockExchange: I want you to suck my cock.
sexymaster21: what ??
sexymaster21: r u confused ?
NYCockExchange: I WANT YOU TO SUCK MY COCK!!! Is that easier to read and understand?
sexymaster21: look girls dont have cocks.
NYCockExchange: Hey, you're right!
sexymaster21: dont they teach u kids nething in school nemore ?
sexymaster21: yeah ... ive got the cock.. u have the pussy..
NYCockExchange: Actually.... I've got the cock, you've got the asshole.
NYCockExchange: Bend over.
sexymaster21: look how about this.. ill im u later when u r not joking and ready to have some serious cyber ok ??
NYCockExchange: I thought you weren't gay. You still wanna IM me?
sexymaster21: im not.
sexymaster21: quit fuckin with my head little girl.. for a 13 year old u sure are sick .. but i like that
NYCockExchange: Would you quit calling me a little girl? Fuck!!! I'm not a girl, and there's nothing little about me - or my cock.
sexymaster21: wtf?? r u a guy ?
NYCockExchange: The bellzombie lunges towards you, biting your cock off. He attaches it to his groin, just above his nutsack, and begins to shove it in and out of your tight asshole.
NYCockExchange: I take a swig of champagne, and start to stroke my cock, waiting in line. Oh, when will this undead bellboy finish? I look at my watch. The wait begins.
sexymaster21: sorry my isp booted me off for a sec there.. r u ready 4 serious cyber now?
sexymaster21: r u there honey
NYCockExchange: Yes, I'm ready. The undead bellboy has been fucking your tight asshole. Finally, it ends when your cock falls off. You now have a detached penis lodged in your asshole. Unfazed, I push the zombie aside, and attempt to push the disembodied penis even further into your lower intestine with my own cock.
sexymaster21: goddamnit
sexymaster21: look ur obviously a very confused little girl
sexymaster21: i will im u later when u r ready 2 be serious
sexymaster21: u got a good imagintatoin you need to put that to good use
NYCockExchange: No, I think you're confused. I don't really care about your mental state, though.
If you're incapable of finishing this, I'll just sit here and play with my cock & balls.

sexymaster21: whatever.. ill im u later when ur serious honey.. ur on my buddy list
NYCockExchange: You're on mine, too, so we'll have to get back into this hot, gay cyber again. Let's IM each other sometime, and unleash our wild homosexual fantasies on each other.

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