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Show Me the Gay Cyber!
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 10/11/00         Score: 3.3         Votes: 129
It's obvious he's experienced with gay cyber; pretending he was disgusted by it was just a cover-up.
crystal knigh87: hi
NYCockExchange: Hi A/S/L?
crystal knigh87: 18/m/fl
NYCockExchange: Dammit, I wanted a 18/f/ml, but I guess you'll work.
crystal knigh87: lol ok
crystal knigh87: so how are you today?
NYCockExchange: It's not "today", it's 2.30 a.m.
crystal knigh87: ok im sorry tonight
crystal knigh87: ok, well do you feel like cybering?
NYCockExchange: Explain your name first.
crystal knigh87: crystal-stone knigh-typo for knight
NYCockExchange: That's kind of gay.
crystal knigh87: oh thx
crystal knigh87: so yes or no
NYCockExchange: Um maybe.
crystal knigh87: well do you wanna talk until you decide?
NYCockExchange: Help me make up my mind.
crystal knigh87: ok welll what would you like to know about me?
NYCockExchange: Are you good at cyber?
crystal knigh87: yep,but im even better at roleplay
NYCockExchange: Okay, what would you tell a girl if you were cybering with her?
crystal knigh87: depends what we were talking about
NYCockExchange: Well, come up with something, anything.
crystal knigh87: i want to slide my tounge into your warm pussy and feel all inside of you
NYCockExchange: Okay, good. What would you say to a guy if you were cybering with him?
crystal knigh87: i dont cyber with guys
NYCockExchange: Okay, this is just in theory. What would you say?
crystal knigh87: well since guys dont turn me on i dont know
NYCockExchange: Just make something up. I want to see your skill, ya know?
crystal knigh87: ugh.. but even the thought discusts me
crystal knigh87: cant you pick another question?
crystal knigh87: ok
crystal knigh87: well..
crystal knigh87: well i would slowly slide my cock up your ass and shove it in and out
crystal knigh87: ewww grooossseee... get out of my head stupid pic
crystal knigh87: so....??
crystal knigh87: hello?
NYCockExchange: Wait.
crystal knigh87: ok
NYCockExchange: That could have been a girl you were giving it to in the ass.
NYCockExchange: How would I know the difference?
crystal knigh87: i dont know
NYCockExchange: I know - you need to be more specific.
crystal knigh87: and besides why would it matter how good i am with guys?
NYCockExchange: I'm checking to see how good you are at cybersex. I need someone good.
crystal knigh87: i am good but not w/guys
NYCockExchange: Well if I can't tell the difference between your cyber with girls and your cyber with guys, then I'm not sure if you could please me.
crystal knigh87: believe me i could
NYCockExchange: You just tried, and didn't impress me. I'll let you try again, though. One last time.
crystal knigh87: ok but then youll have to turn me back on cause this guy stuff is a manjor turn off
NYCockExchange: Okay.
crystal knigh87: i would slide his cock into my mouth and slide it around tasting each part licking it all over
crystal knigh87: (gag)
NYCockExchange: Oh, wow - that's pretty good!
NYCockExchange: I thought you were gonna let me down again.
crystal knigh87: ok can we just move on before i throw up
NYCockExchange: Sure thing.... but... umm... that really turned me on, you know. You're really good at cyber. One more line of it, okay?
crystal knigh87: guy or girl?
NYCockExchange: I'd love it if you could do guy!
crystal knigh87: only if youd roleplay with me after this
NYCockExchange: Of course I will... you're getting me really horny!
crystal knigh87: ok
crystal knigh87: i slowly begin to lick your balls feeling all around with my tounge massaging them tasting them
crystal knigh87: (aaaaaaaaaaacccccccckkkkkkk)
crystal knigh87: (gags)
NYCockExchange: Mmmmm... you're the best! I'll add you to my buddies list.
crystal knigh87: ok thx
NYCockExchange: Will you add me to yours?
crystal knigh87: i already did babe
crystal knigh87: so could we roleplay now thats my expertice
NYCockExchange: Oh, okay. Could I be the guy, then?
crystal knigh87: no
crystal knigh87: no
crystal knigh87: no
crystal knigh87: o
crystal knigh87: ok you can be any age you want
crystal knigh87: just be a girl
NYCockExchange: Okay, okay. I'll be a girl if you want. But I've been doing that ever since the beginning of this conversation.
crystal knigh87: i know
crystal knigh87: so how old do you want to be?
NYCockExchange: Would it be okay if I was my real age?
crystal knigh87: yes thats fine
crystal knigh87: ok ill start then
crystal knigh87: siting in his room watching tv
NYCockExchange: Okay, I walk in, and say "Hello, son. How are you?"
crystal knigh87: whyd you say son?
NYCockExchange: Because I am 38 in real life, you said I can be my own age.
crystal knigh87: ??
NYCockExchange: I wanted to be my own sex, too, but you wanted a female.
crystal knigh87: aggggg
NYCockExchange: Look, if you'd just go back to the guy-on-guy stuff, I think we'll both be happy.
crystal knigh87: leave me alone you perve
NYCockExchange: Perve? I'm not the guy writing to 13-year-old girls about licking another man's cock & balls.

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