"A woman for babies, a man for pleasure"
Big Brother Babysitting
by: Cum Recepticle
Posted: 10/16/00         Score: 2.6         Votes: 357
Why do they always get upset when my boxers turn into a cotton tent?
Funkdidly: hey, want to chat?
Cum Recepticle
: Perhaps. Do you have a penis?
Funkdidly: of course I do
: do you have a pussy?
Cum Recepticle
: Yes.
Cum Recepticle:
Funkdidly: even better
: how much have you fucked before?
: I mean cyber fucked
: cause I'm in the mood to please a girl right now
Cum Recepticle
: Me too...
Funkdidly: well would you be ok with pleasing a guy?
Cum Recepticle
: Yeah, I guess, as long as you're okay with it
Funkdidly: I'm fine with it
Cum Recepticle
: Excellent!
Funkdidly: what are you wearingg?
Cum Recepticle
: I've got on a t-shirt, cargo pants, and boxers
Funkdidly: do you shave your pussy?
Cum Recepticle
: I like shaven pussy, yeah
Funkdidly: I've got on a button up shirt boxers and shorts
: are you horny?
Cum Recepticle
: Yes I am
Funkdidly: well I guess thats a given
Cum Recepticle
: I'm horny, hard, and ready to please
Funkdidly: wait.. are you a guy?
Cum Recepticle
: huh?
Funkdidly: you said hard
: so that kind of confused me
Cum Recepticle
: Oh, sorry...didn't mean to confuse you.
Funkdidly: so your a girl correct?
Cum Recepticle
: Would you like to start? Maybe do some role-playing?
Funkdidly: role-playing would be just great
: I love doing that
: and if i leave suddenly its because my computer froze and i'll be back on soon, just so you know
Cum Recepticle
: k
Funkdidly: what do you want to do for role-playing?
Cum Recepticle
: Could you be a Catholic priest? I'll be one of the kids that does stands at the altar
Funkdidly: I'm not really catholic so that one would be kinda hard
: I wouldn't know what to say
Cum Recepticle
: Hrm. What religion are you?
Funkdidly: currently no religion
: think of something else to role play to
: student teacher?
: I guess I could try the catholic priest one if it will make things better for you
Cum Recepticle
: Hm.
Funkdidly: but it wouldn;t work all that well
Cum Recepticle
: Well...what would you like to be?
Cum Recepticle: I'm getting all soft over here...too much thinking, not enough action
Funkdidly: i know
: me too
Cum Recepticle
: *nod* I'm right there with ya, buddy.
Cum Recepticle: So...what would you like to be? A Teletubby?
Funkdidly: ok are you a girl or not?
Cum Recepticle
: Of course I'm a "girl" silly!
Funkdidly: lets be babysitter and the girl your babysitting's big brother
: cause I am so in the mood right now to make you have an orgasm over the internet
Cum Recepticle
: Mmm that sounds good
Funkdidly: I want to eat you out so bad
Cum Recepticle
: Okay, so you're babysitting me
Funkdidly: no no
: you babysitting my sister
Cum Recepticle
: Er....I'm not into felching, but hey, that's your choice
Cum Recepticle: I'm babysitting your sister? What?
Funkdidly: ok
Cum Recepticle
: Can we double up on her then?
Funkdidly: what the fuck
: you are a guy
Cum Recepticle
Cum Recepticle: I think I said that wrong, lemme try again....
Funkdidly: how are you going to double up on my sister?
Cum Recepticle
: I meant, we were both going to have sex with her. Does that make more sense?
Funkdidly: ok how about this, I am babysitting you
and yes that makes sence

Cum Recepticle
: Okay.
Funkdidly: so tell me what your wearing and what your favorite thing to do while cybering is
Cum Recepticle
: So you're babysitting me, and I like to call you "big brother"
Funkdidly: then we can start
Cum Recepticle
Funkdidly: ok
Cum Recepticle
: You're ruining the mood!
Funkdidly: what?
: ok nevermidn that
Cum Recepticle
: You just showed up at my house to babysit me.
Funkdidly: ok
Cum Recepticle
: I greet you at the door. "Hi there big brother! Are we going to play any games today?"
Funkdidly: sure, whatever you want to play
: we both go inside and sit down I ask you what game you want to play
Cum Recepticle
: Hmmm...I kinda want to play doctor. I'm curious about how babies are mad.
Cum Recepticle: er
Cum Recepticle: made
Funkdidly: uhh.. err why the hell not
: we go to your parents bedroom, I ask you how you want to play it
Cum Recepticle
: Could you show me how it happens?
Cum Recepticle: I've been having these strange tingly feelings down *here* lately
Funkdidly: ok, (how old are you for this)
I am going to have to show how it happens on you

Cum Recepticle
: I'm 13.
Cum Recepticle: K.
Funkdidly: ok
Cum Recepticle
: Please do
Funkdidly: take off your shirt and pants
Cum Recepticle
: *I remove my t-shirt and cargo pants, leaving me in nothing but my boxer shorts*
Funkdidly: * I stare in awe at your beautful 13 year old breats as my dick begins to get hard*
ok now lay down on the bed

Cum Recepticle
: Why are you looking at my breasts? Is that part of making babies?
Cum Recepticle: *I lay down on the bed* So what now?
Funkdidly: no, your breasts aren't used for making babies, this is *as I rub your pussy gently through your boxers*
Cum Recepticle
: <--- is a little confused at your genitalia terminology, but oh well
Cum Recepticle: my boxers begin to rise as I harden.
Cum Recepticle: "So this is how we make babies? I kinda like it"
Funkdidly: ok what the fuck
: why does your boxers rise
: your a girl I thought
Cum Recepticle
: I don't know! You're the one that's teaching me about sex, dammit!
Cum Recepticle: *I begin to cry*
Funkdidly: uh... no
: I leave because your being stupid
Cum Recepticle
: I told you I was a "girl", that's not good enough?
Funkdidly: not if your really a guy
Cum Recepticle
: *I get up off the bed and chase after you, my penis poking through the front of my boxers*
Cum Recepticle: "But...but...big brother! LOVE ME!"
Funkdidly: ohh you almost got me
: you could act like you were a guy and non of this would happen
: because I woulnd't try to cyber with you
Cum Recepticle
: Hey now...I NEVER acted like I was a guy.
Cum Recepticle: I was just doing what comes natural, ya know?
Funkdidly: you were just outright a guy
: not really
Cum Recepticle
: I'm a "girl" dammit! I TOLD YOU SO!
Funkdidly: cause two guys cybering is fucking sick
Cum Recepticle
: Not if they're homosexual.
Funkdidly: so you can go find so other guy who is gay to cyber with
Cum Recepticle
Funkdidly: and I'm not
Cum Recepticle
: What kind of biggot are you!!!
Cum Recepticle: Hey, take your gay-bashing hatred somewhere else, buddy.
Funkdidly: no
you said I said faggots are evil

: I said I'm not gay
Cum Recepticle
: There you go! Calling me a faggot!
Funkdidly: oh shut the fuck up
Cum Recepticle
: Love me for who I am, Funkdidly.
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