Committed to Excellence
Sweet Bait Alabama
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 10/17/00         Score: 1.7         Votes: 76
"You misunderstand every single fucking thing I say, I want to get to know you better!" *sigh* Fucking moron.
shadeyinal: hi
NYCockExchange: Hello.
shadeyinal: how r u
shadeyinal: u thair
shadeyinal: u like a good chat
NYCockExchange: I like a good chat too.
shadeyinal: a/s/l cool me to
NYCockExchange: 13-F-UT, you?
shadeyinal: 20/m/ala wow
NYCockExchange: Ala? Alaska? Alabama? Alcatraz?
shadeyinal: i did not know u wos only 13
shadeyinal: alabama
NYCockExchange: Okay, if you are from Alcatraz, I don't want to cyber with you, you should be having buttsex with your cellmate.
shadeyinal: no.. i'm from ALABAMA
NYCockExchange: Oh, okay. ALABAMA.... Didn't you guys go on a farewell tour, or something?
NYCockExchange: Was that you, or the Oak Ridge Boys who did "Elvira"?
shadeyinal: what?
shadeyinal: thats the state i'm from
NYCockExchange: You're from Elvira? Where's that?
shadeyinal: so what do u do for fun
shadeyinal: no iM from alabama
NYCockExchange: Yeah, I know, you told me that.
shadeyinal: well what r u talking a bout
NYCockExchange: <---- I'm talking about this, I really admire your music!!!
shadeyinal: i dont ply for alabama
NYCockExchange: Why not? Did the people there piss you off? Have you thought about changing your name, then?
shadeyinal: whats my name got to do with it
shadeyinal: my name is chris
shadeyinal: i live in alabama
shadeyinal: but i dont like alabama
NYCockExchange: Why don't you move, then?
shadeyinal: i will soon as i can
shadeyinal: were do u live
shadeyinal: what do u like to do for fun
NYCockExchange: Chris. So you don't know Dave, John, Jim, Donny, and Randy?
shadeyinal: nop
shadeyinal: u
NYCockExchange: Okay, because they're in Alabama.
shadeyinal: were do u live
shadeyinal: were at in alabama
NYCockExchange: I mean, they're not in Alabama, the state, they're in Alabama the group!
NYCockExchange: Huh? I don't even know if they actually live in Alabama.
shadeyinal: k
shadeyinal: tell alittle about yr self
NYCockExchange: Well, I'm not from Alabama, I've never been there, and I hate country music.
shadeyinal: i hate country music to
shadeyinal: u have apic
shadeyinal: u stell thir
NYCockExchange: "Epic"? Yeah, I got it on CD. It's not the best song FNM ever did, but it was their most famous.
shadeyinal: no a picture
NYCockExchange: Sorry, I don't know that song.
shadeyinal: do u have a picture of you
shadeyinal: well got to go now see ya later
NYCockExchange: Who's that by? I'm not sure I know it. Gimme the band name, I'll try to find it on Napster.
shadeyinal: nothen got to go seeya
NYCockExchange: Okay, when will you be here?
shadeyinal: wen u give me a picture of you....
shadeyinal: later on maybe k see ya
NYCockExchange: Okay....
NYCockExchange: So what you're saying is, you want me to download it and send it to you?
shadeyinal: u have one
NYCockExchange: Why should I send it, if you have it already?
shadeyinal: no i dont have it already
shadeyinal: u have not sendt me one
NYCockExchange: Okay, obviously you can get on Napster and download "A Picture of You" if you wanted to, but you are too lazy to, and you won't tell me who it's by, either.
NYCockExchange: I guess what I'm trying to say is: stop fucking with me!
shadeyinal: no not the song
shadeyinal: something to show me what u look like do u understan
NYCockExchange: Those sound like good lyrics... maybe I should download it.
shadeyinal: i would like to see how u look
NYCockExchange: Who sings it?
NYCockExchange: Oh yeah, keep writing 'em, if you like!
shadeyinal: bye got to go now see ya
NYCockExchange: Um. Is that the end of the song?
NYCockExchange: "Something to show me what you look like / do you understand / I would like to see how you look / Bye got to go now see ya"
NYCockExchange: Seems kind of... short. I don't really get it. Never really builds up.
shadeyinal: u are fucking with me quit
NYCockExchange: Oh, there's a chorus?
shadeyinal: bye got to go got work in the morning
shadeyinal: see ya
NYCockExchange: What sort of a fucking chorus is that? "You are fucking with me quit / Bye got to work in the morning / See ya"
NYCockExchange: You sure listen to some strange shit, man.

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