Don't let the uterus beat you - Joe Rogan
Feel-Bad Bait of the Year
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 10/22/00         Score: 3.3         Votes: 118
Be warned: Not only is this fucking long, but it's depressing & has minimal sex. Sadists only.
eliteKIT101: are you for real
eliteKIT101: lets do it
NYCockExchange: Okay, as long as you start.
eliteKIT101: sorry i only do ladies first
eliteKIT101: later
NYCockExchange: Looks like I lost a lazy guy.
eliteKIT101: lazy ?
eliteKIT101: its too wierd anyhow
eliteKIT101: your 13
eliteKIT101: im 19
NYCockExchange: Then what the fuck did you IM me for?
eliteKIT101: and hot as fuck
NYCockExchange: Yeah, I'll be you are.
eliteKIT101: cuase your profile say 18
NYCockExchange: But it also says I am 13. And you IM'ed me anyway.
eliteKIT101: thats why i said are forreal
eliteKIT101: are you for real
NYCockExchange: Well are we gonna cyber of not?
eliteKIT101: sure
NYCockExchange: Okay, start.
eliteKIT101: your unzipping my pants i
NYCockExchange: Okay, I'm unzipping your pants.
NYCockExchange: I reach down, and try to pull the zipper down, but it is stuck.
eliteKIT101: so i do it for you while you pull your pants off
NYCockExchange: Um, my zipper is stuck too.
eliteKIT101: ok later
NYCockExchange: Okay, see ya.
eliteKIT101: i got a question
NYCockExchange: Yes?
eliteKIT101: is that how you cyber
eliteKIT101: its kinda wierd
NYCockExchange: DAMMIT. You're new at this, aren't you?
eliteKIT101: actually a little
eliteKIT101: teach me
NYCockExchange: Well, we have to build up tension at first. You can't just jump right in and start fucking the shit out of me, there's no build-up.
eliteKIT101: i see
eliteKIT101: so how would i start
NYCockExchange: Just start, I'll let you know how you are doing.
eliteKIT101: i dont know how to start
eliteKIT101: dammit
eliteKIT101: what do others say to you when they start
NYCockExchange: I won't say, you need to be original.
NYCockExchange: Don't tell me you're getting stage fright.
eliteKIT101: no but i just dont know how i would go about starting
NYCockExchange: Well you need to take a step out and try.
eliteKIT101: do i start by like spotting you in a room
eliteKIT101: or are we alone somewhere
NYCockExchange: You have to decide.
eliteKIT101: cant you just start this once
eliteKIT101: your experienced
NYCockExchange: NO, I cannot, you will never get good at it unless you try.
eliteKIT101: ok fine
eliteKIT101: ugh
eliteKIT101: we spot each other at the mall
eliteKIT101: i walk up to you and your with your friends and so am i
NYCockExchange: Okay. I see you with your friends, and you see me with my friends.
eliteKIT101: we start talking about nothing
NYCockExchange: Then my friend says, "So... you got a girlfriend?" As she is chewing gum.
eliteKIT101: i say no as my friends laugh
eliteKIT101: and i ask your friend if you have a boyfriend
NYCockExchange: I walk away, a little shy. My friend says, "No, she doesn't, but she thinks you are hot."
NYCockExchange: She asks if you have a pen and paper./
eliteKIT101: i say i do and give it to your friend
eliteKIT101: and i see her walk toward you
NYCockExchange: Then I write my phone number, give her the pen and paper back. She gives you the pen and paper.
NYCockExchange: "She's kind of shy," she says. "She'd like to talk to you, though."
NYCockExchange: "Will you call her?"
eliteKIT101: i say yes
eliteKIT101: and i give her my phone number for you
NYCockExchange: Okay. My friends take the number and walk up to me. They hand me the number.
NYCockExchange: We turn to leave, and I smile at you as I go.
NYCockExchange: "Call her at 8!" says my friend, as we're walking away.
eliteKIT101: my friend and i leave go to his house and we chill there for a while
eliteKIT101: its getting close to eight
NYCockExchange: Yes, it is. Twilight is setting in.
NYCockExchange: You gonna call the number?
eliteKIT101: so i pick up the phone and call you and you answer
NYCockExchange: "Hello?" says a voice on the other end.
eliteKIT101: i ask what your plans are for the rest of the night
NYCockExchange: "My plans? Who is this?!?"
eliteKIT101: and if you want to do somthing
NYCockExchange: "Who is this? Hello?"
eliteKIT101: i tell you we met at the mall earlier
eliteKIT101: and exchanged numbers
NYCockExchange: "I haven't been to the mall today, I was at my uncle's funeral."
NYCockExchange: "Maybe you have the wrong number? Who are you trying to get a hold of?"
eliteKIT101: i laugh and try to refresh your memory
NYCockExchange: "Um, I was at the mall YESTERDAY, but I didn't give anyone my number. I just bought some GAP jeans and left. Who are you?"
eliteKIT101: i get confused and say i might have the wrong number then
eliteKIT101: i hang up
NYCockExchange: *click*
NYCockExchange: (You're doing good!)
eliteKIT101: (thanks)
eliteKIT101: im so sure it was the right number that i dont even call it back
eliteKIT101: later that week my friend and i are at the movie theater
NYCockExchange: Me and my friends are there, too.
eliteKIT101: i wave to you and you smile at me
eliteKIT101: i walk up to you and say i tried to call you
NYCockExchange: I turn away, shy. My friend says, "Hey! It's you!"
NYCockExchange: "You never called her!"
eliteKIT101: i tell your friend what happened
NYCockExchange: You get some angry looks from people who are trying to watch the movie.
eliteKIT101: i get pissed and ask you to come out to my car and talk with me
NYCockExchange: My friends don't want me to go outside alone with you.
NYCockExchange: They're kind of protective that way.
eliteKIT101: the movie is kinda crowded so i wait till after to talk
NYCockExchange: Okay, I sit down and watch the movie while eating popcorn. Then the movie is over.
eliteKIT101: as were walkin out i ask you if you and your friend if you want to come over and hang out for a while
eliteKIT101: i tell you im haveing a little party
NYCockExchange: My friend says "That sounds like fun, when do you want us to be there?"
eliteKIT101: i tell you 11
eliteKIT101: its about ten now
NYCockExchange: My friend says, "That sounds like it will be lots of fun! I love parties! We'll see you there, okay?"
eliteKIT101: i hear a knock on the door at about 15 after 11
NYCockExchange: It's the police.
NYCockExchange: "You guys have your music a little too loud, I'm going to have to ask you to turn it down."
NYCockExchange: "We've had complaints from your neighbors, don't make us come out again, okay?"
eliteKIT101: one of them is my friends dad i turn down the music and they tell us to be safe as they leave
NYCockExchange: They leave, driving off quietly into the night.
eliteKIT101: i see you pull up with your friend
NYCockExchange: I can't pull up, I don't have a license, I am 13.
NYCockExchange: But my mom drives up with me & my friend.
eliteKIT101: and you get out and i walk to the car and meet your mom she likes me
NYCockExchange: My mom really likes you a lot.
NYCockExchange: You're talking with her for half an hour.
eliteKIT101: she likes me soo much that she trusts me and lets you bothe spend the night
NYCockExchange: And then she drives off quietly into the night, just like the cops did earlier.
NYCockExchange: And then you go back in, but you can't seem to find me.
NYCockExchange: My friend walks up to you.
eliteKIT101: she tells me that your up stairs in my bed sleeping
NYCockExchange: And then you go upstairs, but I am not in your bed. Then you see my friend behind you.
NYCockExchange: "Um, I lied, she ran away because you were talking to her mom for half and hour. You ignored her."
NYCockExchange: "You should go find her, it's night and she's probably cold out there."
eliteKIT101: i go look for you and find you at the park four blocks over i see you sitting on a swing freezing
eliteKIT101: i give you my coat
eliteKIT101: and kiss you
eliteKIT101: and apologize
NYCockExchange: I push you back a bit, get off the swing and step back.
eliteKIT101: i ask you whats wrong
NYCockExchange: I turn away from you, my arms folded. I'm shivering.
eliteKIT101: i come up behind you and hold you in my arms and ask you whats wrong agian
NYCockExchange: I jump a little, then take a few steps away, shaking my head.
eliteKIT101: i ask you whats wrong agian
NYCockExchange: And I shake my head again. I nod toward your house, and start walking there with you.
NYCockExchange: (You're so good! )
eliteKIT101: we get there and everyone left the house is empty
eliteKIT101: (thanks)
NYCockExchange: I look around for my friend, wondering where she went.
NYCockExchange: She's fucking your friend outside, on the back porch.
NYCockExchange: I go up to her and call her a slut.
eliteKIT101: i cant believe it
NYCockExchange: Neither can I... she's such and easy tramp. I am hurt.
NYCockExchange: I call my mom to pick me up, she drives up after a while & takes me home and comforts me.
NYCockExchange: She gives me hot cocoa and I go to sleep happy.
eliteKIT101: i punch my friend in the mouth for what he did
eliteKIT101: im upset the way things turned out
eliteKIT101: i cant sleep the whole night
NYCockExchange: Your friend asks, "What the fuck, man? I just wanted some sex, ya know?"
NYCockExchange: (Oh, you got a violent side, eh?)
eliteKIT101: i call him an ass and say what about your girlfriend
eliteKIT101: (somtimes)
NYCockExchange: "Debbie and I broke up the night before that, I thought someone told you!"
NYCockExchange: "Man, what's wrong with you? I know you were trying to get a piece of ass, too... ...!"
eliteKIT101: i tell him that your not like that
eliteKIT101: that your different and i will wait till you want to
NYCockExchange: "Huh? What do you mean, man? You've changed... god, my jaw hurts. You didn't have to hit me so hard, man."
eliteKIT101: i hit him agian and walk in my bedroom
NYCockExchange: He follows you, and takes a swing at you.
eliteKIT101: i laugh and tell him to get over it
eliteKIT101: im way bigger than you
NYCockExchange: He's really pissed off, he doesn't care about your size. He punches you in the stomach, so you keel over a little, then follows up with a punch to your right eye.
eliteKIT101: i wipe the blood off my face and tell him too go to bed
NYCockExchange: "FUCK YOU, MAN!" he shouts, walking quickly down the hall and out of the house. "I'LL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS!!"
NYCockExchange: He leaves.
eliteKIT101: i go to bed extremly upset
NYCockExchange: Then the next morning comes. I wake up, and go to the mall with my friends.
NYCockExchange: ...But not that one slut friend of mine.
eliteKIT101: im there by myself walking around
eliteKIT101: i have a cut on my eye
NYCockExchange: I head over to Macy's, looking at the girl's clothes.
NYCockExchange: One of my friends is out shopping somewhere else, and sees you.
NYCockExchange: She recognizes you, and asks what happened to your eye.
eliteKIT101: i tell her its a long story and ask where your at
NYCockExchange: "She's out shopping somewhere... I have time to listen to your story!" she smiles.
NYCockExchange: She looks at you, a little concerned.
eliteKIT101: i insist on knowing were you are and talking to you
NYCockExchange: "She went to Mervyn's, she shopping for clothes," she says, a little surprised at your aggressive tone.
eliteKIT101: i leave with no explanation
eliteKIT101: your friend follows me
NYCockExchange: Yes, she does. She's worried, afraid you're violent.
eliteKIT101: i get there looking for you
eliteKIT101: your friend got to you first
NYCockExchange: You see some of my friends near where I am.
NYCockExchange: "Um, she's kind of busy," they say. "She's in the changing room."
eliteKIT101: i come there and ask to talk to you
NYCockExchange: You don't hear any answer inside, just some moving around of clothes.
NYCockExchange: My friend grabs you by the shirt.... "Um, you shouldn't go near there," she says.
eliteKIT101: i slip in there with you and explain myself before you slap me
eliteKIT101: you see my eye
eliteKIT101: and i look like a wreck
NYCockExchange: You slip in, and I'm half naked. I scream.
NYCockExchange: My friends give you a disgusted look, and customer service runs over, asking what's wrong.
eliteKIT101: they tell me to get out of the store
eliteKIT101: i go home waiting by the phone
eliteKIT101: just hoping you call me
NYCockExchange: You hear the phone ring.
eliteKIT101: i pick up
NYCockExchange: It's my slutty friend, asking if your friend is there.
eliteKIT101: i hang up
NYCockExchange: The phone rings again.
eliteKIT101: and punch the wall
eliteKIT101: i pick up agian
NYCockExchange: "Hello?"
eliteKIT101: i ask who it is
NYCockExchange: "Why did you hang up on me?"
eliteKIT101: i tell her quickly and hangup the phone agian
eliteKIT101: i start thinkin that i blew it with you
NYCockExchange: You hear a knock on the door.
eliteKIT101: i answer
NYCockExchange: It's your friend, with a hurt jaw. But he is smiling.
eliteKIT101: i say why the smug smile
NYCockExchange: "Well, man... ya know that girl you were with the other night? When you punched me?"
eliteKIT101: i nod my head yes
eliteKIT101: as he continues
NYCockExchange: "Well, I kinda hooked up with her."
eliteKIT101: i cant even hit him because im in such shock i just close the door
eliteKIT101: i dont believe him
eliteKIT101: i lie in my bed wonder how and why it happened
NYCockExchange: He walks in, and goes to your room.
NYCockExchange: "Look, man... I got her phone number for you." He tossed you a crumpled sheet of paper.
eliteKIT101: i grab it and call it as soon as i see it
NYCockExchange: "Hello?"
eliteKIT101: i cant say anything cause i hear your voice
eliteKIT101: i freeze
eliteKIT101: and then hang up
NYCockExchange: I ask my mom if it was for me, but she says, "No, dear, someone just hung up."
eliteKIT101: i go to your house and knock on the door
NYCockExchange: My mom answers the door.
eliteKIT101: i ask for you
NYCockExchange: "Hey... I know you. We talked when I dropped my daughter off....!"
eliteKIT101: (how am i doing)
NYCockExchange: "She was very upset when I came to pick her up!"
NYCockExchange: (You are doing really good! Great! )
eliteKIT101: i explain it in a sensored way
eliteKIT101: she understands and goes to get you
NYCockExchange: She invites you in, you sit on the couch.
eliteKIT101: i wait there for like 20 minutes you finally come in and sit with me
eliteKIT101: i try to explian myself
NYCockExchange: As I sit down next to you, your friend with the hurt jaw appears in the hallway.
eliteKIT101: i glare at the both of you
NYCockExchange: You notice his zipper is partly down, you notice the white, thick liquid near my lips, and suddenly you understand.
eliteKIT101: i dont say a word
eliteKIT101: i ask you why
NYCockExchange: Neither do I. I walk back over to him, get on my knees, and pull out his cock.
NYCockExchange: I start sucking on it, looking at you right in the eyes.
NYCockExchange: He places both of his hands on my head, sliding his cock in and out slowly.
eliteKIT101: i cant believe it
eliteKIT101: i get up to leave
NYCockExchange: My slutty friend is walking up to the door just as you are walking out.
eliteKIT101: i grab her and kiss her
NYCockExchange: She asks if you have any plans for the night, but is stopped when you kiss her.
eliteKIT101: i take her to my truck
NYCockExchange: She lets out a surprised little moan, then grabs you by the hips and starts grinding against you.
eliteKIT101: i start kissing her entire body
NYCockExchange: She moans a bit, wiggling a little against you.
eliteKIT101: i go down her chest with my lips
eliteKIT101: as i put my fingers in her mouth and she sucks them
NYCockExchange: Meanwhile, I'm back in my room, fucking your friend with the wounded jaw. I'm riding him, and his cock is pumping in and out for me.
NYCockExchange: I cum three times, then go down and start sucking his cock some more.
NYCockExchange: My friend is sucking on your fingers, eyeing you lustfully.
eliteKIT101: i undo her pants and eat her out
eliteKIT101: i pull my dick out and she begins to suck it
NYCockExchange: Then she stops.
NYCockExchange: "I can't do this."
NYCockExchange: "I know I was like this the other night, but I'm not that kind of girl."
NYCockExchange: "I was drunk then."
eliteKIT101: i tell her about you and my friend
NYCockExchange: She sits there for a second, and thinks.
NYCockExchange: "Hmm... she doesn't even drink... SHE is the slut after all!"
NYCockExchange: Back in the room, your friend pulls his cock out of my mouth, and slides it into my ass as I bend over.
eliteKIT101: my windows in my truck are down
eliteKIT101: we hear you both
eliteKIT101: moan as he pumps you in your ass
NYCockExchange: I cry out softly as he slides his cock in and out of me... he reaches around and plays with my clit.
NYCockExchange: My friend hisses. "That fucking whore! Call ME a slut, will she?"
eliteKIT101: i tell your friend that i have to fuck her as i hear you moaning
NYCockExchange: She doesn't listen, she jumps out of the truck and heads for my front door.
eliteKIT101: she agrees
NYCockExchange: She agrees as she's walking into the front door.
NYCockExchange: ...Quite loudly, too. Some people down the street look over to see what's up.
eliteKIT101: she grabs me by the hand
eliteKIT101: she leads me up to your room
eliteKIT101: she starts to fuck me right next to you
NYCockExchange: Then I look over, and realize that I was wrong to be mad at her.
NYCockExchange: I tell her I'm sorry, and.... kiss her.
eliteKIT101: as she rides me i eat out your pussy
NYCockExchange: My friend wraps her hand around my neck and kisses me back.
NYCockExchange: Your friend grabs you by the shoulders, and you can feel his hard cock start to push at your asshole.
eliteKIT101: i punch him
eliteKIT101: hes out cold
NYCockExchange: I look at his limp body on the floor and glare at you.
NYCockExchange: My friend stops kissing my, shocked by your sudden display of violence.
NYCockExchange: *stops kissing me
eliteKIT101: she punches me back
NYCockExchange: I try to hold her back, but she's clawing at me, and I get scratched and start to bleed.
NYCockExchange: I let her go.
eliteKIT101: i tell her to stop
eliteKIT101: but she doesnt listen
eliteKIT101: my cock is still in her
eliteKIT101: she riding it while she is clawing me
NYCockExchange: I try to break the both of you up, so I run out of the room for a second.
NYCockExchange: She scratches your other eye, and it starts to sting.
eliteKIT101: you come back in the room and see.....
NYCockExchange: She jumps off of you and tries to run out of the room.
NYCockExchange: I am armed with my dad's Glock 9mm handgun, and I try to fire a warning shot.
NYCockExchange: But it hits her square in the forehead.
NYCockExchange: She flies back a couple of feet, then falls to the ground, dead.
eliteKIT101: i cant believe what i see
eliteKIT101: im silent
NYCockExchange: I am in shock, myself. I raise a hand to my lips.
NYCockExchange: "Oh no."
NYCockExchange: Full of remorse, I take the gun to my head. As my mom screams and begins to run down the hallway, I pull the trigger.
NYCockExchange: *BANG!!!!*
NYCockExchange: I fall lifeless to the floor.
eliteKIT101: (damn were good)
NYCockExchange: Blood splatters on the walls, drips down my Britney Spears and N*Sync posters.
eliteKIT101: your mom sees what happens and looks at me naked and full of blood
eliteKIT101: she walks over to me
NYCockExchange: ...stopping first to pick up the gun....
NYCockExchange: Then she shoots you at point blank range.
NYCockExchange: Everything that ever mattered to her is gone. In a fit of anxiety and extreme depression, she shoots herself in the head.
eliteKIT101: my unconcious friend wakes up
eliteKIT101: he looks around
NYCockExchange: He looks around at all of the gore and death.
NYCockExchange: He sees your body on the floor.
NYCockExchange: "GOD, NO!!" He cries.
eliteKIT101: he picks up the gun
NYCockExchange: "eliteKIT101!!! I'm sorry, man!!" he wails.
eliteKIT101: ok ok
NYCockExchange: He holds the gun next to his head.
NYCockExchange: ...But he doesn't have the guts to do it.
eliteKIT101: he runs back to his house
eliteKIT101: the police knock on his door 3 days later
eliteKIT101: his finger prints
eliteKIT101: they were on the gun
NYCockExchange: So he gets arrested, my dad is at work when he gets the phone call.
NYCockExchange: My dad can't take it, and is sent off to a mental institution for 40 years.
eliteKIT101: my friend is sentanced to life in prison
eliteKIT101: with no possibility of parol
eliteKIT101: (hey i gotta go)
NYCockExchange: My body is cremated, and burned.
NYCockExchange: (Really?)
eliteKIT101: (yah)
eliteKIT101: sorry
NYCockExchange: It's alright, that was fun.
eliteKIT101: am i a natural
NYCockExchange: At cybersex?
NYCockExchange: We never really cybered, so I couldn't say.
eliteKIT101: at writing a story
NYCockExchange: You're alright at writing stories, I was impressed here and there.
eliteKIT101: will we cyber next time
NYCockExchange: Can we do it right now? Real quick? I need to cum.
eliteKIT101: sure
eliteKIT101: hurry
NYCockExchange: Okay, I'll be quick.
eliteKIT101: you start
NYCockExchange: I pull down your pants, and bend you over. With speed and precision, I stuff my hard cock deep into your asshole - my nutsack slams against the back of yours with each thrust.
eliteKIT101: you faggot
NYCockExchange: Huh?!
eliteKIT101: this is a guy
NYCockExchange: Yeah, I'm a 42-year old male. I'm a writer from Vermont. I'd like to write a book with you sometime, if you'd accept.
eliteKIT101: why the fuck didnt you tell me
eliteKIT101: are you gay
NYCockExchange: I actually think we could publish this conversation.
NYCockExchange: No, I'm not gay.
eliteKIT101: are you sure
eliteKIT101: are you married
NYCockExchange: Yeah, I think this would be some great publishing material... I've submitted to several magazines, they like my work.
NYCockExchange: No, I am not married.
eliteKIT101: why do you go on under this name
NYCockExchange: Would you have written that if you knew you were chatting with a 42-year old writer from Vermont?
NYCockExchange: The whole convo?
eliteKIT101: no
NYCockExchange: It's brilliant stuff. You have a taste for drama.
NYCockExchange: I'll get rich off of this one.
eliteKIT101: the story was cool
eliteKIT101: go for it
NYCockExchange: Yeah. But, I hope you're not looking for any royalties.
eliteKIT101: no
eliteKIT101: i dont care
eliteKIT101: i write songs im in a band
NYCockExchange: I would like to give you credit, though. What's your name?
eliteKIT101: no names
NYCockExchange: I'll pen it as anonymous, then. Is that okay?
eliteKIT101: yah
eliteKIT101: what magazine
NYCockExchange: "Internet Conversations with Gullible Fucking Idiots Monthly"
NYCockExchange: I think it's in Publisher's Clearing House.
eliteKIT101: i understand
NYCockExchange: It's a quarterly publication.
eliteKIT101: cool shit
eliteKIT101: who is this really
eliteKIT101: who the fuck is this

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