Loved by fat suicidal goth chicks!
Bush vs. Gore
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 11/03/00         Score: 2.1         Votes: 50
Despite all of the gore I fed him, he still seemed to want bush.
BondBornIn1973: hi
NYCockExchange: Hi.
BondBornIn1973: how r u?
NYCockExchange: I am fine. You?
BondBornIn1973: Okay!
BondBornIn1973: why are u looking for 18 ?
NYCockExchange: Because only they have the sick, twisted minds needed to satisfy me.
BondBornIn1973: I see!
BondBornIn1973: Do u have a pic?
NYCockExchange: Um. It's not a good pic.
BondBornIn1973: what ever u mail me at
NYCockExchange: The blood-covered, slashed wrists may not appeal to you.
BondBornIn1973: let me see!
NYCockExchange: I doubt you'd like the huge, entrail-revealing gash in my stomach, either.
BondBornIn1973: Please send me...
BondBornIn1973: r u sending me?
BondBornIn1973: so, what babe?
BondBornIn1973: busy?
NYCockExchange: Yeah, I'm trying to alter it so you can't see the pus pouring out of my otherwise empty eye-socket.
BondBornIn1973: Okay! ThanX
NYCockExchange: And, I think, if I tint it right, the leprous sores won't show.
BondBornIn1973: Okay! No problem..
NYCockExchange: Fuck. This isn't turning out right. My goiter is still sticking out like a basketball.
BondBornIn1973: no problem dear...don't worry abt. 2 much..
NYCockExchange: Is it okay to make the picture a little darker? I don't think the I.C.U. makes for a very sexy background.
BondBornIn1973: what's ICU (is it Intensive Care Unit?)
NYCockExchange: Yeah, that's right. I dunno. I guess it's not bad, but there's spinal fluid all around me, and shattered vertebrae.
BondBornIn1973: okay!
NYCockExchange: Happily, the pillow got freshly changed... It's nice and clean. You can still see vomit sticking to the side of my face, though.
BondBornIn1973: that's great!
NYCockExchange: Does it matter if there's someone else in the picture? That guy who was trying to keep my brains from leaking out will be hard to erase.
BondBornIn1973: I don't think u need any further image processing.. U just mail me ur pic..
NYCockExchange: Okay, sorry... what was the addy again?
BondBornIn1973: no never mind..(because I don't have..)
BondBornIn1973: r u mailing me?
NYCockExchange: I'll send it off, but I need to switch oxygen tanks. You're a patient guy, right?
NYCockExchange: Hello?
BondBornIn1973: u can..
NYCockExchange: Good. You might be the last person I send an e-mail to. They say the chances of me surviving my upcoming surgery are very, very minimal.
BondBornIn1973: r u really serious?
NYCockExchange: I'm an optimist, though - I believe the new, pork heart will keep me alive at least for another year or two.
BondBornIn1973: u can take mine one also..
NYCockExchange: Well, don't bother with those fucking "donor" stickers. Put it on the black market in my area, and I just have it.
NYCockExchange: *might have it.
BondBornIn1973: i see!
NYCockExchange: *sigh* Sorry. It's hard focusing on what I want to type when both of my femurs have been completely shattered.
BondBornIn1973: so, u can on ur mic babe..
NYCockExchange: I can't talk easily, because of my neck brace. They made a special one to fit around my goiter, but it doesn't fit quite right.
BondBornIn1973: i see!
BondBornIn1973: Telepathy is another solution for this..
NYCockExchange: That's really fucking funny. I could be here on my deathbed, and you're cracking jokes about psychic abilities. *cries*
NYCockExchange: OUCH. OH SHIT.
BondBornIn1973: never mind it babe..
BondBornIn1973: I 'll pray for u in church.. so that God should give..
BondBornIn1973: peace to ur holy soul..
NYCockExchange: Look, I'm two clicks away from sending it, alright? You still want it?
NYCockExchange: Yes? No?
BondBornIn1973: yes!
NYCockExchange: Great. All I need to do, is cut this penis from some random web porn page, and paste it where mine used to be.
NYCockExchange: But... fuck. I'll have to cut-and-paste a pair of balls in, too.
BondBornIn1973: very creative..
BondBornIn1973: I like it..
NYCockExchange: Creative? This isn't ART, fucker, I don't want it to look like I have a huge, bloody fucking pussy between my legs. I'm a 33-year-old male, I should have a COCK.
BondBornIn1973: how does it matter?
NYCockExchange: It matters in a "I want to have my cock back, please," kind of way. I've had that cock for 33 years. It has sentimental value.
NYCockExchange: Anyhow, I'm ready to send it.
BondBornIn1973: don't worry! dear u had a single cock for last 33 years, but, now when u have a gorgious pussy, then U'll have many cock with u...
NYCockExchange: Now, do you want the pic, or not?!?
BondBornIn1973: yes! send me..
BondBornIn1973: What I'like to suggest u ask ur doctor to give the shape of pussy for this place by plastic surgery ..
NYCockExchange: Yeah, maybe they can fish my tapeworms and ringworms back out of the trash, and somehow use them to make some labia for me.
NYCockExchange: It's like, they were a part of me for so long, and I hate to see them go, you know?
BondBornIn1973: don't worry! Enjoy the new life babe..
BondBornIn1973: U can offer ur virgin pussy as consultancy and service fee to ur doctor..
NYCockExchange: Whatever. What are you wearing, big guy?
BondBornIn1973: pair of jeans and T-shirt..
BondBornIn1973: what abt. u babe?
NYCockExchange: Really? That's what I was wearing until I got horny. Now, I'm naked and stroking my thick, long dick.
BondBornIn1973: so, do it urself...
BondBornIn1973: wish u all the best..
NYCockExchange: Where do you live? Can I call you?
NYCockExchange: All of your compassion got me horny as hell! Don't leave yet!
NYCockExchange: I guess the gay porn I'm watching here in my bedroom probably got me horny, too.
BondBornIn1973: but, I am not gay..
BondBornIn1973: bye!
NYCockExchange: Then why the fuck did you IM me?
NYCockExchange: You wanted to fuck a mutilated, leprous 13-year old girl, but you will not suck my cock?
BondBornIn1973: suck ur self dear
NYCockExchange: You sound SO hot.... Gotta pic?

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