Loved by fat suicidal goth chicks!
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 03/17/01         Score: 1.8         Votes: 50
Gay cybersex just isn't as fun when the other guy is a weak little bitch.
haha the moose: hi
haha the moose: do you want to cyber>
NYCockExchange: Why, of course!
NYCockExchange: ...But I don't know a goddamn thing about you.
haha the moose: well, i will tell you if you tell me about yourself
NYCockExchange: You first, you IM'ed me first. So you will tell me about yourself.
haha the moose: ok, 19/m/ny
haha the moose: 5'10"
haha the moose: 160lbs
haha the moose: athletic
haha the moose: blonde hair blue eyes
haha the moose: now your turn
NYCockExchange: 13-F-UT. 5'3". ...Umm... you're a fucking runt!!
haha the moose: my cock is big thouhg
haha the moose: though
haha the moose: very thick
NYCockExchange: What about your body? You're 5'10", 160, for crying out loud.
haha the moose: go to hell
haha the moose: if you don't like it don't talk to me
NYCockExchange: Well, I am horny, and I want to cyber. But we'll need to fatten you up first!
haha the moose: how do you suggest we do that>
haha the moose: ?
NYCockExchange: Well... how about some Beefcake?
haha the moose: do you have any pics?
NYCockExchange: Do you have any Beefcake? Any kind of weight-gain, muscle-building dietary supplement?
haha the moose: nope
NYCockExchange: Hrmm... okay. Let's pretend I'm feeding you Beefcake... that would be fucking sexy as fuck.
haha the moose: do you even have hair yet?
NYCockExchange: Shhh. I'm feeding you Beefcake. It's waiting in front of your mouth. Open wide, and lick it around - I like a man who is good with his tongue.
NYCockExchange: ...Hello?
haha the moose: you are talking gibberish about beefcake
NYCockExchange: Take that Beefcake into your mouth, dammit - it'll be good for you.
haha the moose: if you are serious we can coninue
haha the moose: otherwise forget it
NYCockExchange: I am serious, dammit. You need to get pumped up. Otherwise, I might as well have sex with a broom.
NYCockExchange: ....Jesus Christ, where the fuck are you? Did you go limp?
haha the moose: listen i just want to cyber fuck
NYCockExchange: Well, put some fucking weight on, alright?
NYCockExchange: I don't know what your problem is... if some sexy little girl offered to feed me, I'd go for it.
haha the moose: do you have a pic?
NYCockExchange: Yep. I got a pic.
haha the moose: send it to me
haha the moose: please
NYCockExchange: Sure thing!
haha the moose: i fyou send me your pic i will let you feed me
NYCockExchange: Sounds like a deal.
NYCockExchange. haha the moose is now directly connected.
NYCockExchange: That's me on the left.
haha the moose: you are 13?
NYCockExchange: *sigh*
haha the moose: well you can feed me now if youwant to
haha the moose: as long as we will fuck after
NYCockExchange: Alright. Take my Beefcake into your mouth, and swirl your tongue around it real good.
haha the moose: mmmmi am good with my tounge
NYCockExchange: Let me see how good you are... show me them mad skillz.
haha the moose: i am swirling and flicking my tounge arounf the beefcake
haha the moose: soon it will be your pussy
NYCockExchange: Swirl! Flick!! God, yes!!!
haha the moose: you like that baby
NYCockExchange: Fuck yeah.... But, you gotta understand something. I like a guy with a strong neck.
NYCockExchange: I want you to move your head back and forth, the Beefcake will help you develop a football-player-like neck.
haha the moose: do whatever you want
haha the moose: you are so sexy
NYCockExchange: Okay! What I want is to place my hands on your head, to slide it back and forth. Think of this as a little workout for your neck, K?
haha the moose: ok
NYCockExchange: Sweet! I am watching your neck muscles flex and strain as you take my Beefcake into your mouth. Tell me more about your skilled tongue!
haha the moose: i can lick pussy like no one you have ever known
haha the moose: you will moan and scream as i lick you
NYCockExchange: Alright, I'm getting ready to cum over here. You think your neck's gotten enough of a workout?
haha the moose: i think so
haha the moose: let me lick that tight young pussy
NYCockExchange: Err....
NYCockExchange: Fuck. I came already. It's kind of your fault, you know?
haha the moose: wereyou playing with yourself?
NYCockExchange: Yep... just kinda strokin' my Beefcake up and down. ...Were you?
haha the moose: i still am
NYCockExchange: Okay, I'm all out of innuendos now. You haven't figured out that I'm a 38-year-old man, you've been licking my "Beefcake", and you've been having gay cybersex.
NYCockExchange: There is no help for you. It's all over.
haha the moose: that si ok with me
haha the moose: why didn't yousay so?
NYCockExchange: I didn't think you were down with sucking another man's cock. *shrugs*
haha the moose: sure i am
haha the moose: would you help to get me off now?
NYCockExchange: Sure thing. What "peels your banana"?
haha the moose: i want you to go down on me
haha the moose: suck and lick my hard cock
NYCockExchange: No, you don't get it, you fucking retard. I'm straight, I'm not a fudge-packing queer.
haha the moose direct connection is closed.
NYCockExchange: I can pretend to be a flaming homosexual cock-sucker, if you like... I just won't get any enjoyment out of it.
haha the moose: uh huh
NYCockExchange: Is that what you want? Yeah? You want me to pretend to be a prissy little faggot?
haha the moose: sure whatever
NYCockExchange: I could probably help you suck your own dick, too... Folding your puny 160-pound frame into a pretzel would be kind of fun....
NYCockExchange: Ever heard someone's vertabrae snap?
Previous message was not received by haha the moose because of error: User haha the moose is not available.

NYCockExchange: What the fuck? I thought it was every man's dream to be able to suck his own cock.
Previous message was not received by haha the moose because of error: User haha the moose is not available.
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