Still Waiting for the Apocalypse
by: NYCockExchange
Posted: 04/01/01         Score: 2.8         Votes: 63
CoNfUsEd Girl214 meets an aroused twin... Happily ever after? Read and see.
CoNfUsEd Girl214: hey baby... asl?
CoNfUsEd Girl214: this is a guy*
NYCockExchange: What's your ASL?
CoNfUsEd Girl214: 18.m.indiana
NYCockExchange: Oh, neato. There's this thing called an "Info" button, you might want to click on it sometime.
CoNfUsEd Girl214: 13 huh
NYCockExchange: Yeah yeah... Why are you a girl?
CoNfUsEd Girl214: I'm not
CoNfUsEd Girl214: I'm a guy
CoNfUsEd Girl214: this is my sisters sn
NYCockExchange: Well, will you pretend to be a lesbian for me, then?
CoNfUsEd Girl214: lol why
NYCockExchange: Just for something different.
CoNfUsEd Girl214: kinky little girl
NYCockExchange: This is my sister's SN, too, by the way.
CoNfUsEd Girl214: i see
CoNfUsEd Girl214: so whats your asl then?
NYCockExchange: It's in my info.
CoNfUsEd Girl214: but isn't this info your sisters...
NYCockExchange: Yeah. We're twins, though.
CoNfUsEd Girl214: I see
CoNfUsEd Girl214: so you sure you don't wanna talk to me?
NYCockExchange: When did I say that?
CoNfUsEd Girl214: you asked me to pretend and be a lesbian
NYCockExchange: Oh... you mean, you wouldn't be pretending? You're really a lesbian?
CoNfUsEd Girl214: no I am a guy
CoNfUsEd Girl214: straight guy
CoNfUsEd Girl214: that wants to talk to you
NYCockExchange: Oh... I see.
NYCockExchange: I don't usually talk to straight guys on the internet.
CoNfUsEd Girl214: this is too hard with you
CoNfUsEd Girl214: I'll just let you go babe
NYCockExchange: Why? What's wrong?
CoNfUsEd Girl214: nothing
CoNfUsEd Girl214: you said you don't ususaly talk to straight guys on here
NYCockExchange: I was gonna say, be for you got all hasty, is that I'd make an exception for you.
NYCockExchange: *before
CoNfUsEd Girl214: lol and whys that
NYCockExchange: Because I wanted to make sure that you are really a straight male! ; )
CoNfUsEd Girl214: ?
NYCockExchange: See, if you were some carpet-munching lesbian chick, then you would have said, "Okay, I'll pretend to be a lesbian for you." And that would have been that.
CoNfUsEd Girl214: anyyways baby.. you a virgin?
NYCockExchange: Yeah.
CoNfUsEd Girl214: thats wonderful
CoNfUsEd Girl214: I bet you're really tight
NYCockExchange: Great. Oh yeah, I'm really tight, I've never had another male in me.
CoNfUsEd Girl214: another?
NYCockExchange: Err... yeah. I think that's what I meant. What are you wearing?
CoNfUsEd Girl214: pj pants and boxers
NYCockExchange: Ooooh. Neato! I'm wearing the same.
CoNfUsEd Girl214: why
NYCockExchange: Except the pj pants are a t-shirt, and the boxers are white spandex shorts.
CoNfUsEd Girl214: mmmmmm
NYCockExchange: Yeah, I just got in from mountain-bike riding.
CoNfUsEd Girl214: awesome
CoNfUsEd Girl214: so you said you've never had another guy in you
CoNfUsEd Girl214: so does that mena you have had on in you before?
CoNfUsEd Girl214: mean*
NYCockExchange: No. What I meant, is that I've never had a guy in me.
CoNfUsEd Girl214: oh
NYCockExchange: Wait - would I still be a virgin if I had sex with girls?
CoNfUsEd Girl214: is your cherry popped?
NYCockExchange: I dunno... how do you tell?
CoNfUsEd Girl214: have you ever stuck something in you and when you take it out there is blood on it?
NYCockExchange: Yeah. It was a sewing accident, I got blood on the needle after pricking myself with it. Hurt like hell.
NYCockExchange: Sewing just hasn't been the same for me since.
CoNfUsEd Girl214: what?
NYCockExchange: I was asnswering your question... did you forget, already?
CoNfUsEd Girl214: no
CoNfUsEd Girl214: I asked if you've ever stuck something in you and when you take it out it had blood on it
CoNfUsEd Girl214: and then you came up with something I don't even know what you're talking about
NYCockExchange: Oh, also... there was another time when I've stuck something in myself, and had blood on it when I pulled it out.
NYCockExchange: There was my Prince Albert, for example... *remembers fondly*
CoNfUsEd Girl214: what are you talking about girl
NYCockExchange: ...In addition to the needle I talked about earlier. That wasn't such a fond memory.
NYCockExchange: I'm talking about things I've stuck into me, that blood on it when it came out!
NYCockExchange: Was that a trick question? Jesus.
CoNfUsEd Girl214: just tell me this... are you horny right now?
NYCockExchange: Yeah... I'm really really horny!
CoNfUsEd Girl214: well then what do you think you would do if I were in your bedroom with you right now
NYCockExchange: Well, it's my twin sister's bedroom, too... I don't know if she'd like us fucking in here, right in front of her.
CoNfUsEd Girl214: would she be into joining?
NYCockExchange: I guess my parents decided that we were twins, we should share the same room, or something, and save money. I dunno.
NYCockExchange: I don't think she would be joining... this kind of cyber seems kind of gay to her.
CoNfUsEd Girl214: well if she weren't home and we were all alone in your room...then what
NYCockExchange: Then I could probably fuck you. I'd go to town on your ass. Yeah!
CoNfUsEd Girl214: tell me in full detail
NYCockExchange: Well... let's see - what are you into?
CoNfUsEd Girl214: just the basics.. and if you'd wanna go downtown with your mouth...
NYCockExchange: The basics?
CoNfUsEd Girl214: no kinky stuff...
NYCockExchange: Oh. That's kind of limited, don't you think?
NYCockExchange: Blowjobs and anal sex?
CoNfUsEd Girl214: why anal
NYCockExchange: Maybe a little handjob here and there, between buddies, right? It's okay if it's your buddy.
NYCockExchange: Why anal? Well... in addition to blowjobs, that's all that people like us can do, right?
CoNfUsEd Girl214: ok anything you want
CoNfUsEd Girl214: what do you mean
NYCockExchange: Like I said, that's kind of limited. ...So do you want a blowjob? You wanna blow me? Or could we give it to each other in the ass?
NYCockExchange: Or the handjobs. They're fun, and more discreet in public paces.
CoNfUsEd Girl214: just tell me anything you want to do
CoNfUsEd Girl214: please
NYCockExchange: Well, I could give it to you in the ass, and you can give it to me in the ass next. Then we could get in a 69 and suck each other off.
CoNfUsEd Girl214: thats not detail
NYCockExchange: Well, how about you start it off, then? You know what you want, right?
CoNfUsEd Girl214: I think I'm gonna let you go babe
CoNfUsEd Girl214: talk to you later
NYCockExchange: Well, I could start if off, if you want.
CoNfUsEd Girl214: anything... but I need it to start fast
NYCockExchange: Okay. I could start by taking off your pants and your... boxers? Briefs?
CoNfUsEd Girl214: boxers
NYCockExchange: Okay, I take off your boxers. I drop them to the floor, and I start jacking you off. My smooth, 13-year-old male hands encircle your penis, and stroke you up and down.
CoNfUsEd Girl214: you're a guy?
NYCockExchange: Yeah - my twin sister is a girl. I thought that's what you wanted, a rare chance to have hot internet sex with a 13-year-old male twin?
CoNfUsEd Girl214: um no
CoNfUsEd Girl214: omg
CoNfUsEd Girl214: I gotta go
NYCockExchange: Well, fuck, man... you got me all hard already.
NYCockExchange: Please stay!!
CoNfUsEd Girl214: no
NYCockExchange: How about - you've already made me cum once, I will return the favor?
NYCockExchange: Have you cum yet?
CoNfUsEd Girl214: no
CoNfUsEd Girl214: geze
CoNfUsEd Girl214: later dude
NYCockExchange: If so, just give me all the details.. tell me about all of the cum, where it landed, if and how you cleaned it up yet.
NYCockExchange: I'll put you on my "buddy list"... you're my "Big Brother" now, okay?
NYCockExchange: Just don't come back later, and try to suck my sister's cock, too... you're all mine.
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